Select Publications

Book Chapters

Galeotti S; Bijl P; Brinkuis H; M. DeConto R; Escutia C; Florindo F; G.W. Gasson E; Francis J; Hutchinson D; Kennedy-Asser A; Lanci L; Sauermilch I; Sluijs A; Stocchi P, 2021, 'The Eocene-Oligocene boundary climate transition: An Antarctic perspective', in Antarctic Climate Evolution, pp. 297 - 361,

Journal articles

Zhang Y; de Boer AM; Qin G; Lunt DJ; Hutchinson DK; Steinig S; Niezgodzki I; Wade BS; Liu X; Poulsen CJ; Lohmann G, 2025, 'Poleward expansion of North Pacific gyre circulation during the warm early Eocene inferred from inter-model comparisons', Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 661,

Thompson N; Salzmann U; Hutchinson DK; Strother SL; Pound MJ; Utescher T; Brugger J; Hickler T; Hocking EP; Lunt DJ, 2025, 'Global vegetation zonation and terrestrial climate of the warm Early Eocene', Earth-Science Reviews, 261,

Steinig S; Abe-Ouchi A; de Boer AM; Chan WL; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson DK; Knorr G; Ladant JB; Morozova P; Niezgodzki I; Poulsen CJ; Volodin EM; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Evans D; Inglis GN; Meckler AN; Lunt DJ, 2024, 'DeepMIP-Eocene-p1: multi-model dataset and interactive web application for Eocene climate research', Scientific Data, 11,

Hutchinson DK; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Hogg AMC, 2024, 'East Antarctic warming forced by ice loss during the Last Interglacial', Nature Communications, 15,

Abhik S; Capitanio FA; Dommenget D; Goswami BN; Farnsworth A; Hutchinson DK; Arblaster JM; Lunt DJ; Steinig S, 2024, 'Unraveling weak and short South Asian wet season in the Early Eocene warmth', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,

Amarathunga U; Rohling EJ; Grant KM; Francke A; Latimer J; Klaebe RM; Heslop D; Roberts AP; Hutchinson DK, 2024, 'Mid-Pliocene glaciation preceded by a 0.5-million-year North African humid period', Nature Geoscience, 17, pp. 660 - 666,

Acosta RP; Burls NJ; Pound MJ; Bradshaw CD; De Boer AM; Herold N; Huber M; Liu X; Donnadieu Y; Farnsworth A; Frigola A; Lunt DJ; von der Heydt AS; Hutchinson DK; Knorr G; Lohmann G; Marzocchi A; Prange M; Sarr AC; Li X; Zhang Z, 2024, 'A Model-Data Comparison of the Hydrological Response to Miocene Warmth: Leveraging the MioMIP1 Opportunistic Multi-Model Ensemble', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39,

Thomas ZA; MacPhail M; Cadd H; Cantrill DJ; Hutchinson DK; Haines HA; Privat K; Turney C; Carter S; Brickle P, 2024, 'Evidence for a floristically diverse rainforest on the Falkland archipelago in the remote South Atlantic during the mid- to late Cenozoic', Antarctic Science,

Amarathunga U; Hutchinson D, 2024, 'An extended pan-North African humid period within the warm Pliocene', NATURE GEOSCIENCE, 17, pp. 596 - 597,

Kelemen FD; Steinig S; de Boer A; Zhu J; Chan WL; Niezgodzki I; Hutchinson DK; Knorr G; Abe-Ouchi A; Ahrens B, 2023, 'Meridional Heat Transport in the DeepMIP Eocene Ensemble: Non-CO2 and CO2 Effects', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38,

Cramwinckel MJ; Burls NJ; Fahad AA; Knapp S; West CK; Reichgelt T; Greenwood DR; Chan WL; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson DK; de Boer AM; Ladant JB; Morozova PA; Niezgodzki I; Knorr G; Steinig S; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Feng R; Lunt DJ; Abe-Ouchi A; Inglis GN, 2023, 'Global and Zonal-Mean Hydrological Response to Early Eocene Warmth', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38,

