Select Publications
2022, Employability in Context: Labour Market Needs, Skills Gaps and Graduate Employability Development in Regional Vietnam,
,2019, Theory to Practice in Teacher Education The Critical Challenge of Translation,
,2017, Models of Mentoring in Language Teacher Education, Springer, Switzerland,
,Book Chapters
2024, 'Preservice Teacher Mentoring in TESOL Contexts: A systematic Literature Review', in Tajeddin Z; Farrell TSC (ed.), Handbook of Language Teacher Education: Critical Review and Research Synthesis, Springer
,2022, 'CONTRADICTIONS IN A TESOL MENTORING PROGRAM IN VIETNAM: IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE', in Wyatt M; Dikilitas K (ed.), International Perspectives on Mentoring in English Language Education, Palgrave MacMillan,
,2019, 'Quality Mentoring in TESOL Practicum: Challenges and Proposals for Improvement', in Quality in TESOL and Teacher Education From a Results Culture Towards a Quality Culture, Routledge, 2019,
,2019, 'Access and Equity in Higher Education (HE) in Light of Bourdieu’s Theories: A Case of Minority Students in the Northwest Vietnam', in Nguyen TN; Tran TL (ed.), Reforming the Vietnamese Higher Education: Global Forces and Local Demand, Springer, Switzerland, pp. 150 - 169,
,2019, 'Professional learning for higher education academics: systematic tensions', in Nguyen, TN; Tran, TL (ed.), Reforming the Vietnamese Higher Education: Global Forces and Local Demand, Springer, Singpapore, pp. 223 - 244,
,2019, 'Teachers’ professional learning in the context of language education reforms', in Le VC; Nguyen HTM; Nguyen TTM; Barnard R (ed.), Building Teacher Capacity in English Language Teaching in Vietnam Research, Policy and Practice, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 80 - 98,
,2019, 'Building Teachers’ Collective Efficacy: An Insight from a Language Teacher Education Program in China.', in Second Handbook of English Language Teaching, Springer, Cham,
,2019, 'Building Teachers’ Collective Efficacy: An Insight from a Language Teacher Education Program in China', in Springer International Handbooks of Education, pp. 1195 - 1211,
,2019, 'Higher education, innovation, and employability', in Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability: Rethinking the Possibilities, Routledge, pp. 1 - 8,
,2018, 'Local challenges to global needs in English language education in Vietnam: The perspective of language policy and planning', in CHUA Siew Kheng C (ed.), Un(intended) Language Planning in a Globalising World: Multiple Levels of Players at Work, DE GRUYTER OPEN,
,2017, 'Boundary objects and brokers in professional experience: An activity theory analysis', in Ambrosetti A; Capeness R; Kriewaldt J; Rossison D (ed.), Educating teachers: Innovative perspectives in professional experience, Springer, Singapore:, pp. 50 - 71
,2017, 'Paired Placements in Intensified School and University environments: advantages, enablers and barriers.', in Ambrosetti A; Capeness R; Kriewaldt J; Rossison D (ed.), Educating teachers: Innovative perspectives in professional experience, Springer, Singapore, pp. 217 - 233,
,2017, 'Boundary objects and brokers in professional experience: An activity theory analysis', in Educating Future Teachers: Innovative Perspectives in Professional Experience, pp. 71 - 87,
,2017, '“I learn listening skill to get high marks”: Student voices about listening instruction in Vietnam', in Stewart T (ed.), TESOL Voices: Insider Accounts of Classroom Life, Higher Education, TESOL International Association, 2017, pp. 99 - 104,
,2017, 'Group Mentoring: Facilitating Teacher Reflection', in English Language Education, pp. 83 - 102,
,2017, 'Issues of Implementation of Peer Mentoring for Pre-service/Inservice Teachers', in English Language Education, pp. 197 - 208,
,2017, 'Peer Mentoring for Pre-service Teachers: Developing Professional Practice', in English Language Education, pp. 103 - 141,
,2017, 'Peer Mentoring with Beginning EFL Teachers', in English Language Education, pp. 175 - 195,
,2017, 'Peer Mentoring: A Source of Support for Pre-service EFL Teachers', in English Language Education, pp. 143 - 174,
,2017, 'TESOL Practicum Mentoring for Pre-service Teachers: The Vision Versus the Reality', in English Language Education, pp. 47 - 70,
,2017, 'The Design of Mentoring Programs', in English Language Education, pp. 71 - 81,
,2017, 'The EFL Context in Vietnam and East Asia', in English Language Education, pp. 1 - 27,
