Select Publications

Journal articles

Kumar S; Ooi CY; Werlin S; Abu-El-Haija M; Barth B; Bellin MD; Durie PR; Fishman DS; Freedman SD; Gariepy C; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Heyman MB; Himes R; Husain SZ; Lin TK; Lowe ME; Morinville V; Palermo JJ; Pohl JF; Schwarzenberg SJ; Troendle D; Wilschanski M; Zimmerman MB; Uc A, 2016, 'Risk factors associated with pediatric acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis: Lessons from INSPPIRE', JAMA Pediatrics, 170, pp. 562 - 569,

Nielsen S; Needham B; Leach ST; Day AS; Jaffe A; Thomas T; Ooi CY, 2016, 'Disrupted progression of the intestinal microbiota with age in children with cystic fibrosis', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 24857,

Ooi CY; Jeyaruban C; Lau J; Katz T; Matson A; Bell SC; Adams SE; Krishnan U, 2016, 'High ambient temperature and risk of intestinal obstruction in cystic fibrosis', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52, pp. 430 - 435,

Dupuis A; Keenan K; Ooi CY; Dorfman R; Sontag MK; Naehrlich L; Castellani C; Strug LJ; Rommens JM; Gonska T, 2016, 'Prevalence of meconium ileus marks the severity of mutations of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene', Genetics in Medicine, 18, pp. 333 - 340,

Ooi CY; Durie PR, 2016, 'Cystic fibrosis from the gastroenterologist's perspective', Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 13, pp. 175 - 185,

Smith RC; Smith SF; Wilson J; Pearce C; Wray N; Vo R; Chen J; Ooi CY; Oliver M; Katz T; Turner R; Nikfarjam M; Rayner C; Horowitz M; Holtmann G; Talley N; Windsor J; Pirola R; Neale R, 2016, 'Summary and recommendations from the Australasian guidelines for the management of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency', Pancreatology, 16, pp. 164 - 180,

Widger J; Hameed S; Ooi CY; Verge C, 2016, 'Using HbA1c as a screening tool for Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes', Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 15, pp. 263 - 264,

Safe M; Gifford AJ; Jaffe A; Ooi CY, 2016, 'Resolution of intestinal histopathology changes in cystic fibrosis after treatment with ivacaftor', Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 13, pp. 297 - 298,

Ting J; Wilson L; Schwarzenberg SJ; Himes R; Barth B; Bellin MD; Durie PR; Fishman DS; Freedman SD; Gariepy CE; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Husain SZ; Kumar S; Morinville VD; Lowe ME; Ooi CY; Pohl JF; Troendle D; Usatin D; Werlin SL; Wilschanski M; Heyman MB; Uc A, 2016, 'Direct costs of acute recurrent and chronic pancreatitis in children in the INSPPIRE registry', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 62, pp. 443 - 449,

Husain SZ; Morinville V; Pohl J; Abu-El-Haija M; Bellin MD; Freedman S; Hegyi P; Heyman MB; Himes R; Ooi CY; Schwarzenberg SJ; Usatin D; Uc A, 2016, 'Toxic-metabolic risk factors in pediatric pancreatitis: Recommendations for diagnosis, management, and future research', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 62, pp. 609 - 617,

Uc A; Abu-El-Haija M; Barth B; Bellin M; Fishman DS; Freedman S; Gariepy CE; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Heyman M; Himes R; Husain SZ; Lin TK; Liu QY; Morinville VD; Nathan JD; Ooi CY; Palermo JJ; Perito E; Pohl J; Rhee S; Schwarzenberg SJ; Troendle DM; Werlin S; Wilschanski M; Zimmerman B; Lowe M, 2016, '963 Impact of Obesity on Pediatric Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis', Gastroenterology, 150, pp. S192 - S192,

Bierma M; Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; van Rheenen P; Ooi CY, 2016, 'Mo1433 Predicting Severe Acute Pancreatitis in Children Based on Serum Lipase and Calcium: A Multicentre Retrospective Cohort Study', Gastroenterology, 150, pp. S711 - S711,

Lin TK; Abu-El-Haija M; Palermo JJ; Nathan JD; Barth B; Bellin M; Fishman DS; Freedman S; Gariepy CE; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Heyman M; Himes R; Husain SZ; Lowe M; Liu QY; Morinville VD; Ooi CY; Perito E; Pohl J; Rhee S; Schwarzenberg SJ; Troendle DM; Werlin S; Wilschanski M; Zimmerman B; Uc A, 2016, 'Tu1464 Pancreas Divisum in Pediatric Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis', Gastroenterology, 150, pp. S908 - S909,

Ooi CY; Ratjen F; Gonska T, 2015, 'Re: Stratifying cystic fibrosis risk for newborn screen infants with equivocal sweat chloride levels', Pediatrics, 136, pp. e1490 - e1491,

