Select Publications

Book Chapters

Kiaos A, 2025, 'People research practices to reduce cognitive suppression in diverse peoples at work', in Human Resources Management - The Rise of Organizational People Practices, IntechOpen

Journal articles

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Behind the scenes of self and subject: Autoethnography of a NSW public sector agency', pending

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Share his troubles: People's perceptions of men living with grief', Journal of Men's Health,

Kiaos A, 2024, 'How employees act on the front stage', Organizational Cultures: An International Journal

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Building a case for ethnographic inquiry: Limitations of cultural essentialism and the treatment of mental illness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples', Transcultural Psychiatry

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Customer centric Ideologies and burnout: A public sector agency case study', Pending

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Cultural blind spots: Identifying hidden psychosocial hazards in the workplace', Health Promotion Journal of Australia,

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Organizational culture, cultural control and the self: Directions for organizational ethnographers', Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 24, pp. 37 - 60,

Kiaos A, 2023, 'Stop being a wuss: People’s perceptions of men experiencing grief in Australia.', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35, pp. 1 - 11,

Kiaos A, 2023, 'Examining organisational subcultures: Machinery of Government mergers and emerging organisational microcultures', Australian Journal of Public Administration, pp. 1 - 21,

Kiaos A, 2023, 'An interpretative framework for analysing managerial ideology, normative control, organizational culture and the self', Cogent Business & Management, 10, pp. 1 - 17,

Werder O; Holland K; Kiaos T; Ferson MJ, 2022, 'Between the sea and the sky: A social practice investigation into health behaviours during cruise travel', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, pp. 367 - 378,

Conference Presentations

Kiaos A, 2024, 'Machinery of Government Mergers and Employee Mental Health', presented at UNSW Interdisciplinary Ethnography Network, Sydney, Australia, 05 March 2024,

Kiaos A, 2018, 'A Framework for Integrating Diversity and Inclusion in Organisational Settings: An Assessment of Schein's Model', presented at Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, Equity, Diversity and Gender in Employment (wEDGE), Griffith University, Brisbane, 01 August 2018 - 01 August 2018


Kiaos A, 2023, Discipline Report - Psychiatry and Mental Health 2022-23,

Theses / Dissertations

Kiaos A, 2022, Don't be a wuss: People's perceptions of men experiencing grief in Australia,

Kiaos A, 2022, A critical analysis of the Service NSW DNA culture, Macquarie University,

Kiaos A, 2018, A test of schein's model: Organisational culture, diversity and inclusion

Working Papers

Kiaos A, 2023, A prelude to critical organisational ethnography to reveal employee mental health,

Kiaos A, 2022, Cultural psychology: A review of the literature,

Kiaos A, 2022, An interpretative analysis: Subjective experiences of marginal employees in the workplace during MoG mergers,

Kiaos A, 2022, Cultural fragmentation: Suppressing the expression of critical thinking,

Kiaos A, 2022, How we view, study and categorise organisational cultures,


Kiaos A, 2025, Employees who engage in concurrent employment: Implications for employers concerning psychological workers' compensation claims,

Kiaos A, 2024, Go broad or go deep? Psychosocial risk workplace research methodologies,

Kiaos A, 2024, Dr Anna Kiaos on understanding mental health in organisations, Better Thinking,

Kiaos A, 2024, 'The most lonely group are young people': Why people surrounded by others feel isolated and disconnected,

Kiaos A, 2024, Hegemonic masculinity: Failing government strategy enables men's experience of stigma, Sydney, Australia,

Kiaos A, 2023, Research reveals cultural tensions in government restructures, Mirage News,

Kiaos A, 2023, MoGs Can Hurt Employees' Mental Health: Research- Government News, Government News, Sydney,

Kiaos A, 2023, Cultural tensions during Machinery of Government restructures: study, National Tribune, Sydney,

Kiaos A, 2023, Confrontation in the workplace: ‘I got yelled at, and I still can’t work out why, Sydney Morning Hearld,

Kiaos A, 2023, Confrontation in the workplace: ‘I got yelled at, and I still can’t work out why’, The Age,

Kiaos A, 2019, Overcoming unconscious bias, Institute of Managers and Leaders,

Kiaos A, 2018, Gender quotas in the workplace: Do they work and should we have them?, Recruitment, Consulting & Staffing Association,

Kiaos A, 2018, The perceived ‘risk’ of non-traditional job candidates is holding back brilliant talent, Women's Agenda,

Kiaos A, 2018, The more we are stressed, the less we can handle a diverse workplace, SBS,

Kiaos A, 2018, Most Australian workplaces are failing to achieve diversity: study,

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