Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, 'A Patient and Family Journey through Systems of Care', in Healthcare Insights: The Voice of the Consumer, the Provider, and the Work Design Strategist, Taylor & Francis, pp. 23 - 34,
,2021, 'Bullying and Violence.', in The Core Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals. 2nd Ed., Australian Institute of Health and Safety, Tullamarine, VIC
,2021, 'Prevention of Workplace Bullying Through Work and Organizational Design', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 29 - 58,
,2021, 'Risk Management: Bullying as a Workplace Health and Safety Hazard', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 3 - 27,
,2021, 'Strengthening the Evidence Base of Workplace Bullying Interventions Through Prevention and Implementation Research', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 293 - 328,
,2019, 'Prevention of workplace bullying through work and organisational design', in D'Cruz P; Noronha E; Caponecchia C; Escartin J; Salin D; Tuckey M (ed.), Dignity and Inclusion at work, Springer, Cham,
,2019, 'Risk management and bullying as a WHS hazard', in D'Cruz P; Noronha E; Caponecchia C; Escartin J; Salin D; Tuckey M (ed.), Dignity and Inclusion at Work, Springer, Cham
,2019, 'The Evidence Issue and Taking Interventions to Scale: Strengthening the Evidence Base of Workplace Bullying Interventions Through Prevention and Implementation Research', in D'Cruz P; Noronha E; Caponecchia C; Escartin J; Salin D; Tuckey M (ed.), Dignity and Inclusion at Work, Springer, Cham,
,2019, 'Prevention of Workplace Bullying Through Work and Organizational Design', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 1 - 30,
,2019, 'Risk Management: Bullying as a Workplace Health and Safety Hazard', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 1 - 24,
,2018, 'The Risk Management Profession in Australia: Business Continuity Plan Practices', in Bajgoric N (ed.), Always-on enterprise information systems for modern organisations, IGI Global, pp. 112 - 129
,2016, 'Challenges and future research opportunities with new ways of working', in Ergonomic Workplace Design for Health, Wellness, and Productivity, pp. 353 - 370,
,2016, 'Challenges and future research opportunities with new ways of working', in Ergonomic Workplace Design for Health, Wellness, and Productivity, CRC Press, pp. 351 - 351,
,2012, 'Development, use and usability of TRACEr-RAV (Technique for retrospective analysis of cognitive errors for rail, Australian Version)', in Wilson JR; Mills A; Clarke T; Rajan J; Dadashi N (ed.), Rail Human Factors Around the World: Impacts on and of people for successful Rail Operations, pp. 85 - 93
,2012, 'Level of automation: Effects on train driver vigilance', in Wilson JR; Mills A; Clarke T; Rajan J; Dadashi N (ed.), Rail Human Factors Around the World: Impacts on and of People for Successful Rail Operations, CRC Press Taylor & Francis, Netherlands, pp. 792 - 801
,2012, 'The Human: Basic principles of social interaction', in The Core Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals, Safety Institute of Australia Ltd, Vicotria, pp. 1 - 30
,2012, 'The Human: Basic Psychological Principles', in The Core Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals, Safety Institute of Australia, Tullamarine, VIC, pp. 1 - 26