Select Publications

Conference Papers

Nguyen O; Ngo L; Tran QH; Lee JJ, 2019, 'Attribution emotions and negative word-of-mouth in a crisis', Wellington, New Zealand, presented at The 2019 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Wellington, New Zealand, 02 December 2019 - 04 December 2019

Lee J; Nguyen O; Ngo L; Tran Q, 2018, 'Emotional responses to corporate crisis', in Emotional responses to corporate crisis, The World Conference on Business and Management 2018, Jeju, Korea, presented at The World Conference on Business and Management 2018, Jeju, Korea, 27 June 2018 - 30 June 2018

Lu L; Gregory G; Ngo LV, 2018, 'Determining Effective Communication Strategies for Service Offshoring Decisions', Greece, presented at AMA Global Marketing SIG Special Conference, Greece, - ,

Gregory G; Crawford H; Lu L; Ngo LV, 2018, 'Does humour travel? Advertising practices and audience effects in the United States and People’s Republic of China', in International Journal of Advertising, Taylor & Francis, Wuxi, China, pp. 957 - 978, presented at The International Advertising and Branding Conference, Wuxi, China, - ,

Kim D; Bucic T; Ngo LV; Sinha A, 2018, 'Horizontal brand and vertical line extensions: the role of fit and directionality in creating long-term shareholder value', in Horizontal brand and vertical line extensions: the role of fit and directionality in creating long-term shareholder value, 2018 Theory and Practice in Marketing Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, presented at 2018 Theory and Practice in Marketing Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, -

Gill O; Bucic T; Ngo LV, 2017, 'Balancing product design innovativeness and consumer innovativeness', in Balancing product design innovativeness and consumer innovativeness, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Ngo LV; Nguyen PN, 2017, 'Being mindful for positive job performance', in Being mindful for positive job performance, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Tran Q; Ngo LV; Nguyen TNQ; Chylinski M, 2017, 'Employee empathy and customer delight in services', in Employee empathy and customer delight in services, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Le T; Ngo LV; Tran Q, 2017, 'How empathy encourages social entrepreneurship', in How empathy encourages social entrepreneurship, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Nguyen TNQ; Northey G; Ngo LV; Siaw CA, 2017, 'Knowledge as a determinant of competitive advantage', in Knowledge as a determinant of competitive advantage, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Lu L; Gregory G; Ngo LV, 2017, 'Perceived fit in service offshoring: the role of culture, ethnicity and ethnocentrism', in Perceived fit in service offshoring: the role of culture, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, 2017 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, presented at 2017 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, -

Ngo LV; Do D; An K, 2017, 'Positive word‐of‐mouth: brand credibility and social identity', in Positive word‐of‐mouth: brand credibility and social identity, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Northey G; Chylinski M; Ngo LV, 2017, 'The cross-modal effects of colour in food advertising', California, presented at Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, California, -

Cadeaux J; Luu N; Ngo LV, 2017, 'The dark side of formal and informal governance', in The dark side of formal and informal governance, 2017 European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Groningen, Netherlands, presented at 2017 European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Groningen, Netherlands, -

Pham HC; Ngo LV; Nguyen M; Nguyen ODY, 2017, 'Turning brand experience into positive word‐of‐mouth', in Turning brand experience into positive word‐of‐mouth, ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, presented at ANZMAC 2017, Melbourne, -

Roongruangsee R; Pham HC; Ngo LV, 2016, 'Boosting loyalty through customer participation in service attributes: a study in the retail banking sector', in Boosting loyalty through customer participation in service attributes: a study in the retail banking sector, ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, -

Roongruangsee R; Patterson P; Ngo LV, 2016, 'Building client psychological comfort through communication style in financial advisory services', New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, -

Kim D; Bucic T; Ngo LV; Sinha A, 2016, 'Horizontal and vertical brand extensions impact on the case of automobile industry', in Horizontal and vertical brand extensions impact on the case of automobile industry, 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, presented at 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, -

Ngo LV; Nguyen PN; Doan NQ, 2016, 'Market orientation and firm performance: the mediating role of management accounting systems', in Market orientation and firm performance: the mediating role of management accounting systems, ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, -

