Select Publications


Williams G; Brennan S; Lynch A; Blackshield AR, 2018, Blackshield and Williams Australian Constitutional Law and Theory: Commentary and Materials, Federation Press, Leichhardt, NSW

Blackshield A; Sean Brennan ; Williams G; Brennan S; Lynch A, 2014, Blackshield and Williams Australian Constitutional Law and Theory Commentary and Materials

Brennan S; Craven Z, 2006, Eventually they get it all...` Government Management of Aboriginal Trust Money in New South Wales, Indigenous Law Centre, Sydney

Williams G; Brennan S; Behrendt L; Strelein L, 2005, Treaty, Federation Press, Sydney

Book Chapters

Behrendt J; Brennan S, 2022, 'Land Justice', in CAMBRIDGE LEGAL HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA, Cambridge University Press, pp. 377 - 401,

Brennan S, 2022, 'Sir Anthony Mason and the Australian Constitution: Method and Vision', in McDonald B; Chen B; Gordon J (ed.), Dynamic and Principled: The Influence of Sir Anthony Mason, The Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 102 - 124

Appleby G; Brennan S; Lynch A, 2018, 'Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Increasing Automation of Legal Services Should Deepen and Not Diminish Legal Education', in Lindgren K; Kunc F; Coper M (ed.), The Future of Australian Legal Education, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, pp. 389 - 399,

Brennan S; Davis M, 2018, 'First Peoples', in Saunders C; Stone A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution, Oxford University Press, pp. 27 - 55,

Brennan S, 2016, 'Certainty, Co-existence and the Legacy of Mabo: Justice North in the Miriuwung Gajerrong Native Title Case (2000)', in Lynch A (ed.), Great Australian Dissents, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 290 - 310

Brennan S, 2016, 'Constitutional Amendment and the Issue of Trust', in Young S; Nielsen J; Patrick J (ed.), Constitutional Recognition of Australia's First Peoples: Theories and Comparative Perspectives, The Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 89 - 102

Brennan S; Davis M; Edgeworth B; Terrill L, 2015, 'The Idea of Native Title as a Vehicle for Change and Empowerment', in Brennan S; Davis M; Edgeworth B; Terrill L (ed.), Native Title from Mabo to Akiba: A Vehicle for Change and Empowerment?, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, pp. 2 - 13

Brennan S; Chalk A, 2015, 'The Relevance of Statutory Land Rights to Native Title and Empowerment', in Brennan S; Davis M; Edgeworth B; Terrill L (ed.), Native Title from Mabo to Akiba A Vehicle for Change and Empowerment?, The Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 143 - 157

Brennan S, 2015, 'The Significance of the Akiba Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim Case', in Brennan S; Davis MEGAN; Edgeworth B; Terrill L (ed.), Native Title from Mabo to Akiba: A vehicle for Change and Empowerment?, The Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 29 - 43

Brennan S, 2010, 'The Disregard for Legal Protections of Aboriginal Land Rights in Early South Australia', in Berg S (ed.), Coming to Terms: Aboriginal Title in South Australia, Wakefield Press, pp. 90 - 121

Brennan S, 2009, 'Land Rights Legislation', in Indigenous Legal Issues Commentary and Materials, Lawbook Company, pp. 221 - 276

Brennan S, 2009, 'Native Title: An Overview of its Development in Australia', in Indigenous Legal Issues Commentary and Materials, Lawbook Company, pp. 277 - 340

Brennan S, 2009, 'Native Title: Specific Features of Law and Process', in Indigenous Legal Issues Commentary and Materials, Lawbook Company, pp. 341 - 388

Brennan S, 2009, 'The Indigenous Estate', in Indigenous Legal Issues Commentary and Materials, Lawbook Company, pp. 199 - 220

Brennan S, 2003, 'Whitlam and the Value of Law in Indigenous Affairs: Lessons for the Contemporary Debate on Reconciliation and a Treaty?', in Hocking J; Lewis C (ed.), It`s Time Again: Whitlam and Modern Labor, Melbourne Publishing Group, Armadale, Victoria, pp. 138 - 165

Edited Books

Brennan S; Davis MJ; Edgeworth B; Terrill L, (eds.), 2015, Native Title from Mabo to Akiba: A Vehicle for Change and Empowerment?, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW

Journal articles

Brennan S; Davis M, 2014, 'Koowarta: constitutional landmark, transition point or missed opportunity?', Griffith Law Review, 23, pp. 79 - 91,

Brennan S, 2012, 'Constitutional Reform and its Relationship to Land Justice', Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title, 5, pp. 1 - 16

