Select Publications

Conference Papers

Lemech CR; Newmark J; Arkenau H-T, 2013, 'The use of molecular profiling (MP) beyond standard panels in day-to-day practice: A multi-institutional multinational survey', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, IL, Chicago, presented at 49th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), IL, Chicago, 31 May 2013 - 04 June 2013,

Lemech C; Fontela A; Arkenau H; Chin M; Li S; Liauw WS; Thomas D; De Souza P, 2012, 'Phase I study of everolimus in combination with fluvastatin and zoledronic acid in patients with solid tumours', in Journal of clinical oncology - official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology, New York, pp. e13585 - e13585, presented at ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, 01 June 2012 - 05 June 2012,

Soria J-C; Gan HK; Arkenau H-T; Blagden SP; Plummer R; Ranson M; Evans TRJ; Zalcman G; Bahleda R; Hollebecque A; Lemech C; Brown J; Peddareddigari VGR; Gibson D; Murray SC; Nebot N; Mazumdar J; Fleming RA; Millward M, 2012, 'Phase I clinical and pharmacologic study of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor GSK2256098 in pts with advanced solid tumors', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, IL, Chicago, presented at 48th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), IL, Chicago, 01 June 2012 - 06 June 2012,

Lemech CR; Cosman R; Lee C; Friedlander M; Lewis C; Lynch J; Thomas D; Clingan P; Glasgow A, 2010, 'Cardiac dysfunction in patients receiving trastuzumab for early stage breast cancer in the SESIAHS', in Aisa-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, Sydney Australia, presented at Medical Oncology Group of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney Australia, 12 August 2010 - 14 August 2010,

Conference Posters

Baird RD; Cresti N; Beddowes E; Saggese M; Flynn M; Garcia Corbacho J; Gao F; Lemech CR; Donaldson K; Posner J; Kawabat I; Forster M; Arkenau HT; Plummer R; Jodrell D; Spicer J, 2013, 'Phase I trial of S-222611, a dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor of EGFR and HER2, with preliminary evidence of efficacy in patients (pts) with heavily pre-treated HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer', presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 10 December 2013 - 14 December 2013,

Dua D; Lemech CR; Newmark J; Saggese M; Spiliopoulou P; Ash N; Williams I; Hauser J; Lauigan M; Muzengi M; Arkenau HT, 2013, 'Patients' perceptions of research biopsies on early phase oncology trials', Liverpool UK, presented at NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool UK, 03 November 2013 - 06 November 2013

Lemech CR; Newmark J; Arkenau HT, 2013, 'The use of molecular profiling (MP) beyond standard panels in day-to-day practice - a multi-institutional multi-national survey', Liverpool UK, presented at NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool UK, 03 November 2013 - 06 November 2013,

Ganguli S; Spiliopoulou P; Benafif S; Flynn M; Lemech CR; Saggese M; Forster M; Kristeleit R; Arkenau HT; Meyer T, 2013, 'Clinical outcomes for patients in early phase clinical trials: the UCLH and Sarah Cannon Research UK experience', Liverpool UK, presented at NCRI Cancer Conference, Liverpool UK, 03 November 2013 - 06 November 2013,

Liauw W; Lemech CR, 2010, 'Diffuse peritoneal adenomucinosis in a patient wiht familial adenomatous polyposis', Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, presented at Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 09 November 2010 - 11 November 2010

Lemech CR; Friedlander M, 2009, 'Clear cell cancer of the ovary: from resistance to response', Canberra Australia, presented at MOGA Annual Scientific Meeting, Canberra Australia, 12 August 2009 - 14 August 2009,

Conference Abstracts

Lee DH; Roohullah A; Cho BC; Lee S-H; Lemech C; De Souza P; Millward M; Choi J; Park KE; Kim E; Kim NY; Shin YK; Han J-Y, 2022, 'A phase I-II multicenter, open-label, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and antitumor activity of ABN401 in patients with advanced solid tumors and dose-expansion in patients with non-small cell lung cancer harboring c-MET dysregulation', in ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, ELSEVIER, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 33, pp. S1096 - S1096, presented at Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO), ELECTR NETWORK, 09 September 2022 - 13 September 2022,

