Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ankersmit L; Fernandez E; Lee J-S, 2024, 'First Families in context: the challenges of parent-carer partnership in out-of-home care', in Fernandez E; Welbourne P; Lee B; Ma J (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact, Routledge, pp. 474 - 490

Cornefert P-A; Clapton G; Fernandez E; Lee J-S, 2024, 'Forty years of research: Adoption and birth fathers', in Fernandez E; Welbourne P; Lee B; Ma J (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work: Research Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact, Routledge, pp. 609 - 624,

Fernandez E; Lee J-S; McNamara P, 2024, 'Resilience of adult care leavers in Australia', in Fernandez E; Welbourne P; Lee B; Ma J (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research: Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact, Routledge, pp. 546 - 566,

Pittaway E; Bartolomei L; Pittaway E; Lee J-S, 2024, 'Working with children from refugee and forcibly displaced backgrounds: Throw the “rule book” out!', in Fernandez E; Welbourne P; Lee B; Ma J (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research, Routledge, pp. 729 - 751,

Besch TM; Lee J-S, 2022, 'Toleration, Reasonableness, and Power', in Sardoč M (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Toleration, Springer International Publishing, pp. 397 - 417,

Fernandez E; Lee J-S; McNamara P, 2021, 'Lived experience of Australian Indigenous care leavers: Narratives of trauma, resilience, and survival', in Protecting Children Theoretical and Practical Aspects, Canadian Scholars’ Press, Toronto, pp. 146 - 168,

Lee J-S; Fernandez E, 2019, 'Critical multicultural practice with ethnic minority children and their families', in Nipperess S; Williams C (ed.), Critical Multicultural Practice in Social Work: New perspectives and practices, Allen & Unwin, Australia, pp. 240 - 256,

Fernandez E; Lee JS, 2017, 'Experiences and Outcomes of Adults Who Endured Maltreatment as Children in Care in Australia in the Twentieth Century', in Rus A; Parris S; Stativa E (ed.), Child Maltreatment in Residential Care : History, Research, and Current Practice, Springer, pp. 419 - 460,

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