Select Publications

Journal articles

Wu LE; Samocha-Bonet D; Whitworth PT; Fazakerley DJ; Turner N; Biden TJ; James DE; Cantley J, 2014, 'Identification of fatty acid binding protein 4 as an adipokine that regulates insulin secretion during obesity', Molecular Metabolism, 3, pp. 465 - 473,

Milner KL; Jenkins AB; Trenell M; Tid-Ang J; Samocha-Bonet D; Weltman M; Xu A; George J; Chisholm DJ, 2014, 'Eradicating hepatitis C virus ameliorates insulin resistance without change in adipose depots', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 21, pp. 325 - 332,

Samocha-Bonet D; Dixit VD; Kahn CR; Leibel RL; Lin X; Nieuwdorp M; Pietiläinen KH; Rabasa-Lhoret R; Roden M; Scherer PE; Klein S; Ravussin E, 2014, 'Metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese - The 2013 stock conference report', Obesity Reviews, 15, pp. 697 - 708,

Samocha-Bonet D; Tam CS; Campbell LV; Heilbronn LK, 2014, 'Raised circulating fetuin-a after 28-day overfeeding in healthy humans', Diabetes Care, 37,

Tonks K; White C; Center J; Chisholm DJ; Greenfield JR; Samocha-Bonet D, 2014, 'Bone phenotype of insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive overweight and obese humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 8, pp. 103 - 104,

Samocha-Bonet D; Karelis AD; Rabasa-Lhoret R, 2014, 'Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Obesity', Annals of Internal Medicine,

Heilbronn LK; Coster ACF; Campbell LV; Greenfield JR; Lange K; Christopher MJ; Meikle PJ; Samocha-Bonet D, 2013, 'The effect of short-term overfeeding on serum lipids in healthy humans', Obesity, 21, pp. e649 - e659,

Heilbronn LK; Campbell LV; Xu A; Samocha-Bonet D, 2013, 'Metabolically Protective Cytokines Adiponectin and Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Are Increased by Acute Overfeeding in Healthy Humans', PLoS ONE, 8,

Hocking S; Samocha-Bonet D; Milner KL; Greenfield JR; Chisholm DJ, 2013, 'Adiposity and insulin resistance in humans: The role of the different tissue and cellular lipid depots', Endocrine Reviews, 34, pp. 463 - 500,

Jenkins AB; Batterham M; Samocha-Bonet D; Tonks K; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV, 2013, 'Segregation of a Latent High Adiposity Phenotype in Families with a History of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Implicates Rare Obesity-Susceptibility Genetic Variants with Large Effects in Diabetes-Related Obesity', PLoS ONE, 8,

Chang J; Wu T; Greenfield JR; Samocha-Bonet D; Horowitz M; Rayner CK, 2013, 'Effects of Intraduodenal Glutamine on Incretin Hormone and Insulin Release, the Glycemic Response to an Intraduodenal Glucose Infusion, and Antropyloroduodenal Motility in Health and Type 2 Diabetes', Diabetes Care, 36, pp. 2262 - 2265,

Tonks KT; Ng Y; Miller S; Coster ACF; Samocha-Bonet D; Iseli TJ; Xu A; Patrick E; Yang JYH; Junutula JR; Modrusan Z; Kolumam G; Stöckli J; Chisholm DJ; James DE; Greenfield JR; Stoeckli J, 2013, 'Impaired Akt phosphorylation in insulin-resistant human muscle is accompanied by selective and heterogeneous downstream defects', Diabetologia, 56, pp. 875 - 885,

Samocha-Bonet D, 2013, 'Insulin-sensitive obesity in humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 7, pp. e24 - e24,

Gentilcore D; Ahmad S; Jones K; Greenfield J; Samocha-Bonet D; Mckinnon R, 2012, 'Effects of the amino acid, glutamine, on gastric emptying and the glycaemic response to oral glucose in healthry young subjects', NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY, 24, pp. 170 - 170,

Lichtenberg DA; Samocha-Bonet D; Pinchuk I, 2012, 'Inhibition of the Peroxidation of Liposomal Lipids by Uric Acid Requires Tocopherol', BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 102, pp. 292A - 292A,

Gregersen S; Samocha-Bonet D; Heilbronn LK; Campbell LV, 2012, 'Inflammatory and oxidative stress responses to high-carbohydrate and high-fat meals in healthy humans', J Nutr Metab, pp. 238056,

Samocha-Bonet D; Chisholm DJ; Tonks K; Campbell LV; Greenfield JR, 2012, 'Insulin-sensitive obesity in humans - a 'favorable fat' phenotype?', Trends Endocrinol Metab, 23, pp. 116 - 124,

Viardot A; Heilbronn LK; Samocha-Bonet D; Mackay F; Campbell LV; Samaras K, 2012, 'Obesity is associated with activated and insulin resistant immune cells', Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews, 28, pp. 447 - 454,

Samocha-Bonet D; Campbell LV; Mori TA; Croft KD; Greenfield JR; Turner N; Heilbronn LK, 2012, 'Overfeeding reduces insulin sensitivity and increases oxidative stress, without altering markers of mitochondrial content and function in humans', PLoS One, 7, pp. e36320,

