Select Publications

Book Chapters

Cortis N; Blaxland M; Adamson E, 2022, 'Quality and marketised care: The case of family day care', in Meagher G; Stebbing A; Perche D (ed.), Designing Social Service Markets: Risk, Regulation and Rent-Seeking, ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 39 - 70,

Cortis N; Blaxland M; Adamson E, 2022, 'Quality and marketised care: The case of family day care', in Designing Social Service Markets: Risk, Regulation and Rent-Seeking, ANU Press, pp. 39 - 70,

Brennan D; Cortis N, 2020, 'Community Services, Individualism and Markets', in McClelland A; Smyth P; Marston G (ed.), Social Policy in Australia: Understanding for Action (4th Edition), Oxford University Press, Docklands, VIC, pp. 310 - 329

Brennan D; Charlesworth S; Adamson EA; Cortis N, 2017, 'Out of Kilter: Changing Care, Migration and Employment Regimes in Australia', in Gender, Migration, and the Work of Care: A Multi-Scalar Approach to the Pacific Rim, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143 - 165,

Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: a comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden', in Social Policy Review 21, Policy Press, pp. 215 - 242,

Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: a comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden', in Social Policy Review 21, Policy Press, pp. 215 - 242,

Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden', in Social Policy Review 21: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2009, pp. 215 - 242

Meagher G; Cortis N; Healy K, 2009, 'Strategic challenges in child welfare services: a comparative study of Australia, England, and Sweden', in Rummery K; Greener I; Holden C (ed.), Social Policy Review 21, The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 217 - 246,

Meagher G; Cortis N, 2009, 'The political economy of for-profit paid care: theory and evidence', in King D; Meagher G (ed.), Paid Care in Australia: Politics, Profits, Practices, University of Sydney Press, Sydney, pp. 13 - 42,

Cortis N, 2007, 'Using community services: a case study in the politics of recognition', in Connelly J; Leach M; Walsh L (ed.), Recognition in Politics: Theory Policy and Practice, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 253 - 269

Journal articles

Cortis N; Smyth C, 2024, 'Specialist Financial Counseling for Women Affected by Domestic and Family Violence: Staff and Client Perspectives on an Australian Initiative.', Violence Against Women, pp. 10778012241263103,

CORTIS N; BLAXLAND M; CHARLESWORTH S, 2023, 'Care theft: Family impacts of employer control in Australia's retail industry', Critical Social Policy, 44, pp. 106 - 128,

Fisher KR; Cortis N; Shang X; Blaxland M, 2023, 'Chinese and Australian Neoliberal Policy Responses to Risks in Social Service Purchasing', Social Policy and Society,

Cortis N; Katz I, 2022, 'Waiting for redress: Child sexual abuse survivors' experiences of Australia's National Redress Scheme', Child Abuse and Neglect, 129, pp. 105657,

Cortis N; Van Toorn G, 2022, 'Safeguarding in Australia’s new disability markets: Frontline workers’ perspectives', Critical Social Policy, 42, pp. 197 - 219,

van Toorn G; Cortis N, 2022, 'Marketisation and Regulatory Labour in Frontline Disability Work', Work, Employment and Society,

Natalier K; Cortis N; Seymour K; Wendt S; King D, 2021, 'Workplace Violence against Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Workers: A Gendered, Settings-Based Approach', British Journal of Social Work, 51, pp. 2301 - 2320,

Smyth C; Cullen P; Breckenridge J; Cortis N; valentine K, 2021, 'COVID-19 lockdowns, intimate partner violence and coercive control', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56, pp. 359 - 373,

Cortis N; Foley M; Williamson S, 2021, 'Change agents or defending the status quo? How senior leaders frame workplace gender equality', Gender, Work & Organization, 29, pp. 205 - 221,

Cortis N; Smyth C; valentine K; Breckenridge J; Cullen P, 2021, 'Adapting Service Delivery during COVID-19: Experiences of Domestic Violence Practitioners', The British Journal of Social Work, 51, pp. 1779 - 1798,

Smyth C; Cortis N; Powell A, 2021, 'University staff and flexible work: inequalities, tensions and challenges', Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 43, pp. 489 - 504,

Cortis N; Seymour K; Natalier K; Wendt S, 2020, 'Which models of supervision help retain staff? Findings from Australia’s domestic and family violence and sexual assault workforces', Australian Social Work,

Cortis N; Lee I, 2019, 'Assessing the Financial Reserves of Social Service Charities Involved in Public Service Delivery', Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48, pp. 738 - 758,

