Select Publications


Brennan S, 2009, Submission to National Human Rights Consultation on Indigenous Legal Issues (2009), Australia

Brennan S; Epstein T, 2007, Compulsory acquisition of Aboriginal property rights,, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee inquiry into Commonwealth intervention on Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory

Brennan S; Epstein T, 2007, Compulsory Acquisition of Property Rights (supplementary submission), Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry into Aboriginal Communities in the NT, Compulsory Acquisition of Property Rights (supplementary submission)

Brennan S; Craven Z, 2006, Indigenous Law Centre, Submission 98 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for its Inquiry into Stolen Wages, October 2006 and Resarch Report as Attachment A., Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Indigenous Law Centre, Submission 98 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for its Inquiry into Stolen Wages, October 2006 and Resarch Report as Attachment A.

Williams G; Brennan S; Hume N, 2003, Submission to Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee, Queensland Parliament for its Inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Participation in Queensland’s Democratic Process, 10 April 2003, Queensland Parliament

Brennan S; Williams G; Bosnjak V, 2002, Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee for its Inquiry into the Progress Towards National Reconciliation, Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee


Kildea P; Appleby G; Brennan S, 2023, How do the “yes” and “no” cases stack up? Constitutional law experts take a look, ,

Brennan S, 2019, Timber Creek and Australia’s Second Chance to Grasp the Opportunity of Mabo, ,

Brennan S; Butterly L, 2015, Blog post: High Court sharply divided in latest native title case, The Australian Public Law Blog, ,


Brennan S, 2014, Comment: Native Title Extinguishment Law in the High Court, Thomson Reuters (Professional),

Brennan S, 2012, Comment: Commercial Native Title Fishing Rights in the Torres Strait and the Question of Regulation versus Extinguishment,

Davis MJ; Brennan S, 2007, A Narrative of Exclusion: Indigenous Rights in Australia, Australian Human Rights Centre,

Brennan S, 2004, Reconciliation in Australia: the Relationship between Indigenous People and the Wider Community, Watson Institute for International Studies, ,

Brennan S, 2003, Book review: A New Constitution for Australia by Bede Harris,

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