Samocha-Bonet D; Wong O; Synnott EL; Piyaratna N; Douglas A; Gribble FM; Holst JJ; Chisholm DJ; Greenfield JR, 2011, 'Glutamine reduces postprandial glycemia and augments the glucagon-like peptide-1 response in type 2 diabetes patients', J Nutr, 141, pp. 1233 - 1238,

Jenkins AB; Samocha-Bonet D; Batterham M; Purtell L; Gregersen S; Heilbronn L; Tonks K; Campbell LV, 2011, 'Increased body fat content and waist circumference in healthy individuals with a family history of type 2 diabetes supports co-inheritance of susceptibilities to weight gain and type 2 diabetes', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5, pp. 46 - 47,

Heilbronn LK; Meikle P; Campbell LV; Samocha-Bonet D, 2011, 'Metabolic consequences of over-nutrition and weight gain in humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5, pp. 4 - 4,

Tonks KT; Ng Y; Miller S; Coster ACF; Samocha-Bonet D; Iseli TJ; Xu A; Stöckli J; Chisholm DJ; James DE; Greenfield JR, 2011, 'Obese, yet insulin sensitive humans', Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 5, pp. 13 - 13,

Samocha-Bonet D; Campbell LV; Viardot A; Freund J; Tam CS; Greenfield JR; Heilbronn LK, 2010, 'A family history of type 2 diabetes increases risk factors associated with overfeeding', Diabetologia, 53, pp. 1700 - 1708

Samocha-Bonet D; Heilbronn LK; Lichtenberg D; Campbell LV, 2010, 'Does skeletal muscle oxidative stress initiate insulin resistance in genetically predisposed individuals?', Trends Endocrinol Metab, 21 (2), pp. 83 - 87,

Tam CS; Viardot A; Clement K; Tordjman J; Tonks K; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV; Samocha-Bonet D; Heilbronn LK, 2010, 'Short-term overfeeding may induce peripheral insulin resistance without altering subcutaneous adipose tissue macrophages in humans', Diabetes, 59, pp. 2164 - 2170,

Samocha-Bonet D; Justo D; Rogowski O; Saar N; Abu-Abeid S; Shenkerman G; Shapira I; Berliner S; Tomer A, 2008, 'Platelet counts and platelet activation markers in obese subjects', Mediators of Inflammation, 2008,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Berliner S, 2007, 'Inflammation related erythrocyte aggregation and obesity. Possible link to cardiovascular morbidity', ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS, 8, pp. 178 - 178,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Berliner S, 2007, 'P1-16 INFLAMMATION RELATED ERYTHROCYTE AGGREGATION AND OBESITY. POSSIBLE LINK TO CARDIOVASCULAR MORBIDITY', International Journal of Cardiology, 122, pp. S66 - S66,

Assayag EB; Bornstein N; Shapira I; Mardi T; Goldin Y; Tolshinski T; Vered Y; Zakuth V; Burke M; Berliner S; Bonet DS, 2005, 'Inflammation-sensitive proteins and erythrocyte aggregation in atherothrombosis', Int J Cardiol, 98, pp. 271 - 276,

Samocha-Bonet D; Lichtenberg D; Pinchuk I, 2005, 'Kinetic studies of copper-induced oxidation of urate, ascorbate and their mixtures', J Inorg Biochem, 99, pp. 1963 - 1972,

Samocha-Bonet D; Ben-Ami R; Shapira I; Shenkerman G; Abu-Abeid S; Stern N; Mardi T; Tulchinski T; Deutsch V; Yedgar S; Barshtein G; Berliner S, 2004, 'Flow-resistant red blood cell aggregation in morbid obesity', International Journal of Obesity, 28, pp. 1528 - 1534,

Samocha-Bonet D; Gal S; Schnitzer E; Lichtenberg D; Pinchuk I, 2004, 'Lipid peroxidation in the presence of albumin, inhibitory and prooxidative effects', Free Radical Research, 38, pp. 1173 - 1181,

Berliner S; Ben-Ami R; Samocha-Bonet D; Abu-Abeid S; Schechner V; Beigel Y; Shapira I; Yedgar S; Barshtein G, 2004, 'The degree of red blood cell aggregation on peripheral blood glass slides corresponds to inter-erythrocyte cohesive forces in laminar flow', Thrombosis Research, 114, pp. 37 - 44,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Zeltser D; Serov J; Justo D; Samocha-Bonet D; Ben-Assayag E; Berliner S, 2003, 'The elevated leukocyte count in individuals with atherothrombotic risk factors is associated with increased leukocyte adhesiveness/aggregation', ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS, 4, pp. 206 - 206,

Samocha-Bonet D; Lichtenberg D; Tomer A; Deutsch V; Mardi T; Goldin Y; Abu-Abeid S; Shenkerman G; Patshomik H; Shapira I; Berliner S, 2003, 'Enhanced erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in obesity corresponds to low-grade inflammation', Obesity Research, 11, pp. 403 - 407,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Justo D; Samocha-Bonet D; Mardi T; Goldin Y; Tulshinski T; Shenkerman G; Stern N; Abu-Abeid S; Zeltser D, 2003, '2P-0387 Morbid obesity association with increased erythrocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral blood. Possible implications for the pathophysiology of the disease', Atherosclerosis Supplements, 4, pp. 124 - 124,