Tran B; Voskoboynik M; Kim S-W; Lemech C; Carcereny E; Rha SY; Ahn M-J; Felip E; Lee KH; Alvarez EC; Yang JC-H; Ascierto PA; Pulla MP; Freeman D; Song X; Gainer SD; Mitchell P; Achour I; Subramaniam DS; Im S-A, 2022, 'Abstract CT016: MEDI5752, a novel PD-1/CTLA-4 bispecific checkpoint inhibitor for advanced solid tumors: First-in-human study', in Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Vol. 82, pp. CT016 - CT016,

Lee DH; Roohullah A; Cho BC; Lemech CR; de Souza PL; Millward M; Choi JY; Park KE; Kim NY; Kim E; Lee S; Kim Y; Shin YOUNGKEE; Han J-Y, 2022, 'A phase 1 dose-escalation study of the ABN401 (c-MET inhibitor) in patients with solid tumors.', in Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 40, pp. 3105 - 3105,

Strickler JH; Satake H; Hollebecque A; Sunakawa Y; Tomasini P; Bajor DL; Schuler MH; Yaeger R; George TJ; Garrido-Laguna I; Coveler AL; Vincent MD; Falchook GS; Burns TF; Rha SY; Lemech CR; Juric D; Jafarinasabian P; Tran Q; Hong DS, 2022, 'First data for sotorasib in patients with pancreatic cancer with KRAS p.G12C mutation: A phase I/II study evaluating efficacy and safety', in Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 40, pp. 360490 - 360490,

Markman B; Day D; Park JJW; Coward J; Bishnoi S; Kotasek D; Eek R; Brown MP; Lemech C; Kuo J; Prawira A; Strother R; Zhang Q; Wang L; Chen R; Ma Y; Qin Z; Tse A, 2020, 'Preliminary pharmacokinetics (PK), safety and efficacy of two dosing regimens of CS1003 (anti-PD-1) in solid tumours: 200 mg every 3-week (Q3W) and 400 mg every 6-week (Q6W) dosing', in ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, ELSEVIER, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 31, pp. S722 - S722, presented at ESMO Virtual Congress, ELECTR NETWORK, 19 September 2020 - 18 October 2020,


Thoms JAI; Yan F; Hampton HR; Davidson S; Joshi S; Saw J; Sarowar CH; Lim XY; Nunez AC; Kakadia PM; Bhuyan GS; Zou X; Nguyen M; Ghodousi ES; Koch FC; Vafaee F; Pickford R; Raftery MJ; Hough S; Buckland G; Bailey M; Ghodke Y; Absar N; Vaughan L; Pasalic L; Fong CY; Kenealy M; Hiwase DK; Stoddart RI; Mohammed S; Lee L; Passam FH; Larsen SR; Spring KJ; Skarratt KK; Rebeiro P; Presgrave P; Stevenson WS; Ling S; Tiley C; Fuller SJ; Roncolato F; Enjeti AK; Hoenemann D; Lemech C; Jolly CJ; Bohlander SK; Curtis DJ; Wong JWH; Unnikrishnan A; Hertzberg M; Olivier J; Polizzotto MN; Pimanda JE, 2024, Clinical Response to Azacitidine in Myelodysplastic Neoplasms is Associated with Distinct DNA Methylation Changes in Haematopoietic Stem and Progenitor cellsin vivo,

Gavagna G; Clifton-Bligh R; Lemech C; Williams S; Elefantis E; Nair H; Farrugia A, 2020, Intravenous Immunoglobulin Rich in Neutralising Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 as a Passive Immunity Modality in Healthy Individuals at Risk of Infection With COVID-19: Study Protocol for an Open Label, Active Control Phase 1/2 Study.,

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