Brennan S, 2012, 'Section 51 (xxxi) and the Acquisition of Property under Commonwealth-State Arrangements: The relevance to Native Title Extinguishment on Just Terms', Australian Indigenous Law Review, 15, pp. 74 - 86,

Brennan S, 2010, 'Statutory Interpretation and Indigenous Property Rights', Public Law Review, 21, pp. 239 - 262

Brennan S, 2010, 'Territory Exceptionalism and Indigenous Property Holders: Federalism, Rights Protection and the Australian Constitution', City University of Hong Kong Law Review, 2, pp. 117 - 135

Brennan S, 2010, 'Wurridjal v Commonwealth: The Northern Territory Intervention and Just Terms for the Acquisition of Property', Melbourne University Law Review, 33, pp. 957 - 983,

Brennan S, 2008, 'Compulsory acquisition of native title land for private use by third parties¿', Public Law Review, 19, pp. 179 - 196

Brennan S, 2008, 'Wet or Dry, It's Aboriginal Land: The Blue Mud Bay Decision on the Intertidal Zone', Indigenous Law Bulletin, 7, pp. 2 - 3

Davis MJ; Brennan S, 2007, 'A narrative of exclusion: Indigenous rights in Australia', Human Rights Defender, 16, pp. 15 - 17,

Brennan S, 2006, 'Economic Development and Land Council Power: Modernising the Land Rights Act or Same Old Same Old?', Australian Indigenous Law Review, 10, pp. 1 - 34

Brennan S; Healey DJ; Hunter JB; Johnson D; San Roque M; Wolff LT, 2005, 'Indigenous Legal Education at UNSW: A Work-In-Progress', Indigenous Law Bulletin, 6, pp. 26 - 29

Brennan S, 2004, 'Native Title and the `Acquisition of Property` under the Australian Constitution', Melbourne University Law Review, 28, pp. 28 - 79

Brennan S; Williams G; Gunn B, 2004, 'Sovereignty and its Relevance to Treaty-Making Between Indigenous Peoples and Australian Governments', Sydney Law Review, 26, pp. 307 - 352

Brennan S, 2003, 'Native title in the High Court of Australia a decade after Mabo', Public Law Review, 14, pp. 209 - 218

Brennan S; Bosnjak V; Williams G, 2003, 'Rights-based Reconciliation Needs Renewed Action from Canberra', Alternative Law Journal, 28, pp. 122 - 126

Conference Papers

Appleby G; Brennan S; Lynch A, 2017, 'Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Increasing Automation of Legal Services Should Deepen and Not Diminish Legal Education', in The Future of Australian Legal Education Conference 2017, Sydney Australia, presented at The Future of Australian Legal Education Conference, Sydney Australia, 11 August 2017 - 13 August 2017,

Brennan S, 2010, 'Indigenous Property Rights, the Judiciary and the Australian Constitution’', in Indigenous Property Rights, the Judiciary and the Australian Constitution, Mexico City, presented at VIIIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Mexico City, 08 December 2010,

Conference Presentations

Lynch A; Appleby G; Brennan S, 2017, 'Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Increasing Automation of Legal Services Should Deepen and Not Diminish Legal Education', presented at The Future of Legal Education Conference, Australian Academy of Law, Sydney, 11 August 2017 - 13 August 2017

Brennan S, 2004, 'The Idea of Modern Treaty-Making between Indigenous Peoples and Australian Governments', presented at Conference of the International Bar Association 2004, Auckland, New Zealand, 26 October 2004

Brennan S, 2004, 'Learning from each other: overseas influences on an Australian project about treaties', presented at Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand (ACSANZ) Biennial Conference, Sydney, 24 September 2004

Brennan S, 2004, 'The Possibility of Treaty Making', presented at Terra Alterius: Land of Another, Sydney, 20 August 2004

Brennan S, 2004, 'Native Title, Regional Autonomy and Treaty', presented at ANTar National Congress, Brisbane, Qld, 18 June 2004


Kildea P; Appleby G; Brennan S, 2023, Expert Analysis of the ‘Official Yes/No Cases’ published by the Australian Electoral Commission: Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023,

Brennan S, 2019, 'Australia' in The Indigenous World 2019, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen,

Appleby G; dixon R; brennan S; mckinnon G, 2016, Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, ‘Free speech inquiry’

Hoole GR; Appleby G; Brennan S; Chordia S, 2016, Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Establishment of a National Integrity Commission

Brennan S; Ramkumar P, 2015, Submission to Tax White Paper Taskforce on Alcohol Taxation, Australia

Lynch A; Kildea P; Williams G, 2012, Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Australia

Brennan S, 2012, Submission on Low Aromatic Fuel Bill 24 July 2012, Australia

Brennan S, 2011, Submission to Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians, Australia

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