Kim D; Bucic T; Ngo LV; Sinha A, 2016, 'Measuring the impact of brand leveraging strategies using shareholder-oriented value metrics: the case of Automobile industry', in Measuring the impact of brand leveraging strategies using shareholder-oriented value metrics: the case of Automobile industry, ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, -

Northey G; Pham HC; Ngo LV; Duffy S, 2016, 'When mindfulness does matter in service brand experience', in When mindfulness does matter in service brand experience, ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2016, Marketing in the Post-Disciplinary Era, New Zealand, -

Nguyen P; Ngo L; Bucic T; Nguyen P, 2015, 'Performance Implication of Cross-Functional Coopetition and Knowledge Sharing', in Sinha A; Cadeaux J; Bucic T (eds.), 2015 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings: Innovaton and Growth Strategies in Marketing, 2015 ANZMAC Conference: Innovation and Growth Strategies in Marketing, Sydney, NSW, Australia, presented at 2015 ANZMAC Conference: Innovation and Growth Strategies in Marketing, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 30 November 2015 - 02 December 2015,

Huynh K; Ngo LIEMVIET; Pham CH; Kim DS, 2015, 'Internal Branding and Employee Performance: A Cognitive-Effective-Behavioural Model', in Internal Branding and Employee Performance: A Cognitive-Effective-Behavioural Model, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Conference, UNSW Australia, presented at Australia and New Zealand Marketing Conference, UNSW Australia, 30 November 2015 - 02 December 2015

Ngo LV; Malik A, 2015, '., Role of power, resources and capabilities in inter- and intra-organisational relationships', in ., Role of power, resources and capabilities in inter- and intra-organisational relationships, ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, presented at ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, -

An J; Ngo LV; Chylinski M, 2015, 'Feeling delightful” versus “feeling connected”: why service firms should stop focusing on delighting customers, and start befriending them', Leuven, Belgium, presented at EMAC 2015, Collaboration in Research, Leuven, Belgium, -

Northey G; Pham HH; Pham HC; Ngo LV, 2015, 'National image and travel intention: Empirical findings from the film industry', in National image and travel intention: Empirical findings from the film industry, ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, presented at ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, -

Nguyen-Lisovich M; An J; Ngo LV, 2015, 'Personal traits of practicing entrepreneurs and aspiring future entrepreneurs in Vietnam: an empirical study', Sydney, presented at ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, -

Luu N; Cadeaux J; Ngo LV, 2015, 'The dark side of customer participation', in The dark side of customer participation, ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, presented at ANZMAC 2015, Sydney, -

An J; Ngo LV; Chylinski M, 2015, 'The effects of customer participation and customer-to-customer interaction on affective, motivational and cognitive service experience', Chicago, presented at AMA 2015 Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Improving Business Practice Through Marketing Insight, Chicago, -

Gill O; Bucic T; Ngo L, 2014, 'Innovators and New Product Adoption: Understanding, Capture and Prediction', in Rundle-Thiele S; Kubacki K; Arli D (eds.), 2014 ANZMAC Conference: Agents of Change, ANZMAC, Griffith Unviersity, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, pp. 304 - 310, presented at 2014 ANZMAC Conference: Agents of Change, Griffith Unviersity, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 01 December 2014 - 03 December 2014,

Lasky ; Bucic T; Ngo , 2014, 'Individual Innovators within Skunk Works', in PIM 2014 Research Forum Submissions, PDMA Headquarters, Denver, Colorado, USW, presented at Prodict Innovation Management: Product Development Management Association, Denver, Colorado, USW, 18 October 2014 - 22 October 2014

Luu N; Ngo LV; Le H; Bucic T, 2014, 'Does relationship strength matter? empirical evidence from an emerging economy', in Does relationship strength matter? empirical evidence from an emerging economy, ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia, -

Nguyen H; Ngo LV; Cadeaux J; Luu N, 2014, 'Effects of customer participation, customer-company identification on word-of-mouth: a HLM approach', in Effects of customer participation, customer-company identification on word-of-mouth: a HLM approach, ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia, -

Lasky N; Bucic T; Ngo LV, 2014, 'Individual change agents, skunk works and effectuation for radical innovation', in Individual change agents, skunk works and effectuation for radical innovation, ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia, -

An J; Ngo LV, 2013, 'Enhancing customers’ intrinsic and prosocial motivations in professional services context', Auckland, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, -