Ooi CY; Pang T; Leach ST; Katz T; Day AS; Jaffe A, 2015, 'Fecal Human β-Defensin 2 in Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Is There a Diminished Intestinal Innate Immune Response?', Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 60, pp. 2946 - 2952,

Ooi CY; Castellani C; Keenan K; Avolio J; Volpi S; Boland M; Kovesi T; Bjornson C; Chilvers MA; Morgan L; Van Wylick R; Kent S; Price A; Solomon M; Tam K; Taylor L; Malitt KA; Ratjen F; Durie PR; Gonska T, 2015, 'Inconclusive diagnosis of cystic fibrosis after newborn screening', Pediatrics, 135, pp. e1377 - e1385,

Tan LZ; Adams SE; Kennedy A; Kepreotes H; Ooi CY, 2015, 'Are children on jejunal feeds at risk of iron deficiency?', World Journal of Gastroenterology, 21, pp. 5751 - 5754,

Pang T; Leach ST; Katz T; Jaffe A; Day AS; Ooi CY, 2015, 'Elevated fecal M2-pyruvate kinase in children with cystic fibrosis: A clue to the increased risk of intestinal malignancy in adulthood?', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 30, pp. 866 - 871,

Schwarzenberg SJ; Bellin M; Husain SZ; Ahuja M; Barth B; Davis H; Durie PR; Fishman DS; Freedman SD; Gariepy CE; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Heyman MB; Himes R; Kumar S; Morinville VD; Lowe ME; Nuehring NE; Ooi CY; Pohl JF; Troendle D; Werlin SL; Wilschanski M; Yen E; Uc A, 2015, 'Pediatric chronic pancreatitis is associated with genetic risk factors and substantial disease burden', Journal of Pediatrics, 166, pp. 890 - 896.e1,

Ooi CY; Pang T; Leach ST; Katz T; Day AS; Jaffe A, 2015, 'Su1367 Faecal Human Beta-Defensin 2 Levels in Children With Cystic Fibrosis', Gastroenterology, 148, pp. S - 487,

Uc A; Barth B; Bellin M; Durie PR; Fishman DS; Freedman SD; Gariepy CE; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Heyman MB; Himes R; Husain SZ; Kumar S; Lowe M; Morinville VD; Ooi CY; Pohl J; Russo D; Schwarzenberg SJ; Troendle DM; Werlin S; Wilschanski M; Zimmerman MB, 2015, 'Tu1497 Risk Factors and Disease Burden in Pediatric Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis: Report From the INSPPIRE Consortium', Gastroenterology, 148, pp. S - 909,

Ooi CY, 2014, 'Cystic Fibrosis in the Genomic Era: CFTR Genotyping as a Diagnostic Test', Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine,

Pang T; Leach ST; Katz T; Day AS; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Fecal biomarkers of intestinal health and disease in children', Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2, pp. 1 - 12,

Morinville VD; Lowe ME; Ahuja M; Barth B; Bellin MD; Davis H; Durie PR; Finley B; Fishman DS; Freedman SD; Gariepy CE; Giefer MJ; Gonska T; Heyman MB; Himes R; Husain S; Kumar S; Ooi CY; Pohl JF; Schwarzenberg SJ; Troendle D; Werlin SL; Wilschanski M; Yen E; Uc A, 2014, 'Design and implementation of INSPPIRE', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 59, pp. 360 - 364,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Diagnosing acute pancreatitis in children: What is the diagnostic yield and concordance for serum pancreatic enzymes and imaging within 96 h of presentation?', Pancreatology, 14, pp. 251 - 256,

Ooi CY; Dupuis A; Ellis L; Jarvi K; Martin S; Ray PN; Steele L; Kortan P; Gonska T; Dorfman R; Solomon M; Zielenski J; Corey M; Tullis E; Durie P, 2014, 'Does extensive genotyping and nasal potential difference testing clarify the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis among patients with single-organ manifestations of cystic fibrosis?', Thorax, 69, pp. 254 - 260,

Ooi CY; Dupuis A; Gonska T; Ellis L; Ni A; Jarvi K; Martin S; Ray P; Steele L; Kortan P; Dorfman R; Solomon M; Zielenski J; Corey M; Tullis E; Durie P, 2014, 'Does integration of various ion channel measurements improve diagnostic performance in cystic fibrosis?', Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11, pp. 562 - 570,

Uc A; Yen EH; Wilschanski M; Werlin S; Troendle D; Schwarzenberg SJ; Pohl J; Ooi CY; Morinville VD; Kumar S; Husain SZ; Himes R; Heyman MB; Gonska T; Giefer MJ; Gariepy CE; Freedman SD; Fishman DS; Durie PR; Davis H; Bellin M; Barth BA; Ahuja M; Lowe M, 2014, '11 Pediatric Acute Recurrent and Chronic Pancreatitis: Report From INSPPIRE Consortium', Gastroenterology, 146, pp. S - 4,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Authors’ Response', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 58, pp. e42 - e42,

