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Select Publications
2020, Sandstone, Phillips J; Woodward M, (ed.), A Published Event, https://www.lostrocks.net/txt
,2019, Works, Working, Work, Writing & Concepts, van Schaik J, (ed.), Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, https://www.artandaustralia.com/publishing/titles/writing-concepts-2017-volume-2
,2011, a world, fully accessible by no living being, The Narrows, https://issuu.com/thenarrows/docs/hester-newsprint-final32pp-web
,2011, Big Log Book, Monash University Museum of Art, https://osw.com.au/Big-Log-Book-2011-1
,2010, actions will occur intermittently, Hester B; Day C; Engberg J, (eds.), Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, https://content.acca.melbourne/legacy/files/2010_Bianca%20Hester_Catalogue_1.pdf
,2009, Accommodating spaces, materials, projects, people, videos, actions, objects, thoughts: relatively, The Narrows