Select Publications


Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2014, The state of the community service sector in New South Wales 2014, UNSW, 4/2014,,

Cassells R; Cortis N; Duncan A; Eastman C; Gao G; Giuntoli G; Katz I; Keegan M; Macvean M; Mavisakalyan A; Shlonsky A; Skattebol J; Smyth C; valentine K, 2014, Keep Them Safe Outcomes Evaluation: Final Report, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney

Bennett S; Cortis N; Wong J; Young A, 2013, Evaluation of the National Compact – Aspirations and Impact, UNSW,

McFerran L; Cortis N; Trijbetz T, 2013, Domestic and Family Violence Clauses in your workplace: Implementation and good practice, Social Policy Research Centre & Centre for Gender Related Violence, UNSW,

Cortis N; Meagher G; Chan SE; Davidson B; Fatorre T, 2013, Building an Industry of Choice: Service Quality, Workforce Capacity and Consumer-Centred Funding in Disability Care, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report 02/13,,

Cortis N; Eastman C, 2012, Employment arrangements in social and community services receiving Commonwealth direct funding, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, 04/12,

Cortis N; Bullen J; Hamilton M; Whiteford P, 2012, Understanding the barriers to 13 and 26 week employment outcomes, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW

Hilferty F; Cortis N, 2011, Analysis of Workforce Indicators Suitable for the Ageing, Disability and Home Care Sectors, NSW Department of Human Services.,

Meagher G; Cortis N, 2010, The Social and Community Services Sector in NSW: Structure, Workforce and Pay Equity Issues, NSW Department of Industrial Relations., Sydney,,

Hilferty F; Eastman C; Chan SE; Katz I; Cortis N, 2010, Profiling non-government community service organisations in New South Wales: Final Report, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/10,

Hilferty F; Cortis N; Eastman C; Katz I, 2010, Profiling non-government community services organisations in NSW: A summary report, prepared for Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Human Services., SPRC Report 8/10

Cortis N; Hilferty F; Chan S, 2009, Workforce issues across the family relationship services sector: Models, responses and strategies, Australian Institute of Family Studies, AFRC Issues No. 5,

Cortis N; Hilferty F; Chan SE; Tannous KW, 2009, Labour dynamics and the non-government community services workforce in NSW, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report, 10/09,

Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson CM; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, 2009, National Evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004-2009, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper 24,

Cortis N; Sawrikar P; Muir K, 2008, Participation in sport and recreation by Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women, Social Policy Rearch Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 8/08,,

Cortis N; Sawrikar P; Muir K, 2007, Participation in sport and recreation by culturally and linguistically diverse women: literature and data review, Social Policy Rearch Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Report 4/07,,

Cortis N; Muir K, 2007, Participation in sport and recreation by culturally and linguistically diverse women: stakeholder consultation report, Social Policy Rearch Centre, UNSW, Sydney, SPRC Reports 2007-2008, SPRC Report 5/07

Thomson CM; Katz I; Cortis N; Purcal C, 2005, Stronger Families and Communities Strategy: National Evaluation Framework


Muir K; Katz I; Purcal C; Patulny R; Flaxman S; Abello D; Cortis N; Thomson C; Oprea I; Wise S; Edwards B; Gray M; Hayes A, National Evaluation (2004-2008) of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2004-2009, ,


Cortis N; Van Toorn G, 2021, Commentary on “Regulating disability services: the case of Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme quality and safeguarding system” (Hough, 2021), Taylor & Francis, ,

Cortis N; Blaxland M, 2020, Dataset - Australian Community Sector Survey 2019, Australian Data Archive, ,

Cortis N; Blaxland M; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, Datasets - National Survey of the Family and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Workforces Dataverse, ,

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