Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Faster and lower dose imaging: evaluating adaptive, constant gantry velocity and angular separation in fast low-dose 4D cone beam CT imaging', Medical Physics, 51, pp. 1364 - 1382,
,2022, 'Reducing 4DCBCT imaging dose and time: Exploring the limits of adaptive acquisition and motion compensated reconstruction', Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67,
,2021, 'The first-in-human implementation of adaptive 4D cone beam CT for lung cancer radiotherapy: 4DCBCT in less time with less dose', Radiotherapy and Oncology, 161, pp. 29 - 34,
,2021, 'Reducing 4DCBCT scan time and dose through motion compensated acquisition and reconstruction', Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66,
,2020, 'Mu-opioids suppress gabaergic synaptic transmission onto orbitofrontal cortex pyramidal neurons with subregional selectivity', Journal of Neuroscience, 40, pp. 5894 - 5907,
,2020, 'Opioid presynaptic disinhibition of the midbrain periaqueductal grey descending analgesic pathway', British Journal of Pharmacology, 177, pp. 2320 - 2332,
,2020, 'A new mouse line with reduced GluA2 Q/R site RNA editing exhibits loss of dendritic spines, hippocampal CA1-neuron loss, learning and memory impairments and NMDA receptor-independent seizure vulnerability', Molecular Brain, 13,
,2016, 'Age-dependent D1-D2 receptor coactivation in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex potentiates NMDA receptors and facilitates cognitive flexibility', Cerebral Cortex, 26, pp. 4524 - 4539,
,2015, 'Repeated morphine treatment alters cannabinoid modulation of GABAergic synaptic transmission within the rat periaqueductal grey', British Journal of Pharmacology, 172, pp. 681 - 690,
,2014, 'Endocannabinoid modulation by FAAH and monoacylglycerol lipase within the analgesic circuitry of the periaqueductal grey', British Journal of Pharmacology, 171, pp. 5225 - 5236,
,2014, 'Descending modulation of pain: The GABA disinhibition hypothesis of analgesia', Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 29, pp. 159 - 164,
,2014, 'Menthol enhances phasic and tonic GABA
2014, 'Targeting the endogenous cannabinoid system to treat neuropathic pain', Frontiers in Pharmacology, 5 MAR,
,2009, 'Substance P drives endocannabinoid-mediated disinhibition in a midbrain descending analgesic pathway', Journal of Neuroscience, 29, pp. 7220 - 7229,
,2008, 'Muscarinic modulation of synaptic transmission via endocannabinoid signalling in the rat midbrain periaqueductal gray', Molecular Pharmacology, 74, pp. 1392 - 1398,