ORCID as entered in ROS
Select Publications
Kiaos A, 2025, 'People research practices to reduce cognitive suppression in diverse peoples at work', in Human Resources Management - The Rise of Organizational People Practices, IntechOpen
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Behind the scenes of self and subject: Autoethnography of a NSW public sector agency', pending
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Share his troubles: People's perceptions of men living with grief', Journal of Men's Health, http://dx.doi.org/10.22514/jomh.2024.135
Kiaos A, 2024, 'How employees act on the front stage', Organizational Cultures: An International Journal
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Building a case for ethnographic inquiry: Limitations of cultural essentialism and the treatment of mental illness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples', Transcultural Psychiatry
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Customer centric Ideologies and burnout: A public sector agency case study', Pending
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Cultural blind spots: Identifying hidden psychosocial hazards in the workplace', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 36, pp. e900, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hpja.900
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Organizational culture, cultural control and the self: Directions for organizational ethnographers', Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 24, pp. 37 - 60, http://dx.doi.org/10.18848/2327-8013/CGP/v24i02/37-60
Kiaos A, 2023, 'Stop being a wuss: People’s perceptions of men experiencing grief in Australia.', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35, pp. 1 - 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hpja.794
Kiaos A, 2023, 'Examining organisational subcultures: Machinery of Government mergers and emerging organisational microcultures', Australian Journal of Public Administration, pp. 1 - 21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8500.12590
Kiaos A, 2023, 'An interpretative framework for analysing managerial ideology, normative control, organizational culture and the self', Cogent Business & Management, 10, pp. 1 - 17, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2022.2163795
Werder O; Holland K; Kiaos T; Ferson MJ, 2022, 'Between the sea and the sky: A social practice investigation into health behaviours during cruise travel', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, pp. 367 - 378, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hpja.593
Kiaos A, 2024, 'Machinery of Government Mergers and Employee Mental Health', presented at UNSW Interdisciplinary Ethnography Network, Sydney, Australia, 05 March 2024, http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.16946.79040
Kiaos A, 2018, 'A Framework for Integrating Diversity and Inclusion in Organisational Settings: An Assessment of Schein's Model', presented at Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, Equity, Diversity and Gender in Employment (wEDGE), Griffith University, Brisbane, 01 August 2018 - 01 August 2018
Kiaos A, 2023, Discipline Report - Psychiatry and Mental Health 2022-23, https://www.unsw.edu.au/content/dam/pdfs/medicine-health/general/research-reports/2023-12-discipline-report/2023-12-Discipline-Report-Psychiatry-and-Mental-Health-2022-23.pdf
Kiaos A, 2022, Don't be a wuss: People's perceptions of men experiencing grief in Australia, http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.15114.13767
Kiaos A, 2022, A critical analysis of the Service NSW DNA culture, Macquarie University, http://dx.doi.org/10.25949/19451720.v1
Kiaos A, 2018, A test of schein's model: Organisational culture, diversity and inclusion
Kiaos A, 2023, A prelude to critical organisational ethnography to reveal employee mental health, http://dx.doi.org
Kiaos A, 2022, Cultural psychology: A review of the literature, http://dx.doi.org
Kiaos A, 2022, An interpretative analysis: Subjective experiences of marginal employees in the workplace during MoG mergers, http://dx.doi.org
Kiaos A, 2022, Cultural fragmentation: Suppressing the expression of critical thinking, http://dx.doi.org
Kiaos A, 2022, How we view, study and categorise organisational cultures, http://dx.doi.org
Kiaos A, 2025, Employees who engage in concurrent employment: Implications for employers concerning psychological workers' compensation claims, https://www.mindculturelife.com.au/post/employees-who-engage-in-concurrent-employment-implications-for-employers-concerning-psychological-w
Kiaos A, 2024, Go broad or go deep? Psychosocial risk workplace research methodologies, https://www.mindculturelife.com.au/post/go-broad-or-go-deep-psychosocial-risk-methodologies
Kiaos A, 2024, Dr Anna Kiaos on understanding mental health in organisations, Better Thinking, https://neshnikolic.com/podcast/anna-kiaos
Kiaos A, 2024, 'The most lonely group are young people': Why people surrounded by others feel isolated and disconnected, https://www.sbs.com.au/news/podcast-episode/the-most-lonely-group-are-young-people-why-people-surrounded-by-others-feel-isolated-and-disconnected/bwbx4amwl
Kiaos A, 2024, Hegemonic masculinity: Failing government strategy enables men's experience of stigma, Sydney, Australia, https://www.mindculturelife.com.au/post/hegemonic-masculinity-failing-government-strategy-enables-men-s-experience-of-stigma
Kiaos A, 2023, Research reveals cultural tensions in government restructures, Mirage News, https://www.miragenews.com/research-reveals-cultural-tensions-in-1035901/
Kiaos A, 2023, MoGs Can Hurt Employees' Mental Health: Research- Government News, Government News, Sydney, https://www.governmentnews.com.au/mogs-can-hurt-employees-mental-health-research/
Kiaos A, 2023, Cultural tensions during Machinery of Government restructures: study, National Tribune, Sydney, https://www.nationaltribune.com.au/cultural-tensions-during-machinery-of-government-restructures-study/
Kiaos A, 2023, Confrontation in the workplace: ‘I got yelled at, and I still can’t work out why, Sydney Morning Hearld, https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/confrontation-in-the-workplace-i-got-yelled-at-and-i-still-can-t-work-out-why-20230131-p5cgyi.html
Kiaos A, 2023, Confrontation in the workplace: ‘I got yelled at, and I still can’t work out why’, The Age, https://www.theage.com.au/business/workplace/confrontation-in-the-workplace-i-got-yelled-at-and-i-still-can-t-work-out-why-20230131-p5cgyi.html
Kiaos A, 2019, Overcoming unconscious bias, Institute of Managers and Leaders, https://managersandleaders.com.au/overcoming-unconscious-bias/
Kiaos A, 2018, Gender quotas in the workplace: Do they work and should we have them?, Recruitment, Consulting & Staffing Association, https://www.rcsanews.com/single-post/2018/11/14/Gender-quotas-in-the-workplace-Do-they-work-and-should-we-have-them
Kiaos A, 2018, The perceived ‘risk’ of non-traditional job candidates is holding back brilliant talent, Women's Agenda, https://ros.unsw.edu.au/objectedit.html?cid=1&ot=74&wt=6&dpt=The%20perceived%20%E2%80%98risk%E2%80%99%20of%20non-traditional%20job%20candidates%20is%20holding%20back%20brilliant%20talent
Kiaos A, 2018, The more we are stressed, the less we can handle a diverse workplace, SBS, https://www.sbs.com.au/topics/voices/culture/article/2018/03/12/more-we-are-stressed-less-we-can-handle-diverse-workplace
Kiaos A, 2018, Most Australian workplaces are failing to achieve diversity: study, https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/most-australian-workplaces-are-failing-to-achieve-diversity-study/a5lftfbma