Select Publications

Journal articles

Lee JS; Stacey M, 2024, 'Fairness perceptions of income-based educational inequality: The impact of social class and ideological orientations', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 59, pp. 883 - 904,

Fang Q; Poon AWC; Fisher KR; Duong J; Lee JS, 2024, 'Coproduction with peer support groups: A new approach to culturally responsive social services', American Journal of Community Psychology, 73, pp. 515 - 525,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Shifting the belief of the “hard-to-reach parents” to “reachable parents”: Parent-teacher collaboration within schools in a post-colonial country', International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 97, pp. 101892,

Lee J-S; Stacey M, 2023, 'Fairness perceptions of educational inequality: the effects of self-interest and neoliberal orientations', The Australian Educational Researcher, 51, pp. 1215 - 1237,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Using technology to facilitate partnerships between schools and Indigenous parents: A narrative review', Education and Information Technologies, 28, pp. 6141 - 6164,

Boaden N; Lee J-S; Cumming T, 2023, 'Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and social work practice in Australia: A narrative literature review', Australian Social Work, 78, pp. 15 - 26,

Lee JS; Lee J; Stacey M, 2023, 'Attributions for underachievement among students experiencing disadvantage and support for public assistance to them', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58, pp. 573 - 591,

Lee JS; Lee J, 2023, 'Beliefs About Collective Responsibility for Educational Equity and Attitudes Toward Public Assistance to Students Experiencing Socioeconomic Disadvantage', International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 35, pp. edad021,

Lee J; Lee JS; Ellis N, 2023, 'Public Opinion About National Large-Scale Student Assessment: A Case of NAPLAN', Educational Assessment, 28, pp. 137 - 155,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Strengthening Indigenous parents’ co-leadership through culturally responsive home-school partnerships: a practical implementation framework', Pedagogy, Culture and Society, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 24,

Lee J; Lee JS; Lawton J, 2022, 'Cognitive mechanisms for the formation of public perception about national testing: A case of NAPLAN in Australia', Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 34, pp. 427 - 457,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2022, 'A systematic review of Indigenous parents' educational engagement', Review of Education, 10,

Karan P; Lee JS; Hugman R, 2021, 'Combatting Gender Oppression: Applying Intersectionality in Microfinance Self-help Groups', European Journal of Development Research, 33, pp. 1649 - 1665,

Baker S; Field C; Lee JS; Saintilan N; Saintilan N, 2021, 'Supporting students’ academic literacies in post-covid-19 times: Developing digital videos to develop students’ critical academic reading practices', Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18, pp. 35 - 49,

Lee JS; Besch TM, 2020, 'Critical reflection on toleration in social work', European Journal of Social Work, 23, pp. 18 - 29,

Poon AWC; Lee JS, 2019, 'Carers of People with Mental Illness from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities', Australian Social Work, 72, pp. 312 - 324,

Fernandez EA; Lee J-S; McNamara P, 2018, 'Uprooted from Everything that Attaches You:Long-Term Outcomes of Former Child Migrants in Care in the Twentieth Century in Australia', British Journal of Social Work, 49, pp. 523 - 545,

Fernandez E; Lee JS; Foote W; Blunden H; McNamara P; Kovacs S; Cornefert P-A, 2017, '‘There's More to be Done; “Sorry” is Just a Word’: Legacies of Out-of-Home Care in the 20th Century', Children Australia, 42, pp. 176 - 176,

Besch TM; Lee J-S, 2017, 'On toleration in social work', European Journal of Social Work, 21, pp. 1 - 12,

Lee J-S; Bartolomei L; Pittaway E, 2016, 'Survey research with preliterate adult populations in post conflict situations using researcher-assisted self-completion questionnaires', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19, pp. 717 - 730,

Lee K; Lee J-S, 2016, 'Parental book reading and social-emotional outcomes for Head Start children in foster care', Social Work in Public Health, 31, pp. 408 - 418,

Lee J-S; Lee K, 2016, 'Material hardships and social support among Australian families with children', Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, pp. 1539 - 1549,

Dowse L; Cumming TM; Strnadová I; Lee JS; Trofimovs J, 2014, 'Young People with Complex Needs in the Criminal Justice System', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, pp. 1 - 12,

Lee J-S, 2014, 'The attainability of university degrees and their labour market benefits for young Australians', Higher Education, 68, pp. 449 - 469,

Lee JS, 2014, 'The relationship between student engagement and academic performance: Is it a myth or reality?', Journal of Educational Research, 107, pp. 177 - 185,

Fernandez EA; Lee J-S, 2013, 'Accomplishing family reunification for children in care: An Australian study', Children and Youth Services Review, 35, pp. 1374 - 1384,

Lee J-S, 2012, 'School social work in Australia', Australian Social Work, 65, pp. 552 - 570,

Lee J-S, 2012, 'The effects of the teacher-student relationship and academic press on student engagement and academic performance', International Journal of Educational Research, 53, pp. 330 - 340,

Fraser M; Lee J-S; Kupper L; Day S, 2011, 'A controlled trial of the Making Choices program: Six-month follow-up', Research on Social Work Practice, 21, pp. 165 - 176,

Fernandez EA; Lee J-S, 2011, 'Returning children in care to their families: Factors associated with the speed of reunification', Child Indicators Research, 4, pp. 749 - 765,

Lee J-S, 2011, 'The effects of persistent poverty on children’s physical, socio-emotional, and learning outcomes', Child indicators research, 4, pp. 725 - 747,

Grinstein-Weiss M; Lee J-S; Greeson J; Han C; Yeo Y; Irish K, 2008, 'Fostering Low-Income Homeownership through Individual Development Accounts: A Longitudinal, Randomized Experiment', Housing Policy Debate, 19, pp. 711 - 739

Bowen N; Lee J-S; Weller B, 2007, 'Social environmental risk and protection: A typology with implications for practice in elementary schools', Children and schools, 29, pp. 229 - 242,

Lee J-S; Bowen N, 2006, 'Parent involvement, cultural capital, and the achievement gap in elementary school children', American Educational Research Journal, 43, pp. 193 - 218,

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