Select Publications
Book Chapters
2023, 'Caught between a bilingual policy and monolingual English practices in Chile: Opportunities and challenges of translanguaging', in Raza K; Reynolds D; Coombe C (ed.), Handbook of Multilingual TESOL in Practice, Springer Singapore, pp. 191 - 206,
,2020, 'Transnational grassroots language planning in the era of mobility and the Internet', in Handbook of Home Language Maintenance and Development Social and Affective Factors, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 274 - 292,
,2020, 'Challenging Social Injustice in Superdiverse Contexts Through Activist Languages Education', in Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education, Springer International Publishing, pp. 33 - 69,
,2019, 'Agency in bottom-up language planning: Motives of language maintenance in the south Sudanese community of Australia', in Researching Agency in Language Policy and Planning, Routledge, pp. 35 - 60,
,2019, 'Challenging social injustice in superdiverse contexts through activist languages education', in Papa R (ed.), Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education, Springer, pp. 1 - 38,
,2019, 'Multilingual Sydney: A City Report', in Chik A; Benson P; Moloney R (ed.), Multilingual Sydney, Routledge, NY, pp. 13 - 25,
,2019, 'Technology and Language Planning for Minority Languages: Cyberspora and Online Dinka Classes in Australia', in Allred M; Pesavento T (ed.), From personal to policy: Multidimensional perspectives on technology in language education policy, Deep University Press, pp. 38 - 63
,2019, 'Trans-semiotising pedagogy as an agentive response to monolingual language policy: an Australian case study', in Glasgow GP; Bouchard J (ed.), Researching Agency in Language Policy and Planning, Routledge, New York, N.Y., pp. 147 - 147,
,2019, 'Unpacking monolingual ideologies: Voices of young Sydneysiders', in Chik A; Benson P; Moloney R (ed.), Multilingual Sydney, Routledge, pp. 66 - 78,
,2018, 'Bringing Home Languages to the Fore: Policy Insights for Superdiverse Communities', in Displacement Planet Earth Plurilingual Language Education Policy for 21st Century Schools, Deep University Press, Blue Mounds, pp. 96 - 114
,2018, 'Language awareness in diasporic contexts', in Peter Garrett PG; Joseph M Cotts JC (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness, Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics, pp. 418 - 434,
,2016, 'Nyelvmegtartás, identitás és nyelvi tudatosság az ausztráliai magyar diaszpórában.', in Bartha C (ed.), Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok XXVIII. A többnyelvűség dimenziói: Terek, kontextusok, kutatási távlatok., Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 109 - 127
,2016, 'The narrative journey: Adapting research design to capture the voice of the community', in Taylor-Leech K; Starks D (ed.), Doing research in communities, Routledge, New York, pp. 151 - 159,
,2012, 'Multilingualism as Social Capital in the Sudanese-Australian Diaspora: Implications for Policy', in Gitsaki C; Baldauf Jr RB (ed.), The Future of Applied Linguistics: Local and Global Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 390 - 408,
,2008, 'Community-level approaches in language planning: The case of Hungarian in Australia', in Liddicoat AJ; Baldauf RBJ (ed.), Language planning and policy: language planning in local contexts, MPG Books LTD, UK, pp. 55 - 74
,2005, 'Language policies and language maintenance: The Hungarian Community in Australia', in Cunningham D; Hatoss A (ed.), An international perspective on language policies, practices and proficiencies, Fédéìììration Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes, Belgrave, pp. 375 - 392
,2005, 'Sustainable multilingualism as an essential characteristic of multicultural societies: the case of Australia', in Language, Attitudes & Education in Multilingual Cities,