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Goldin Y; Tulshinski T; Mardi T; Shenkerman G; Abu-Abeid S; Stern N; Zeltser D; Berliner S, 2003, '2P-0388 The detection of low-grade and smoldering internal inflammation in obese individuals — Comparative analysis between C-reactive protein and other simple biomarkers', Atherosclerosis Supplements, 4, pp. 124 - 124,

Soffery ; Samocha-Bone D; Weissenberg R; Madgar Y; Golan R; Shochat L; Lewin LM, 1999, 'Defaut de decondensation nucleaire du sperme humain détecte par la cytometrie en flux', Andrologie, 9, pp. 117

Samocha-Bone D; Lewin LM; Weissenberg R; Madgar Y; Soffer Y; Shochat L; Golan R, 1998, 'In-vitro human spermatozoa nuclear decondensation assessed by flow cytometry', Mol Hum Reprod, 4, pp. 133 - 137,

Conference Papers

Reveley H; Frank L; Javadpour A; Samocha-Bonet D; Hold G; Lambert K, 2022, 'Emulsifier intake in a cohort of Australians with inflammatory bowel disease', in JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, pp. 219 - 219,

Elshorbagy AK; Jerneren F; Samocha-Bonet D; Refsum H; Heilbronn LK, 2016, 'Plasma S-adenosylmethionine, but not methionine, increases in response to overfeeding in humans', in AMINO ACIDS, SPRINGER WIEN, pp. 629 - 629,

Tang A; Tonks K; Pocock N; Campbell LV; Chisholm DJ; Samocha-Bonet D; Greenfield JR, 2015, 'Lower Visceral Android Fat Mass Identifies Insulin-Sensitive Overweight / Obese Women, but Not Men', in Lower Visceral Android Fat Mass Identifies Insulin-Sensitive Overweight / Obese Women, but Not Men, ENDO 2015, presented at ENDO 2015, 05 March 2015 - 08 March 2015

Tonks K; White C; Center J; Chisholm DJ; Greenfield JR; Samocha-Bonet D, 2015, 'Bone Turnover Markers Are Suppressed in Insulin Resistant Humans, Independent of Adiposity, Suggesting Bone Remains Insulin Responsive in Insulin Resistant States', in Bone Turnover Markers Are Suppressed in Insulin Resistant Humans, Independent of Adiposity, Suggesting Bone Remains Insulin Responsive in Insulin Resistant States, ENDO 2015, presented at ENDO 2015, 05 March 2015 - 08 January 2015

Chen DLT; Samocha-Bonet D; Liess C; Poljak A; Xu A; Zhang J; Thoma C; Trenell M; Jenkins A; Milner B; Chisholm DC; Greenfield JR, 2014, 'Dual Insulin Resistance in Muscle and Liver, but Not a Single Site, Is Associated with Visceral and Liver Lipid Accumulation in Obesity', in Clinical Studies in Obesity: Endocrine Society, USA, presented at Endo, USA, 21 June 2014 - 24 June 2014

Samocha-Bonet D; Turner N; Mori TA; Croft K; Viardot A; Tam CS; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV; Heilbronn LK, 2010, 'Short-Term Overfeeding and Moderate Weight Gain Induces Peripheral Insulin Resistance and Increases Systemic Oxidative Stress in Healthy Humans', in DIABETES, AMER DIABETES ASSOC, FL, Orlando, pp. A422 - A422, presented at 70th Annual Meeting of the American-Diabetes-Association, FL, Orlando, 25 June 2010 - 29 June 2010,

Heilbronn L; Samocha-Bonet D; Viardot A; Tam C; Campbell L, 2009, 'Experimental Weight Gain Induces Insulin Resistance without Altering Adipose Tissue Macrophages in Individuals with and without a Family History of Type 2 Diabetes', in OBESITY, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, DC, Washington, pp. S72 - S72, presented at 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Obesity-Society, DC, Washington, 24 October 2009 - 28 October 2009,

Viardot A; Samocha-Bonet D; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV; Heilbronn LK, 2009, 'Experimental weight gain in humans induces insulin resistance in absence of systemic or adipose tissue inflammation', in DIABETOLOGIA, SPRINGER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, pp. S74 - S74, presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes, AUSTRIA, Vienna, 30 September 2009 - 02 October 2009,

Viardot AC; Samocha-Bonet D; Greenfield JR; Campbell LV; Heilbronn L, 2008, 'Experimental weight gain in humans induces insulin resistance in absence of systemic or adipose tissue inflammation', in Diabetologia, Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 164 - 165, presented at Diabetologia

Shapira I; Rogowski O; Samocha-Bonet D; Berliner S, 2007, 'Inflammation related erythrocyte aggregation and obesity. Possible link to cardiovascular morbidity', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, pp. 66 - 66,

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