Luu N; Cadeaux J; Ngo LV, 2013, 'Key determinants of relationship value gap: a conceptual framework', in Key determinants of relationship value gap: a conceptual framework, ANZMAC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, -

Northey G; Chylinski M; Ngo LV, 2013, 'What colour do you feel? cross-modal interactions between colour and food texture', in What colour do you feel? cross-modal interactions between colour and food texture, ANZMAC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2013, Auckland, New Zealand, -

Fernando V; Ngo LV, 2012, 'Enhancing customer perceived value via customer empowerment and customer brand identification', in ANZMAC 2012 Proceedings, ANZMAC, Adelaide, pp. 1 - 7, presented at ANZMAC2012, Adelaide, 03 December 2012 - 05 December 2012

Nguyen L; Lu VN; Hill SR; Ngo LV, 2012, 'Driving brand citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of brand knowledge', in Driving brand citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of brand knowledge, ANZMAC 2012, Adelaide, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2012, Adelaide, Australia, -

O'Cass A; Ngo LV, 2011, 'Delving further into service branding: Exploring the synergistic roles of service brand innovation and service brand marketing capabilities in service firms.', in Proceedings of ANZMAC 2011, ANZMAC, Perth, WA, pp. 1 - 7, presented at ANZMAC 2011, Perth, WA, - ,,%20Liem%20Paper%20299.pdf

Frow P; Payne A; Ngo LV, 2011, 'Diagnosing the Supplementary Services Model', in Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Field Forever, Academy of Marketing, UK, pp. 1 - 7, presented at Marketing Field Forever, Liverpool, UK,

Ngo LV; Bucic T, 2011, 'The mediating role of alliance learning on alliance innovation: An empirical study', in Proceedings of ANZMAC 2011, ANZMAC, Perth, WA, pp. 1 - 9, presented at ANZMAC 2011, Perth, WA,,%20Liem%20Paper%20070.pdf

Ngo LV; Le HN; Lee J, 2010, 'Relationship marketing orientation and customer satisfaction: Evidence from Vietnam.', in ANZMAC 2010 Conference Proceedings, Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy, Christchurch, presented at 2010 Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy, Christchurch, New Zealand, -

O'Cass A; Ngo LV, 2009, 'Achieving customer satisfaction via market orientation, brand orientation, and customer empowerment: Evidence from Australia', in Achieving customer satisfaction via market orientation, brand orientation, and customer empowerment: Evidence from Australia, ANZMAC 2009, Sustainable Management and Marketing, Melbourne, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2009, Sustainable Management and Marketing, Melbourne, Australia, -

Ngo LV; O'Cass A, 2009, 'Exploring marketing effectiveness via market orientation, resource possession and marketing capability', in Exploring marketing effectiveness via market orientation, resource possession and marketing capability, ANZMAC 2009, Sustainable Management and Marketing, Melbourne, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2009, Sustainable Management and Marketing, Melbourne, Australia, -

Ngo LV; O'Cass A, 2009, 'Exploring performance differentials via resource possession and firm capabilities', in Exploring performance differentials via resource possession and firm capabilities, ANZMAC 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, -

Ngo LV; O'Cass A, 2008, 'Explaining brand performance differentials between firms via innovation and marketing', in Explaining brand performance differentials between firms via innovation and marketing, ANZMAC 2008, Sydney, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2008, Sydney, Australia, -

O'Cass A; Ngo LV, 2008, 'International market entry mode strategy: a region-within-country perspective', in International market entry mode strategy: a region-within-country perspective, ANZMAC 2008, Sydney, Australia, presented at ANZMAC 2008, Sydney, Australia, -

Ngo LV; O'Cass A, 2007, 'Building brand success via marketing orientation and marketing-based capability: an inside-out approach', in Building brand success via marketing orientation and marketing-based capability: an inside-out approach, ANZMAC 2007, Dunedin, New Zealand, presented at ANZMAC 2007, Dunedin, New Zealand, -

Ngo LV; O'Cass A, 2007, 'Operant resource-based capabilities as antecedents to firm performance', in Operant resource-based capabilities as antecedents to firm performance, AMS World Marketing Congress, Marketing Theory and Practice in an Inter-functional World, Verona, Italia, presented at AMS World Marketing Congress, Marketing Theory and Practice in an Inter-functional World, Verona, Italia, -

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