ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
Robertson E, 2015, 'Models of Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Design Development, Application and Use', in Rourke A; Rees V (ed.), Moving from Novice to Expert on the Road to Expertise: Developing Expertise in the Visual Domain, Common Ground Publishing LLC, Champaign, Illinois, USA, pp. 147 - 169
Robertson SA, 2007, 'The top ten inhibitors in mental mindsets: how to enhance your ability to think creatively', in Whyte G (ed.), The Creative Edge: Strategies for 24/7 Creativity, Sea Change Publishing, Sydney, NSW Australia, pp. 79 - 96
Robertson E, 2020, 'A sense of coherence: Drawing for the mind', Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 5, pp. 333 - 350, http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/drtp_00042_1
Robertson E, 2018, 'Transitions: Biophilia, Beauty and Herbaria', Unlikely Journal for Creative Arts, https://unlikely.net.au/issue-04/transitions
Robertson EA, 2014, 'A Place Where Things Meet: Creative and Conceptual Blending', The Blue Notebook: a new journal for artists' books, 9, pp. 18 - 23, http://www.bookarts.uwe.ac.uk/bnotebk.htm
Robertson EA, 2012, 'Creative Animal: COFA Grads at Animal Logic', Incubate, pp. 44 - 47
Robertson EA, 2012, 'Stories from the Shadowline: Star Wars Illustrator Iain McCaig', Incubate, pp. 4 - 11
Robertson SA, 2012, 'Courses in creative tools and models of design thinking', in Design Creativity 2012, The Design Society, Glasgow UK, pp. 72 - 77, presented at 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity, ICDC 2012, Glasgow United Kingdom, 18 September 2012 - 20 September 2012
Robertson SA, 2010, 'Creative Thinking Processes: The Top Ten Inhibiters and Models of Learning', in ConnectED 2010: proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney, pp. 1 - 5, presented at CONNECTED, UNSW, 28 June 2010 - 01 July 2010, http://connected2010.eproceedings.com.au/
Robertson E, 2020, 'Encounters and Ecologies: Using Drawing and Design to Alleviate Anxiety', UNSW (Online), presented at The Eleventh International Conference on The Image, UNSW (Online), 09 September 2020 - 10 September 2020
Robertson E, 2019, 'Using Illustrations of Plants from the Past and Present to Provide Nature Based Antidotes to Anxiety in Exhibitions and Workshops', University of Worcester, presented at Illustrating Mental Health, University of Worcester, 08 November 2019 - 09 November 2019
Robertson E, 2019, 'Embodied Drawing for the Mind', presented at Drawing Research Network: Embodied Drawing, Loughborough University, 11 July 2019 - 12 July 2019
Robertson SA, 2010, 'New Territories: On Drawing', presented at New Territories: Discussion on Design Research, COFA EGO2 Lecture Theatre, 12 August 2010
Robertson E, 2017, Cover Artwork: Collaborative Remembering: Theories, Research and Applications, Publication: Oxford University Press, publication category: Designs / Architecture, https://global.oup.com/academic/product/collaborative-remembering-9780198737865?cc=au&lang=en
Robertson SA, 2009, Cover Artwork: Deposition Line, Publication: Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc., Canberra, Editor: Offord CA; Meagher PF, publication category: Designs / Architecture
Robson S, 2016, Between Certainty and Chance: Creativity as a Knowledge Acquisition Phenomenon - how an art process negotiates uncertainty
Finlay D, 2015, The Creative Behind the Design: A Phenomenological investigation into the lived experience of leading creative practitioners
Robertson SA, 2012, The Best Works of the Biennial of Drawing Pilsen, Exhibited: Oceans Series at , Museum of Architecture; Wroclaw, Poland, 09 February 2012 - 11 March 2012, Publication: The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Curator/Editor: Organising Committee , publication category: Visual Arts
Robertson SA, 2011, The Best Works of the Biennial of Drawing Pilsen, Exhibited: Oceans Series at , Galerie SVU; Bratislava, Slovakia, 20 September 2011 - 09 October 2011, Publication: The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Curator/Editor: Organising Committee , publication category: Visual Arts
Robertson SA, 2011, The Best Works of the Biennial of Drawing Pilsen, Exhibited: Oceans Series at , Bohemia Bavaria Cultural Centre; Schonsee, Germany, 07 April 2011 - 24 April 2011, Publication: The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Curator/Editor: Organising Committee , publication category: Visual Arts
Robertson SA; Robertson SA, 2011, VII International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen, Exhibited: Oceans Series at , Bohemia Bavaria Cultural Centre; Schonsee, Germany, 07 April 2011 - 24 April 2011, Publication: University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic, publication category: Visual Arts
Robertson SA, 2010, VII International Biennial of Drawing 2010, Exhibited: VII International Biennial of Drawing 2010 : Oceans, Mixed Media Drawing at , Pilsen, Czech Republic; Pilsen, Czech Republic, Publication: The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Curator/Editor: Organising Committee , publication category: Visual Arts
Robertson EA, 2017, Biophilia and Beauty, Artists and Climate Change, Bilodeau C, (ed.), https://artistsandclimatechange.com/2017/08/24/biophilia-and-beauty/
Barnier A; Robertson E, 2022, In Conversation with Memory, Mind & Media Artist in Residence and Associate Editor Emma Robertson, Cambridge University Press, Editor(s): Barnier A, Video, Published: 28 April 2022, Duration: 0:30:30, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works, https://vimeo.com/699733898
Barnier A; Robertson E, 2022, Memory in a Time of Pandemic, Episode 6, Cambridge University Press, Editor(s): Barnier A, Video, Published: 26 April 2022, Duration: 0:23:27, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works, https://vimeo.com/699719410
Robertson E, 2022, Solace: Sunlight and Shadows, Solace: Sunlight and Shadows, Prince of Wales Hospital, Acute Service Building, Level 8 Neurosciences, 20 December 2022 - 20 December 2032, medium: Mixed media including acrylic paint, pastel, pencil and pen. Printed onto vinyl and installed across 12 walls as envirographics.
