Select Publications
Book Chapters
2021, 'Performance measures for governance systems', in Blackman D (ed.), Handbook on Performance Management in the Public Sector, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, pp. 55 - 71
,2017, 'Reward Management', in Syed J; Kramar R (ed.), Human Resource Management A Global and Critical Perspective, Macmillan International Higher Education,
,2017, 'The Critical Path of Intellectual Capital', in The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital, pp. 21 - 39,
,2017, 'Intellectual capital and innovation', in Guthrie J; Dumay J; Ricceri F; Neilsen C (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Intellectual Capital, Routledge, Oxford, UK, pp. 185 - 195,
,2015, 'Diagnostic cues in finance', in Diagnostic Expertise in Organizational Environments, pp. 99 - 112
,2012, 'Proactivity at Work: A Path to Organisational Sustainability', in Avery G; Hughes B (ed.), Fresh Thoughts in Sustainable Leadership
,2011, 'Inter-Organisational Relationships as a Complex Adaptive System', in Gregoriou G; Finch N (ed.), Best Practices in Management Accounting, Springer, London, UK, pp. 20 - 32
,2011, 'Recent Progress in Management Control Depiction', in Gregoriou G; Finch N (ed.), Best Practices in Management Accounting, Springer, London, UK, pp. 72 - 90
,Journal articles
2024, 'Management and social order in ancient India', Business History,
,2023, 'The discovery of absorptive capacity and the practice of intellectual capital mobilization within change management processes', Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36, pp. 724 - 737,
,2021, 'Considerations of sustainability in capital budgeting decision-making', Journal of Cleaner Production, 312,
,2021, 'Using system traps to understand and potentially prevent human resource development intervention failure', Human Resource Development Quarterly, 33, pp. 47 - 67,
,2020, 'Being critical about intellectual capital accounting in 2020: An overview', Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 70,
,2020, 'Institutions, social order and wealth in ancient India', Journal of Institutional Economics, 17, pp. 91 - 104,
,2019, 'Governing and disciplining Filipino migrant workers’ health at Hawaiian sugar plantations', Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 65,
,2019, 'Outsourced supply chains as a complex adaptive system', Meditari Accountancy Research, 27, pp. 170 - 195,
,2018, 'The role of management accounting in ancient india: Evidence from the arthasastra', Journal of Business Ethics, 152, pp. 323 - 341,
,2018, 'Overcoming the symbolic violence of orthodox accounting practice: an intellectual capital perspective', Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19, pp. 248 - 271,
,2016, 'Numbers versus Narrative: An Examination of a Controversy', Financial Accountability and Management, 32, pp. 202 - 231,
,2016, 'Intellectual capital, calculability and qualculation', British Accounting Review, 48, pp. 1 - 16,
,2015, 'Leadership, governance and the mitigation of risk: A case study', Managerial Auditing Journal, 30, pp. 132 - 159,
,2015, 'Special issue on perspectives of risk management - attenuation, leadership, incentives and complementation', MANAGERIAL AUDITING JOURNAL, 30, pp. 114 - 116,
,2013, 'The Impossibility of Philanthropic Funding Decisions: The Australian Non-Government Funder Experience', FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY & MANAGEMENT, 29, pp. 397 - 418,
,2013, 'An intellectual capital-based differentiation theory of innovation practice', Journal of Intellectual Capital, 14, pp. 608 - 633,
,2013, 'The control dynamics of outsourcing involving an early-stage firm', Accounting and Business Research, 43, pp. 506 - 529,
,2013, 'Alternative Representation of Management Control Design: an empirical exploration and critical analysis', AUSTRALASIAN ACCOUNTING BUSINESS AND FINANCE JOURNAL, 7,
,2012, 'Re-visiting the interface between race and accounting: Filipino workers at the Hamakua Mill Company, 1921-1939', Accounting History, 17, pp. 221 - 240,
,2011, 'Dealing with an ageing workforce: current and future implications', Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 15, pp. 174 - 195,
,2011, '“Measuring for managing?” An IC practice case study', Journal of Intellectual Capital, 12, pp. 344 - 355,
,2009, 'Contractual and accounting controls in outsourcing agreements: Evidence from the australian home loan industry', Australian Accounting Review, 19, pp. 80 - 92,
,Conference Papers
2011, 'Is "If it Can't be Measured it Can't be Managed" Really True?', in Turner G; Minnone C (ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, ACADEMIC CONFERENCES LTD, CYPRUS, Univ Nicosia, Nicosia, pp. 123 - 130, presented at 3rd European Conference on Intellectual Capital, CYPRUS, Univ Nicosia, Nicosia, 18 April 2011 - 19 April 2011,
2022, Development of a risk management maturity model and strategic approach to risk management practice by DSTG and Defence stakeholders
,2022, Review of the effectiveness of current project management training
,2022, Measuring for a mentally healthy workplace: a practical guide for medium to large organisations,,
,2022, Measuring for a mentally healthy workplace: a practical guide for small business and sole traders, National Mental Health Commission, Sydney, NSW, 2,,
,2022, Value Chain Analysis for the PNG Cocoa Industry
,2022, Opportunities to improve the maturity of risk management practices and reporting within DSTG to meet the needs of Defence.
,2022, Leveraging Organisational Design to support DSTG in sensing and responding to strategic shifts in stakeholder priorities and maintain stakeholder satisfaction to have strategic impact for Defence.