Cortis N; Macdonald F; Davidson B; Bentham E, 2018, 'Underpricing care: a case study of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme', International Journal of Care and Caring, 2, pp. 587 - 593,

Cortis N; Fang Q; Zhenfang D, 2018, 'Social service purchasing in China: Rationale, features, and risks', Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 12, pp. 200 - 208,

Cortis N; Smyth C; Wade C; Katz I, 2018, 'Changing practice cultures in statutory child protection: Practitioners' perspectives', Child and Family Social Work, 24, pp. 50 - 58,

Cortis N; Powell A, 2018, 'Playing catch up? An exploration of supplementary work at home among Australian public servants', Journal of Industrial Relations, 60, pp. 538 - 559,

Powell A; Cortis N, 2017, 'Working Time in Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations: What Influences Prospects for Employee Control?', Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance, 41, pp. 162 - 177,

Adamson EA; Cortis N; Brennan D; Charlesworth S, 2017, 'Social care and migration policy in Australia: Emerging intersections?', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52, pp. 78 - 94,

Cortis N, 2016, 'Access to Philanthropic and Commercial Income Among Nonprofit Community Service Organisations', Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28, pp. 798 - 821,

Cortis N; Eastman C, 2015, 'Is job control under threat in the human services? Evidence from frontline practitioners in Australia, 2003-2012', Competition and Change, 19, pp. 210 - 227,

Cortis N; Eastman C, 2014, 'Salary sacrificing in Australia: are patterns of uptake and benefit different in the not-for-profit sector?', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2014,

Cortis N; Bullen J; Hamilton M, 2013, 'Sustaining transitions from welfare to work: the perceptions of employers and employment service providers', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 48, pp. 363 - 384,;dn=721769330206850;res=IELHSS

Cortis N; Patulny RV, 2012, 'Introduction to the Special Issue on emotions in social life and social policy', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 47, pp. 5 - 10,;dn=201216234;res=APAFT

Cortis N, 2012, 'Overlooked and under-served? Promoting service use and engagement among 'hard-to-reach' populations', International Journal of Social Welfare,

Cortis N; Meagher G, 2012, 'Recognition at Last: Care Work and the Equal Remuneration Case', Journal of Industrial Relations, 54, pp. 377 - 385,

Craig L; Powell A; Cortis N, 2012, 'Self-employment, work-family time and the gender division of labour', Work, Employment and Society, 26, pp. 716 - 734,

Cortis N; Meagher G, 2012, 'Social work education as preparation for practice: Evidence from a survey of the New South Wales community sector', Australian Social Work, 65, pp. 295 - 310,

Cortis N; Hilferty F; Chan SE, 2011, 'Will they stay or will they go? Retaining managers in voluntary sector community services', Voluntary Sector Review, 2, pp. 277 - 295,

Cortis N, 2009, 'Social Inclusion and Sport: Culturally diverse women`s perspectives', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 44, pp. 91 - 106,

Cortis N; Meagher G, 2009, 'Women, work and welfare in the activation state: an agenda for Australian research', Australian Bulletin of Labour, 35, pp. 629 - 651,;dn=305997321806315;res=IELBUS

Cortis N; Chan SE; Hilferty F, 2009, 'Workforce issues across the family relationship services sector: Models, responses and strategies', Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse, pp. 1 - 22,

Cortis N, 2008, 'Evaluating area-based interventions: The case of `Communities for Children`', Children and Society, 22, pp. 112 - 123,

Cortis N, 2007, 'What do service users think of evaluation? Evidence from family support', Child and family social work, 12, pp. 399 - 408,

Cortis N; Gibson C, 2005, 'Research collaboration in the child welfare field', Developing Practice, 12, pp. 31 - 38,;dn=870103265591669;res=IELHSS

Cortis N, 2000, 'Gender, pay equity and human service work: A New South Wales case study', Australian Journal of Political Science, 35, pp. 49 - 62,

Conference Presentations

valentine K; Katz I; Cortis N; Smyth C; Cassells R; Eastman C; Shlonsky A; Duncan A, 2015, 'Determining the impact of child protection reforms: Lessons from the evaluation of Keep Them Safe', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015

Bullen JE; Cortis N; Hill T, 2015, 'Promoting women’s economic security following domestic violence', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference (ASPC), UNSW Australia, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015

Cortis N; Katz I; Smyth C; valentine K; Wade C, 2015, 'Putting practice first? Practitioners’ perspectives on the implementation of a child-centred model of child protection practice in NSW', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015


Smyth C; Cortis N; Blunden H; Bates S; Katz I, 2024, Specialist Workers for Children and Young People Outcomes Evaluation – Final Report,,

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