Select Publications

Journal articles

Brennan S; Davis M, 2014, 'Koowarta: constitutional landmark, transition point or missed opportunity?', Griffith Law Review, 23, pp. 79 - 91,

Brennan S, 2012, 'Constitutional Reform and its Relationship to Land Justice', Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title, 5, pp. 1 - 16

Brennan S, 2012, 'Section 51 (xxxi) and the Acquisition of Property under Commonwealth-State Arrangements: The relevance to Native Title Extinguishment on Just Terms', Australian Indigenous Law Review, 15, pp. 74 - 86,

Brennan S, 2010, 'Statutory Interpretation and Indigenous Property Rights', Public Law Review, 21, pp. 239 - 262

Brennan S, 2010, 'Territory Exceptionalism and Indigenous Property Holders: Federalism, Rights Protection and the Australian Constitution', City University of Hong Kong Law Review, 2, pp. 117 - 135

Brennan S, 2010, 'Wurridjal v Commonwealth: The Northern Territory Intervention and Just Terms for the Acquisition of Property', Melbourne University Law Review, 33, pp. 957 - 983,

Brennan S, 2008, 'Compulsory acquisition of native title land for private use by third parties¿', Public Law Review, 19, pp. 179 - 196

Brennan S, 2008, 'Wet or Dry, It's Aboriginal Land: The Blue Mud Bay Decision on the Intertidal Zone', Indigenous Law Bulletin, 7, pp. 2 - 3

Davis MJ; Brennan S, 2007, 'A narrative of exclusion: Indigenous rights in Australia', Human Rights Defender, 16, pp. 15 - 17,

Brennan S, 2006, 'Economic Development and Land Council Power: Modernising the Land Rights Act or Same Old Same Old?', Australian Indigenous Law Review, 10, pp. 1 - 34

Brennan S; Healey DJ; Hunter JB; Johnson D; San Roque M; Wolff LT, 2005, 'Indigenous Legal Education at UNSW: A Work-In-Progress', Indigenous Law Bulletin, 6, pp. 26 - 29

Brennan S, 2004, 'Native Title and the `Acquisition of Property` under the Australian Constitution', Melbourne University Law Review, 28, pp. 28 - 79

Brennan S; Williams G; Gunn B, 2004, 'Sovereignty and its Relevance to Treaty-Making Between Indigenous Peoples and Australian Governments', Sydney Law Review, 26, pp. 307 - 352

Brennan S, 2003, 'Native title in the High Court of Australia a decade after Mabo', Public Law Review, 14, pp. 209 - 218

Brennan S; Bosnjak V; Williams G, 2003, 'Rights-based Reconciliation Needs Renewed Action from Canberra', Alternative Law Journal, 28, pp. 122 - 126

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