Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'The positioning tensions between early career teachers’ and mentors’ perceptions of the mentor role', British Educational Research Journal, 50, pp. 1327 - 1349,
,2024, 'What would it take? Enhancing outcomes for high-ability students with disability', Frontiers in Education, 9, pp. 1322872,
,2024, 'Researching multilingually to rethink EMI policy and practices', Language Teaching, 57, pp. 132 - 138,
,2024, 'Developing professional capacity for Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teaching in Vietnam: tensions and responses', Language and Education, 38, pp. 118 - 138,
,2024, 'Online informal language learning (OILL): a systematic review of studies (2014–2023)', Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching,
,2024, 'Surviving and thriving: voices from teachers in remote and disadvantaged regions of Vietnam', Asia Pacific Journal of Education,
,2024, 'The challenges and solutions of technology integration in rural schools: A systematic literature review', International Journal of Educational Research, 126,
,2024, 'The impact of standards on novice teachers during mandated teaching induction: lessons from the Indonesian context', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 52, pp. 28 - 46,
,2023, 'Developing Teachers’ Self-Questioning Skills in a Workshop: Insight from a Professional Development Program', Journal of Asia TEFL, 20, pp. 879 - 894,
,2023, 'It's a question of balance: Reconsidering learning partnerships through genuine teacher mentoring conversations', Teaching and Teacher Education, 133, pp. 104280,
,2023, 'Teacher wellbeing in rural, regional, and metropolitan schools: Examining resources and demands across locations', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132, pp. 104229,
,2023, 'Teachers’ perceptions about their work with EAL/D students in a standards-based educational context.', Tesol in Context,
,2023, 'Perspectives on teacher standards in the mentoring process: insights from mentors and early career teachers in an Australian context', Educational Review,
,2023, 'Re-imagining teacher mentoring for the future', Professional Development in Education,
,2022, 'Employability in context”: Attributes expected by employers in regional Vietnam and implications for career guidance', International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 24, pp. 375 - 395,
,2021, 'English primary teacher agency in implementing teaching methods in response to language policy reform: a Vietnamese case study', Current Issues in Language Planning, 22, pp. 199 - 224,
,2021, 'Looking to GROW: The absence of goal setting in post-lesson mentoring conversations on work-integrated learning placements', International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 22, pp. 475 - 487,
,2020, 'Using teacher collective efficacy as a conceptual framework for teacher professional learning – A case study', Australian Journal of Education, 64, pp. 147 - 160,
,2020, 'Elements of a quality pre-service teacher mentor: A literature review', Teaching and Teacher Education, 92,
,2020, 'Operationalizing the mentoring processes as perceived by teacher mentors', Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 28, pp. 295 - 317,
,2018, 'Learning to become a teacher in Australia: a study of pre-service teachers’ identity development', Australian Educational Researcher, 45, pp. 625 - 645,
,2018, 'Learning to reflect through peer-mentoring in a TESOL practicum', ELT Journal: an international journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages, 72,
,2018, 'Pre-service teachers’ construction of professional identity through peer collaboration during professional experience: A case study in Australia', Teaching Education, 29, pp. 81 - 97,
,2017, 'Thinking globally or “glocally”? Bilingual identity of Vietnamese international school students', International Journal of Educational Research, 85, pp. 24 - 32,
,2016, 'Identity formation of LBOTE preservice teachers during the practicum: a case study in Australia in an urban high school', Teacher Education Quarterly, 43, pp. 29 - 50
,2016, 'Globalization, English language policy, and teacher agency: Focus on Asia', The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, 15, pp. 26 - 44
,2016, 'Using the instructional core to implement a professional learning program for primary science teachers in Australia : Insights from implementation and outcomes', Teacher Development, pp. 1 - 23,
,2015, 'Beginning teachers: Supporting each other and learning together', Teacher Education & Practice, 28, pp. 75 - 89
,2015, 'Creating and Sustaining Professional Learning Partnerships: Activity theory as an analytic tool', Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40, pp. 23 - 44,
,2014, 'Tribute to Richard (Dick) Birge Baldauf Jr. (1943–2014): A distinguished scholar and an inspiring mentor', Current Issues in Language Planning, 15, pp. 343 - 351,
,2014, 'Medium of Instruction in Africa: Commentary', Current Issues in Language Planning, 15, pp. 1 - 3,
,2013, 'Medium of instruction in Asia: Context, processes and outcomes', Current Issues in Language Planning, 14, pp. 1 - 15,
,2013, 'The impacts of globalisation on EFL teacher education through English as a medium of instruction: An example from Vietnam', Current Issues in Language Planning, 14, pp. 52 - 72,
,2013, 'Peer mentoring: A way forward for supporting preservice efl teachers psychosocially during the practicum', Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38, pp. 30 - 44,
,2013, 'Peer Mentoring: A Way Forward for Supporting Preservice EFL Teachers Psychosocially During the Practicum', Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38, pp. 31 - 44
,2013, 'Self-questioning strategy training: Insights from implementation', Asian EFL Journal, 68, pp. 39 - 72
,2013, 'Teachers’ questioning in reading lessons: A case study in Indonesia.', Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 10, pp. 80 - 95
,2011, 'Primary English language education policy in Vietnam: Insights from implementation', Current Issues in Language Planning, 12, pp. 225 - 249,
,2010, 'Effective peer mentoring for EFL pre-service teachers’ instructional practicum practice', The Asia EFL Journal, 13, pp. 40 - 61
,2010, 'Preservice EFL teachers’ attitudes, needs, and experiences about teaching writing and learning to teach writing before their practicum: A case study in Vietnam', The Asia EFL Journal, 12, pp. 43 - 67
,2009, 'Critical friends group for EFL teacher professional development', ELT Journal, 64, pp. 205 - 213,
,2009, 'Mentoring EFL Preservice Teachers in EFL Writing. , 27(1), 85-102.', TESL Canada Journal, 27, pp. 85 - 102
,2008, 'Mentoring beginning EFL teachers at tertiary level in Vietnam', Asian-EFL Journal, 10, pp. 111 - 132
,2007, 'Developing EFL learners' intercultural communicative competence: A gap to be filled?', Asian EFL Journal, 21, pp. 122 - 139
,2007, 'Teaching English in Primary Schools in Vietnam: An Overview', Current Issues in Language Planning, 8, pp. 162 - 173,