Select Publications

Journal articles

Liang R; Zhang C; Huang C; Li B; Saydam S; Canbulat I; Munsamy L, 2024, 'Multimodal data fusion for geo-hazard prediction in underground mining operation', Computers and Industrial Engineering, 193,

Wang B; de Lima TF; Shastri BJ; Prucnal PR; Huang C, 2023, 'Multi-Wavelength Photonic Neuromorphic Computing for Intra and Inter-Channel Distortion Compensations in WDM Optical Communication Systems', IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 29,

Zhang W; Tait A; Huang C; Ferreira de Lima T; Bilodeau S; Blow EC; Jha A; Shastri BJ; Prucnal P, 2023, 'Broadband physical layer cognitive radio with an integrated photonic processor for blind source separation', NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 14,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Kanhere S; Huang C, 2023, 'A blockchain framework data integrity enhanced recommender system', Computational Intelligence, 39, pp. 104 - 120,

Liang R; Huang C; Zhang C; Li B; Saydam S; Canbulat I, 2023, 'The fusion of data visualisation and data analytics in the process of mining digitalisation', IEEE Access,

Liang R; Huang C; Zhang C; Li B; Saydam S; Canbulat I, 2023, 'Data diagram design and data management for visualisation and analytics fusion in the mining industry', Engineered Science,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Wang X; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Sheng QZ, 2022, 'A Survey on Recommender Systems for Internet of Things: Techniques, Applications and Future Directions', Computer Journal, 65, pp. 2098 - 2132,

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Sheng QZ; Dustdar S; Wang Z; Xu X, 2022, 'Intent-Aware Interactive Internet of Things for Enhanced Collaborative Ambient Intelligence', IEEE Internet Computing, 26, pp. 68 - 75,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Huang C; Wang X; Kanhere SS, 2021, 'Context-induced activity monitoring for on-demand things-of-interest recommendation in an ambient intelligent environment', Future Internet, 13,

Pan S; Huang C; Zhang X; Ruan R; Yan Z; Li Z; Pang Y; Guo K; Zheng X, 2021, 'Non-weight-bearing short knee radiographs to evaluate coronal alignment before total knee arthroplasty', QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY, 12, pp. 1214 - 1222,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Wang X; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Sheng QZ, 2020, 'Recommender Systems for the Internet of Things: A Survey', ,

Altulyan M; Yao L; Kanhere SS; Wang X; Huang C, 2020, 'A unified framework for data integrity protection in people-centric smart cities', Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, pp. 4989 - 5002

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Zhang X, 2020, 'Software expert discovery via knowledge domain embeddings in a collaborative network', Pattern Recognition Letters, 130, pp. 46 - 53,

Wang X; Huang C; Yao L; Benatallah B; Dong M, 2018, 'A Survey on Expert Recommendation in Community Question Answering', Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 33, pp. 625 - 653,

Yao L; Wang X; Sheng QZ; Benatallah B; Huang C, 2018, 'Mashup Recommendation by Regularizing Matrix Factorization with API Co-Invocations', IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

Dong M; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Huang C; Ning X, 2018, 'Opinion fraud detection via neural autoencoder decision forest', Pattern Recognition Letters

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Gu T; Yang Z; Liu Y, 'DeepKey: A Multimodal Biometric Authentication System via Deep Decoding Gaits and Brainwaves', ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)

Conference Papers

Blow EC; de Lima TF; Peng H-T; Zhang W; Huang C; Shastri BJ; Prucnal PR, 2022, 'Broadband Radio-Frequency Signal Processing with Neuromorphic Photonics', in Jalali B; Kitayama KI (ed.), AI AND OPTICAL DATA SCIENCES III, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, ELECTR NETWORK, presented at Conference on AI and Optical Data Sciences III, ELECTR NETWORK, 22 January 2022 - 24 February 2022,

Altulyan MS; Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Kanhere S, 2022, 'Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Things of Interest Recommendation in Intelligent Ambient Environment', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 393 - 404,

Altulayan MS; Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Kanhere S, 2021, 'Contextual Bandit Learning for Activity-Aware Things-of-Interest Recommendation in an Assisted Living Environment', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 37 - 49,

Huang C; Yao L, 2020, 'Active Object Estimation for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks', Online / Bangkok, Thailand, presented at The 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Online / Bangkok, Thailand, 18 November 2020 - 22 November 2020,

Chen X; Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Liu W; Zhang W, 2020, 'Knowledge-guided Deep Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Recommendation', in arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.08068

Chen X; Huang C; Zhang X; Wang X; Liu W; Yao L, 2019, 'Expert2Vec: Distributed Expert Representation Learning in Question Answering Community', in International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Springer, pp. 288 - 301, presented at ADMA, Springer, 21 November 2019 - 23 November 2019

Altulyan MS; Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Kanhere S; Cao Y, 2019, 'Reminder Care System: An Activity-Aware Cross-Device Recommendation System', in International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Springer, pp. 207 - 220, presented at ADMA, Springer, 21 November 2019 - 23 November 2019

Dong M; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Huang C, 2019, 'Similarity-Aware Deep Attentive Model for Clickbait Detection', in Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer, pp. 56 - 69, presented at PAKDD, Springer, 14 April 2019 - 17 April 2019,

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Zhang S; Dong M, 2018, 'Expert recommendation via tensor factorization with regularizing hierarchical topical relationships', in Pahl C; Vukovic M; Yin J; Yu Q (eds.), International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, Springer Nature, Springer, Cham, pp. 373 - 387, presented at 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), Springer, Cham, 12 November 2018 - 15 November 2018,

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Wang S; Tan M; Long G; Wang C, 2018, 'Multi-modality Sensor Data Classification with Selective Attention', in Lang J (ed.), the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, SWEDEN, Stockholm, pp. 3111 - 3117, presented at Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SWEDEN, Stockholm, 13 July 2018 - 19 July 2018,

Zhang S; Yao L; Ning X; Huang C; Xu X; Ou S, 2018, 'Coupled Linear and Deep Nonlinear Method for Meetup Service Recommendation', in International Conference on Web Services, Springer, pp. 246 - 260, Springer

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Sheng QZ, 2017, 'Expert as a Service: Software Expert Recommendation via Knowledge Domain Embeddings in Stack Overflow', in Web Services (ICWS), 2017 IEEE The 24th International Conference on

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Sheng QZ; Wang X, 2017, 'Intent recognition in smart living through deep recurrent neural networks', in International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Springer, pp. 748 - 758, Springer


Altulyan M; Yao L; Wang X; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Sheng QZ, 2020, Recommender Systems for the Internet of Things: A Survey, ,

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Zhang X, 2018, Software Expert Discovery via Knowledge Domain Embeddings in a Collaborative Network, ,

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Zhang D; Zhang Y, 2018, Brain2Object: Printing Your Mind from Brain Signals with Spatial Correlation Embedding, ,

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Zhang S; Dong M, 2018, Expert Recommendation via Tensor Factorization with Regularizing Hierarchical Topical Relationships, ,

Wang X; Huang C; Yao L; Benatallah B; Dong M, 2018, A Survey on Expert Recommendation in Community Question Answering, ,

Dong M; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Huang C; Ning X, 2018, Opinion Fraud Detection via Neural Autoencoder Decision Forest, ,

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Sheng QZ; Wang X, 2017, Intent Recognition in Smart Living Through Deep Recurrent Neural Networks, ,

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