,2017, 'Theories of Mentoring', in English Language Education, pp. 29 - 46,
,2017, 'Whether Mentoring in Teacher Education: Final Thoughts', in English Language Education, pp. 209 - 215,
,2017, 'Self-questioning Strategy Training: Voices from Students in Indonesia', in Dantas-Whitney M; Rilling S (ed.), TESOL Voices: Insider Accounts of Classroom Life, Secondary Education, TESOL International Association, VA, pp. 41 - 45
,2017, 'Teacher language proficiency and reform of English Language Education in Vietnam, 2008-2020', in Developing classroom English competence: Learning from Vietnam experience, IDP Education Cambodia, pp. 19 - 33
,2016, 'Peer mentoring for beginning teachers: Factors contributing to their professional identity development', in Tajino A; Stewart T; Dalsky D (ed.), Team Teaching and Team Learning: Collaboration for Innovation in Language Classrooms, Routledge, New York, pp. 179 - 193,
,2016, 'Standardizing English for Educational and Socio-economic Betterment- A Critical Analysis of English Language Policy Reforms in Vietnam', in Kirkpatrick R (ed.), Language Policy(Netherlands), pp. 363 - 388,
,2015, 'Standardizing English for educational and socio-economic betterment? A critical Analysis of English language policy reforms', in Kirkpatrick R (ed.), English Language Education Policy in Asia, edn. Language Policy, Springer, Switzerland, pp. 363 - 388,
,2012, 'Language policy in Asia and the Pacific', in The Cambridge handbook of language policy, Cambridge, pp. 617 - 638
,2012, 'Peer Group Mentoring: Preservice EFL Teachers’ Collaborations for Enhancing Practices.', in Honigsfeld A; Dove MG (ed.), Co-Teaching and Other Collaborative Practices in The EFL/ESL Classroom Rationale, Research, Reflections, And Recommendations, Information Age Publishing., Charlotte, NC, pp. 231 - 241
,2012, 'Preservice EFL teachers' reflections on mentoring during their practicum', in Gitsaki G; Baldauf RBJ (ed.), Future directions in applied linguistics: Local and global perspective, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, UK, pp. 158 - 178
,2012, 'Primary English language education policy in Vietnam: Insights from implementation.', in Baldauf RB; Kaplan RB; Kamwangamalu NM; Bryant B (ed.), Language planning in primary schools in Asia, Routledge, Abindgon, Oxon, United Kingdom, pp. 121 - 143
,2009, 'An experimental Application of the Problem-Posing Approach for English Language Teaching in Vietnam', in Stewart T (ed.), Insights on Teaching Speaking in TESOL, Virginia TESOL, Inc, Virginia, pp. 79 - 90
,Edited Books
Nguyen H; Le VC; Nguyen TM; Roger Barnard , (eds.), 2019, Building Teacher Capacity in English Language Teaching in Vietnam, Routledge, London,
2019, Innovate higher education to enhance graduate employability: Rethinking the Possibilities,
,Hamid O; Nguyen TMH; Baldauf R, (eds.), 2014, Language Planning for Medium of Instruction in Asia, Taylor and Francis Publisher,
Journal articles
2024, 'The positioning tensions between early career teachers’ and mentors’ perceptions of the mentor role', British Educational Research Journal, 50, pp. 1327 - 1349,
,2024, 'What would it take? Enhancing outcomes for high-ability students with disability', Frontiers in Education, 9, pp. 1322872,
,2024, 'Researching multilingually to rethink EMI policy and practices', Language Teaching, 57, pp. 132 - 138,
,2024, 'Developing professional capacity for Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teaching in Vietnam: tensions and responses', Language and Education, 38, pp. 118 - 138,
,2024, 'Online informal language learning (OILL): a systematic review of studies (2014–2023)', Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching,
,2024, 'Surviving and thriving: voices from teachers in remote and disadvantaged regions of Vietnam', Asia Pacific Journal of Education,
,2024, 'The challenges and solutions of technology integration in rural schools: A systematic literature review', International Journal of Educational Research, 126,
,2024, 'The impact of standards on novice teachers during mandated teaching induction: lessons from the Indonesian context', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 52, pp. 28 - 46,
,2023, 'Developing Teachers’ Self-Questioning Skills in a Workshop: Insight from a Professional Development Program', Journal of Asia TEFL, 20, pp. 879 - 894,
,2023, 'It's a question of balance: Reconsidering learning partnerships through genuine teacher mentoring conversations', Teaching and Teacher Education, 133, pp. 104280,