Select Publications

Journal articles

Rooney J; Murthy V, 2024, 'Management and social order in ancient India', Business History,

Rooney J; Kaushalya T; Jayawardana AKL, 2023, 'The discovery of absorptive capacity and the practice of intellectual capital mobilization within change management processes', Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36, pp. 724 - 737,

Frost G; Rooney J, 2021, 'Considerations of sustainability in capital budgeting decision-making', Journal of Cleaner Production, 312,

Blackman D; Buick F; Johnson S; Rooney J; Ilahee N, 2021, 'Using system traps to understand and potentially prevent human resource development intervention failure', Human Resource Development Quarterly, 33, pp. 47 - 67,

Dumay J; Guthrie J; Rooney J, 2020, 'Being critical about intellectual capital accounting in 2020: An overview', Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 70,

Rooney J; Murthy V, 2020, 'Institutions, social order and wealth in ancient India', Journal of Institutional Economics, 17, pp. 91 - 104,

Dyball MC; Rooney J, 2019, 'Governing and disciplining Filipino migrant workers’ health at Hawaiian sugar plantations', Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 65,

Rooney J; Cao Y, 2019, 'Outsourced supply chains as a complex adaptive system', Meditari Accountancy Research, 27, pp. 170 - 195,

Murthy V; Rooney J, 2018, 'The role of management accounting in ancient india: Evidence from the arthasastra', Journal of Business Ethics, 152, pp. 323 - 341,

Dumay J; Rooney J, 2018, 'Overcoming the symbolic violence of orthodox accounting practice: an intellectual capital perspective', Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19, pp. 248 - 271,

Dumay J; Rooney J, 2016, 'Numbers versus Narrative: An Examination of a Controversy', Financial Accountability and Management, 32, pp. 202 - 231,

Rooney J; Dumay J, 2016, 'Intellectual capital, calculability and qualculation', British Accounting Review, 48, pp. 1 - 16,

Rooney J; Cuganesan S, 2015, 'Leadership, governance and the mitigation of risk: A case study', Managerial Auditing Journal, 30, pp. 132 - 159,

Cuganesan S; Rooney J, 2015, 'Special issue on perspectives of risk management - attenuation, leadership, incentives and complementation', MANAGERIAL AUDITING JOURNAL, 30, pp. 114 - 116,

Coyte R; Rooney J; Phua B, 2013, 'The Impossibility of Philanthropic Funding Decisions: The Australian Non-Government Funder Experience', FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY & MANAGEMENT, 29, pp. 397 - 418,

Dumay J; Rooney J; Marini L, 2013, 'An intellectual capital-based differentiation theory of innovation practice', Journal of Intellectual Capital, 14, pp. 608 - 633,

Rooney J; Cuganesan S, 2013, 'The control dynamics of outsourcing involving an early-stage firm', Accounting and Business Research, 43, pp. 506 - 529,

Rooney J, 2013, 'Alternative Representation of Management Control Design: an empirical exploration and critical analysis', AUSTRALASIAN ACCOUNTING BUSINESS AND FINANCE JOURNAL, 7,

Dyball MC; Rooney J, 2012, 'Re-visiting the interface between race and accounting: Filipino workers at the Hamakua Mill Company, 1921-1939', Accounting History, 17, pp. 221 - 240,

Dumay J; Rooney J, 2011, 'Dealing with an ageing workforce: current and future implications', Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 15, pp. 174 - 195,

Dumay J; Rooney J, 2011, '“Measuring for managing?” An IC practice case study', Journal of Intellectual Capital, 12, pp. 344 - 355,

Rooney J; Cuganesan S, 2009, 'Contractual and accounting controls in outsourcing agreements: Evidence from the australian home loan industry', Australian Accounting Review, 19, pp. 80 - 92,

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