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Select Publications
2019, Power and Dissensus, Permanent Recession – A Handbook on Art, Labour and Circumstance, Goodwin C, (ed.), Onomatopee, https://www.onomatopee.net/exhibition/permanent-recession/#publication_9873
,2019, Adventures in Biennale-land: thoughts on the Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art; NGV Triennial and the 21st Biennale of Sydney, Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts, Follent S, (ed.), Eyeline Publishing, https://www.eyelinepublishing.com/issue/eyeline-90
,2019, War Requiem: Reflections on conflict and memorialisation, Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts, Follent S, (ed.), Eyeline Publishing, https://www.eyelinepublishing.com/issue/eyeline-91
,2018, Unlearning from Europe: Notes on Documenta 14, Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts, Follent S, (ed.), Eyeline Publishing, https://www.eyelinepublishing.com/issue/eyeline-88
,2018, Personal, Political, Public: Reflections on difference, diversity and representation in the era of the Global Contemporary, Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts, Follent S, (ed.), Eyeline Publishing, https://www.eyelinepublishing.com/issue/eyeline-89
,2017, Anxiousness: thoughts on The National – New Australian Art, Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts, Follent S, (ed.), Eyeline Publishing
,2017, In the shadow of the wall: Reflections on The Jerusalem Show VIII – Before and After Origins, Broadsheet Journal, Were W, (ed.), CACSA - Contemporary Art centre of South Australia (Ace Open), https://issuu.com/cacsabroadsheet/docs/broadsheet_46.1
,2017, Sea of Longing: Qalandiya International 2016 – This Sea is Mine, Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts, Follent S, (ed.), Eyeline Publishing, https://www.eyelinepublishing.com/issue/eyeline-86