Select Publications


Altulyan M; Yao L; Wang X; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Sheng QZ, 2020, Recommender Systems for the Internet of Things: A Survey, ,

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Zhang X, 2018, Software Expert Discovery via Knowledge Domain Embeddings in a Collaborative Network, ,

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Kanhere SS; Zhang D; Zhang Y, 2018, Brain2Object: Printing Your Mind from Brain Signals with Spatial Correlation Embedding, ,

Huang C; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Zhang S; Dong M, 2018, Expert Recommendation via Tensor Factorization with Regularizing Hierarchical Topical Relationships, ,

Wang X; Huang C; Yao L; Benatallah B; Dong M, 2018, A Survey on Expert Recommendation in Community Question Answering, ,

Dong M; Yao L; Wang X; Benatallah B; Huang C; Ning X, 2018, Opinion Fraud Detection via Neural Autoencoder Decision Forest, ,

Zhang X; Yao L; Huang C; Sheng QZ; Wang X, 2017, Intent Recognition in Smart Living Through Deep Recurrent Neural Networks, ,

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