Select Publications


Cody G; Rose H; Champion N; Wilson K; Farr R, 2015, Nelson Physics Units 3 and 4 for the Australian Curriculum

Cody G; Champion ND; Farr R; Mundy M; Wilson K, 2014, Nelson Physics Units 1 & 2 for the Australian Curriculum

Serway R; Jewett J; Wilson-Goossens KF; Wilson A, 2012, Physics, Cengage Learning Australia, Melbourne, Australia

Mendez A; Kirkup L; Low DJ; Mills DR; Rayner A; Swan G; Zadnik M; Feteris S; Livett M; Merchant A; Pollard J; Sharma M; Wilson K, 2005, Snapshots - Good Learning and Teaching in Physics, AUTC and the Carrick Institute, Vic

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