Pang T; Leach ST; Katz T; Jaffe A; Day AS; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Elevated faecal M2-pyruvate kinase in children with cystic fibrosis: A clue to the increased risk of intestinal malignancy in adulthood?', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, pp. n/a - n/a,

Dhaliwal J; Leach S; Katz T; Nahidi L; Pang T; Lee JM; Strachan R; Day AS; Jaffe A; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Intestinal Inflammation and Impact on Growth in Children With Cystic Fibrosis', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, pp. 1 - 1,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Mo1344 Diagnosing Acute Pancreatitis in Children: What Is the Diagnostic Yield and Concordance for Serum Pancreatic Enzymes and Imaging?', Gastroenterology, 146, pp. S - 625,

Pang T; Leach ST; Day AS; Jaffe A; Ooi CY, 2014, 'Tu1240 Faecal M2-Pyruvate Kinase in Children With Cystic Fibrosis: Does Increased Cell Turnover From Childhood Explain the Increased Risk of Gastrointestinal Malignancy in Adulthood?', Gastroenterology, 146, pp. S - 792,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2013, 'Predicting a biliary aetiology in paediatric acute pancreatitis', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 98, pp. 965 - 969,

Ledder OD; Lemberg DA; Ooi CY; Day AS, 2013, 'Are thiopurines always contraindicated after thiopurine-induced pancreatitis in inflammatory bowel disease?', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 57, pp. 583 - 586,

Meyer A; Coffey MJ; Oliver MR; Ooi CY, 2013, 'Contrasts and comparisons between childhood and adult onset acute pancreatitis', Pancreatology, 13, pp. 429 - 435,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2013, 'Sa1352 Prediction of Biliary Acute Pancreatitis in Paediatric Patients', Gastroenterology, 144, pp. S - 271,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2013, 'Serum Lipase as an Early Predictor of Severity in Pediatric Acute Pancreatitis', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 56, pp. 602 - 608,

Morinville VD; Husain SZ; Bai H; Barth B; Alhosh R; Durie PR; Freedman SD; Himes R; Lowe ME; Pohl J; Werlin S; Wilschanski M; Uc A, 2012, 'Definitions of pediatric pancreatitis and survey of present clinical practices', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 55, pp. 261 - 265,

Ooi CY; Nightingale S; Durie PR; Freedman SD, 2012, 'Ursodeoxycholic acid in cystic fibrosis-associated liver disease', Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 11, pp. 72 - 73,

Yap T; Jiwane ; Belessis Y; Ooi CY, 2012, 'Colonic atresia presenting as neonatal bowel obstruction in cystic fibrosis', Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition,

Ooi CY; Dupuis A; Ellis LE; Jarvi KA; Martin SM; Gonska T; Dorfman R; Kortan PP; Solomon MP; Tullis ED; Durie PR, 2012, 'Comparing the American and European diagnostic guidelines for cystic fibrosis: Same disease, different language?', Thorax, 67, pp. 618 - 624,

Ooi CY; Durie P, 2012, 'Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutations in pancreatitis', Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 11, pp. 355 - 362,

Whitten K; Rogers P; Ooi CY; Day AS, 2012, 'International survey of enteral nutrition protocols used in children with Crohn's disease', Journal of Digestive Diseases, 13, pp. 107 - 112,

Gonska T; Choi P; Stephenson A; Ellis L; Martin S; Solomon M; Dupuis A; Dorfman R; Zielenski J; Ooi CY; Weiser W; Durie P; Tullis ED, 2012, 'Role of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in patients with chronic sinopulmonary disease', Chest, 142, pp. 996 - 1004,

Coffey MJ; Nightingale S; Ooi CY, 2012, 'Tu1494 Early Prediction of Severity in Acute Paediatric Pancreatitis', Gastroenterology, 142, pp. S - 848,

Lee JM; Leach ST; Katz T; Day AS; Jaffe A; Ooi CY, 2012, 'Update of faecal markers of inflammation in children with cystic fibrosis', Mediators of Inflammation, 2012, pp. Article number: 948367,

Ooi CY; Dorfman R; Cipolli M; Gonska T; Castellani C; Keenan K; Freedman SD; Zielenski J; Berthiaume Y; Corey M; Schibli S; Tullis E; Durie PR, 2011, 'Type of CFTR mutation determines risk of pancreatitis in patients with cystic fibrosis', Gastroenterology, 140, pp. 153 - 161,

Ooi CY; Dupuis A; Keenan K; Tullis E; Durie PR, 2011, 'Role of Sweat Testing in Patients With Idiopathic Pancreatitis', Gastroenterology, 140,

Ooi CY; Tullis E; Dupuis A; Gonska T; Ellis L; Martin S; Schibli S; Jarvi K; Zielenski J; Durie PR, 2010, 'A novel paradigm for attributing the diagnosis of CF disease', Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 9, pp. S10 - S10,

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