Select Publications

Journal articles

Roberts T; Lapworth A; Koh L; Ghasri M, 2025, 'Negotiating trust in AI-enabled navigation technologies: imaginaries, ecologies, habits', Social and Cultural Geography, 26, pp. 160 - 178,

Hosseini Shoabjareh A; Ghasri M; Roberts T; Lapworth A; Dobos N; Boshuijzen-van Burken C, 2024, 'The role of trust and distrust in technology usage: An in-depth investigation of traffic information apps usage for mandatory and non-mandatory trips', Travel Behaviour and Society, 37,

Koh L; Lapworth A, 2024, 'Refiguring habits of subjectivity, communication, and space in online video calls', Area, 56,

Lapworth A, 2023, 'Gilbert Simondon, "Imagination and Invention"', Philosophy in Review, 43, pp. 37 - 39,

Gerlach J; Debaise D; Wiame A; Roberts T; Lapworth A; Dewsbury JD; Colebrook C; Williams N; Keating TP, 2023, 'Correction: Geophilosophy round table (Subjectivity, (2023), 30, 1, (91-106), 10.1057/s41286-023-00150-1)', Subjectivity, 30, pp. 112,

Gerlach J; Debaise D; Wiame A; Roberts T; Lapworth A; Dewsbury JD; Colebrook C; Williams N; Keating TP, 2023, 'Geophilosophy round table', Subjectivity, 30, pp. 91 - 106,

Lapworth A; Roberts T, 2023, 'Habit, Artificial Intelligence and the Ontological Performance of Trust', Performance Research, 28, pp. 73 - 81,

Lapworth A, 2023, 'Thinking the unconscious beyond the psychoanalytic subject: Simondon, Murakami, and the transductive forces of the transindividual', Social and Cultural Geography, 24, pp. 1501 - 1518,

Roberts T; Lapworth A; Dewsbury JD, 2022, 'From ‘world’ to ‘earth’: non-phenomenological subjectivity in Deleuze and Guattari's geophilosophy', Subjectivity, 15, pp. 135 - 151,

Lapworth A, 2021, 'Responsibility Before the World: Cinema, Perspectivism and a Nonhuman Ethics of Individuation', Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 15, pp. 386 - 410

MacLeavy J; Lapworth A, 2020, 'A ‘Post-Work’ World: Geographical Engagements with the Future of Work', Political Quarterly, 91, pp. 310 - 316,

Lapworth A, 2020, 'Gilbert Simondon and the Technical Mentalities and Transindividual Affects of Art-science', Body & Society, 26, pp. 107 - 134,

Williams N; Patchett M; Lapworth A; Roberts T; Keating T, 2019, 'Practising post-humanism in geographical research', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44, pp. 637 - 643,

Lapworth A, 2019, 'Sensing', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,

Lapworth A, 2018, 'Ambient Media: Japanese Atmospheres of the Self', EMOTION SPACE AND SOCIETY, 28, pp. 67 - 68,

Bai X; Marcotte D; Gamache M; Gregory D; Lapworth A, 2018, 'Automatic generation of feasible mining pushbacks for open pit strategic planning', Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 118, pp. 515 - 530,

Lapworth A, 2016, 'Theorizing Bioart Encounters after Gilbert Simondon', Theory, Culture and Society, 33, pp. 123 - 150,

Lapworth A, 2016, 'Cinema, thought, immanence: Contemplating signs and empty spaces in the films of Ozu', Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 3, pp. 13 - 31,

Lapworth A, 2015, 'Beyond Bifurcation: Thinking the Abstractions of Art-Science after A. N. Whitehead', Transformations: Journal of Media, Culture and Technology,

Lapworth A, 2015, 'Habit, art, and the plasticity of the subject: the ontogenetic shock of the bioart encounter', Cultural Geographies, 22, pp. 85 - 102,

Lapworth A, 2014, 'Deleuze and Race', SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY, 15, pp. 685 - 686,

Lapworth A, 2013, 'Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of the Transindividual', MODERN & CONTEMPORARY FRANCE, 21, pp. 392 - 393,

Primhok RA; Powell CVE; Peot JK; Toelle BG; Morks GB; Mellis CM, 2002, 'AHR in asthma [2] (multiple letter)', Thorax, 57, pp. 186,

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