Robertson E, 2019, Reflection and Respite, Reflection and Respite, The Fisher Library, The University of Sydney, 27 September 2019 - 31 October 2019, medium: Mixed media, at: https://www.thebiganxiety.org/events/reflection-and-respite/
Robertson E, 2017, Transitions: Biophilia, Beauty and Endangered Plants, Transitions: Biophilia, Beauty and Endangered Plants, SCA Galleries, Sydney University, Rozelle, 07 December 2017 - 11 December 2017
Robertson EA, 2017, Art and Nature: Antidotes to Anxiety, Art and Nature: Antidotes to Anxiety, Fisher Library, University of Sydney, 20 September 2017 - 14 October 2017, medium: Mixed media drawings and three dimensional sculptures
Robertson EA, 2017, Archaeologies: Living Fossils, Drawn Thread, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Art and Design, 26 July 2017 - 05 August 2017, medium: Mixed Media Drawings
Robertson EA, 2017, Requiem (Red), Requiem (Red), Fisher Library, The University of Sydney, 17 March 2017 - 17 May 2017, medium: Installation art, mixed media
Robertson EMMA, 2016, The Shape of Loss (Series) - The Archaeology of Absence, Future Stratigraphy, SCA Galleries, The University of Sydney, 05 October 2016 - 29 October 2016
Robertson EA, 2015, Mapping the Memory of the World, A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE Artwork by the Laureates of the Biennial of Drawing Pilsen 1996 - 2014, Muzeum of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Gallery of the City of Pilsen and Jíří Trnka Gallery in Pilsen, 15 October 2015 - 29 November 2015, medium: Mixed Media Drawing, at: http://bienale-plzen.cz/en/
Robertson EA, 2015, Seed, DN15, AD Space, 02 March 2015 - 06 March 2015, medium: Mixed Media Drawing
Robertson SA, 2012, VIII International Biennial of Drawing, Forgetting Find, VIII International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen, Museum of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 03 October 2012 - 18 November 2012, medium: Mixed media drawing
Robertson SA, 2010, JADA Selected Work: Imaginary Lands, JADA Touring Exhibition, Latrobe City Gallery 13 Dec 2009-2 Feb 2010; Hawkesbury Regional Gallery 13 Feb - 7 April 2010; Port Macquarie Hastings Regional Gallery 15 April - 9 June 2010
Robertson SA, 2009, JADA Selected Work: Imaginary Lands, 2008 JADA Tour, University of the Sunshine Coast; USC, 26 March 2009 - 24 April 2009
Robertson SA, 2009, Ascendant and Descendant
Robertson SA, 2008, Best of the International Biennial of Drawing, 3 Artworks selected
Robertson SA, 2008, JADA 2008 - 1 artwork Imaginary Lands, JADA
Robertson SA, 2008, The 6th International Biennial of Drawing - 3 Artworks
Robertson SA, 2008, Travelling Exhibition of the 5th International Biennial of Drawing, 3 Artworks
Robertson SA, 2007, Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing, 1 Artwork Selected
Robertson SA, 2007, Best of the International Biennial of Drawing - 3 Artworks selected
Robertson SA, 2007, Best of the International Biennial of Drawing, 3 Artworks Selected
Robertson SA, 2007, Best of the International Biennial of Drawing, 3 Artworks Selected
Robertson SA, 2007, GRAFIX Biennial
Robertson SA, 2006, 5th International Biennial of Drawing, 3 Artworks Selected
Robertson SA, 2006, Blake Exceptions
Robertson SA, 2006, Curated exhibition: The Artistic Construction of Memory, International Conference on Memory 4