Select Publications


Ye K; Kelly B, 2005, Using EM38 and EM31 Random Sampling Method to Obtain Electrical Conductivity Distribution Map for a Large Area, Report NCGM 2005/12

Kelly B; Milne-Home W, 2004, A Review of the Modelling for Determining Salinity Offsets Associated with the Ulan Mine, access:UTS report for Department of Environment and Conservation, Environment Protection and Regulation Division, Project Number C04/44/005

Merrick NP; Milne-Home W; Kelly B, 2004, An Opinion on the Johnson-Hydromap Methodology for Groundwater and Environmental Management in the Yass River Catchment, On behalf of access:UTS, contract for Yass Valley Council, Project number C04/44/002

Software / Code

Wang L; Kelly BFJ, 1999, EarthVision, Geostatistics, Dynamic Graphics, California, USA, Commercial, Published: 1999, Software / Code,


O'Malley N; Kelly B, 2020, Gas leaks rife across city as climate costs exposed,,

O'Malley N; Kelly B, 2020, Sydney awash with leaks as research shows the climate cost of gas,, ,

O'Malley N; Kelly B, 2020, Hidden Gas Leaks Worse Than Coal,,

Jenson M; Kelly B; Cendon D, 2018, Looking deeply in nitrogen cycling, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Narrabri NSW, ,

Kelly B; Jenson M, 2018, Where does the water come from?, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Narrabri NSW, ,

Kelly B; Iverach C, 2016, River on fire: even if it’s not coal seam gas we should still be concerned, The Conversation, Australia, ,

Kelly B; Iverach C, 2016, Australia’s coal mines are pouring methane gas into the atmosphere, The Conversation, Australia, ,

Kelly B; Jenson M, 2016, Monitoring moves to wells, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Narrabri NSW, ,

Kelly B; Baker A, 2015, Stalagmites preserve 3,000 years of northern hemisphere climate, The Conversation, Australia, ,

Kelly B; Jenson M, 2014, Floods Crucial For Ongoing Access to Groundwater, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Narrabri NSW, ,

Curtis A; Jakeman T; Kelly B, 2014, Water banking: a major contribution, , ttp://

Kelly B, 2012, What's the Hurry with CSG - fracking, Australian Geographic, ,

Kelly B; Jenson M, 2012, Deep Down Insight From 3D Models, Cotton research and Development Corporation, Narrabri NSW, ,

Kelly B, 2011, CSG conflict – we know what we don’t know, let’s do something about it, The Conversation, Australia, ,


Kelly BFJ; Lu X; Harris SJ; Neininger BG; Hacker JM; Schwietzke S; Fisher RE; France JL; Nisbet EG; Lowry D; van der Veen C; Menoud M; Röckmann T, 2022, Atmospheric methane isotopes identify inventory knowledge gaps in the Surat Basin, Australia, coal seam gas and agricultural regions, ,

Lu X; Harris SJ; Fisher RE; France JL; Nisbet EG; Lowry D; Röckmann T; van der Veen C; Menoud M; Schwietzke S; Kelly BFJ, 2021, Isotopic Signatures of Major Methane Sources in the Coal Seam Gas Fields and Adjacent Agricultural Districts, Queensland, Australia, ,

Zazzeri G; Lowry D; Fisher RE; France J; Lanoisellé M; Kelly BFJ; Necki JM; Iverach CP; Ginty E; Zimnoch M; Jasek A; Nisbet EG, 2016, Carbon isotopic signature of coal-derived methane emissions to atmosphere: from coalification to alteration, ,


Cendón DI; Wilcken K; Harris SJ; Hankin SI; Peterson MA; Kelly BFJ, 2023, Tracing 36Cl in river water of Eastern Australia, ,

Rau GC; Kelly B; Timms W; Acworth RI, 2015, New research identifies a gap in sediments and questions simple groundwater models on the Liverpool Plains, NSW, Australia, AlphaGalileo, ,

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