Select Publications

Book Chapters

Brannigan E; Taumoepeau L, 2024, ''Doing Space': The Last Resort', in Precarious Movements, NGV Publications, Melbourne, pp. 118 - 125,

Brannigan E; Wood C, 2024, 'Flow across the border: curating choreographic art at Tate', in Brannigan E; Wallis P; Mathews H; Lawson L; Kirpalani A (ed.), Precarious MOvements, NGV Publications, Melbourne, pp. 92 - 101

Brannigan E; Wallis P, 2024, 'When Choreography Enters the Museum', in Brannigan E; Wallis P; Mathews H; Lawson L; Kirpalani A (ed.), Precarious Movements, NGV Publications, Melbourne, pp. 1 - 10

Brannigan E; Lawson L, 2023, 'Precarious Movements: Contemporary Dance as Contemporary Art', in magnin E; Holling H; Feltman JP (ed.), Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of Care , pp. 278-292. London: Routledge 2023., Routledge, London, pp. 278 - 292,

Brannigan E, 2022, 'Shelley Lasica's Adventures with a Thing Called Choreography,', in Mathews H (ed.), Shelley Lasica: WHEN I AM NOT THERE, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 39 - 61,

Brannigan E, 2019, 'Whatever Happened to Dance Criticism?', in Thomas H; Prickett S (ed.), Routledge Companion to Dance Studies., Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 207 - 220,

Brannigan E; Thomson L; Day M, 2018, 'Research as Co-Habitation: Experimental Composition across Theory and Practice', in Blades H; Meehan E (ed.), Performing Process Sharing Dance and Choreographic Practice, Intellect (UK), Bristol, pp. 218 - 263,

Brannigan E; Day M; Thomson L, 2018, 'Research as co-habitation: Experimental composition across theory and practice', in Performing Process: Sharing Dance and Choreographic Practice, pp. 83 - 98

Brannigan E, 2018, 'Dance in the Gallery: Process and Memory', in Wycherley M (ed.), Invisible Histories, Limerick City Gallery, Limerick, Ireland

Brannigan E; Wait N, 2018, 'Non-Competitive Body States: Corporeal Freedom and Innovation in Contemporary Dance', in Dodds S (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Competition, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 283 - 304,

Brannigan ED, 2016, 'Yvonne Rainer's 'Lives of Performers': an 'undisciplined' encounter with the avant-garde', in Rosenberg D (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies, edn. 1, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 517 - 536

Brannigan ED, 2015, ''Dancing as Materiality: accumulation, texture, adornment and movement in Justene Williams' "The Curtain Breathed Deeply".', in Day C; Glass-Kantor A (ed.), Justene Williams - The Curtain Breathed Deeply, Artspace, Monash University Museum of Art, Sydney, pp. 45 - 47

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Between Dance Practice and Choreography', in Brannigan E; Baxter V (ed.), Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers, Wakefield Press, Kent Town, South Aust, pp. 6 - 8,

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Bodies of Thought', in Baxter V; Brannigan E (ed.), Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers, Wakefield Press, Kent Town, S. Aust, pp. 1 - 3,

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Choreographing Texture', in Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers, Wakefield Press, Kent Town SA, pp. 138 - 142,

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Dance and the World: The Duality of Craft and Content', in Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers, Wakefield Press, Kent Town SA, pp. 46 - 47

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Dance Theatre: Expanding the Form', in Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers, pp. 92 - 93

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Dance: Dance and Film', in Kelly M (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Aesthetics, edn. 2nd, Oxford University Press, New York, NY

Brannigan ED, 2014, 'Dancing at the Intersections of Time, Space and Language', in Bodies of Thought: 12 Australian Choreographers, Wakefield Press, Kent Town SA, pp. 132 - 133

Brannigan ED; Card A, 2003, 'Choreography', in Whiteoak J; Scott-Maxwell A (ed.), Currency Companion to Music & Dance in Australia, edn. Original, Currency House Inc., Sydney, pp. 130 - 131

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