Chaoran Huang is a Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate with Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, and he was with School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, supervised by Dr. Lina Yao , and works closely with and her group D².
He used to concentrate on Service-Oriented Computing, while much of his current research is focused on the data mining, machine learning and IoT data analytics. More can be...view more
Chaoran Huang is a Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate with Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, and he was with School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, supervised by Dr. Lina Yao , and works closely with and her group D².
He used to concentrate on Service-Oriented Computing, while much of his current research is focused on the data mining, machine learning and IoT data analytics. More can be found in
My Qualifications
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
data mining, machine learning and IoT data analytics.
co-supervised 1 Taste of Research project(2021) student
1 PhD student completion in 2022 (secondarily supervised)
Currently supervising
I am jointly supervising 4 PhD students secondarily supervising 1 PhD student
Not available as solely as primary HDR supervisor, but can be co-supervisor, joint supervisor or secondary supervisor.
My Teaching
Course admin & lab demonstrator for COMP9321 in Term1, 2019
Assessor for Research Thesis B - 2021 T2
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