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Select Publications
2023, 'Beside these intricate extinctions', in Keogh T (ed.), Fossil Fables, The University of Sydney, Sydney, pp. 29 - 44
,2022, 'Moving in memory of lava flows: between Te Kōpuke Mount St John and Te Tokaroa Meola Reef', in Crone B; Nightingale S; Stanton P (ed.), Fieldwork for Future Ecologies: Radical Practice for Art and Art-based Research, Onomatopee, The Netherlands, pp. 313 - 337, https://www.onomatopee.net/exhibition/fieldwork-for-future-ecologies/#publication_19543
,2020, 'The time of the temporary', in Everything is Temporary, Freerange Press, pp. 76 - 83, https://projectfreerange.com/freerange-journal/freerange-vol-12-everything-is-temporary/
,2020, 'Collective Modulations', in Heijnen E; Bremmer M (ed.), Wicked Arts Assignments: Practising Creativity in Contemporary Arts Education, Valiz, with Amsterdam University of the Arts, Amsterdam, https://www.valiz.nl/en/publications/wicked-arts-assignments.html
,2018, 'The practice of remaining perpetually contingent', in Millner J; Moore C (ed.), Feminist Perspectives on Art Contemporary Outtakes, Routledge, New York, pp. 79 - 91
,2017, 'Carbon Cycles', in Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), Melbourne, pp. 101 - 106
,2016, 'CLUBSproject: Dedicated to the perpetually provisional', in Ulanda Blair ; Rosemary Forde ; Phip Murray (ed.), un Anthology 2004-2014: a decade of art and ideas, un Projects inc., Melbourne, pp. 577 - 589
,2014, 'Primordial Projection and Cinematic Site: A Conversation', in Crone B (ed.), The Cinemas Project, National Exhibitions Touring Support (NETS) Victoria c/o The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Melbourne, pp. 61 - 69, http://www.thecinemasproject.com.au/cinemas-project-book/
,2013, 'Shaping Territories', in Hughes H; Barikin A (ed.), Making Worlds: Art and Science Fiction, Surpllus, Melbourne, pp. 124 - 140, https://www.surpllus.com/
,2008, 'Enabling Restraints', in McInnes V; Daw K (ed.), Bureau, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne, pp. 16 - 22