Goudsmit-Harzevoort B; Lansu A; Baatsen MLJ; von der Heydt AS; de Winter NJ; Zhang Y; Abe-Ouchi A; de Boer A; Chan WL; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson DK; Knorr G; Ladant JB; Morozova P; Niezgodzki I; Steinig S; Tripati A; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Ziegler M, 2023, 'The Relationship Between the Global Mean Deep-Sea and Surface Temperature During the Early Eocene', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38,

Tibbett EJ; Burls NJ; Hutchinson DK; Feakins SJ, 2023, 'Proxy-Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southern High Latitudes', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38,

Śliwińska KK; Coxall HK; Hutchinson DK; Liebrand D; Schouten S; De Boer AM, 2023, 'Sea surface temperature evolution of the North Atlantic Ocean across the Eocene-Oligocene transition', Climate of the Past, 19, pp. 123 - 140,

Zhang Z; Zhang Z; He Z; Tan N; Guo Z; Zhu J; Steinig S; Donnadieu Y; Ladant JB; Chan WL; Abe-Ouchi A; Niezgodzki I; Knorr G; Hutchinson DK; de Boer AM, 2022, 'Impact of Mountains in Southern China on the Eocene Climates of East Asia', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127,

de Boer AM; Hutchinson DK; Roquet F; Sime LC; Burls NJ; Heuzé C, 2022, 'The Impact of Southern Ocean Topographic Barriers on the Ocean Circulation and the Overlying Atmosphere', Journal of Climate, 35, pp. 5805 - 5821,

Niezgodzki I; Knorr G; Lohmann G; Lunt DJ; Poulsen CJ; Steinig S; Zhu J; de Boer A; Chan WL; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson DK; Ladant JB; Morozova P, 2022, 'Simulation of Arctic sea ice within the DeepMIP Eocene ensemble: Thresholds, seasonality and factors controlling sea ice development', Global and Planetary Change, 214,

Reichgelt T; Greenwood DR; Steinig S; Conran JG; Hutchinson DK; Lunt DJ; Scriven LJ; Zhu J, 2022, 'Plant Proxy Evidence for High Rainfall and Productivity in the Eocene of Australia', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37,

Williams CJR; Lunt DJ; Salzmann U; Reichgelt T; Inglis GN; Greenwood DR; Chan WL; Abe-Ouchi A; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson DK; de Boer AM; Ladant JB; Morozova PA; Niezgodzki I; Knorr G; Steinig S; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Huber M; Otto-Bliesner BL, 2022, 'African Hydroclimate During the Early Eocene From the DeepMIP Simulations', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37,

Zhang Y; de Boer AM; Lunt DJ; Hutchinson DK; Ross P; van de Flierdt T; Sexton P; Coxall HK; Steinig S; Ladant JB; Zhu J; Donnadieu Y; Zhang Z; Chan WL; Abe-Ouchi A; Niezgodzki I; Lohmann G; Knorr G; Poulsen CJ; Huber M, 2022, 'Early Eocene Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation: The Roles of Atmospheric Forcing and Strait Geometry', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37,

Burls NJ; Bradshaw CD; De Boer AM; Herold N; Huber M; Pound M; Donnadieu Y; Farnsworth A; Frigola A; Gasson E; von der Heydt AS; Hutchinson DK; Knorr G; Lawrence KT; Lear CH; Li X; Lohmann G; Lunt DJ; Marzocchi A; Prange M; Riihimaki CA; Sarr AC; Siler N; Zhang Z, 2021, 'Simulating Miocene Warmth: Insights From an Opportunistic Multi-Model Ensemble (MioMIP1)', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36,

Hutchinson DK; Coxall HK; Lunt DJ; Steinthorsdottir M; De Boer AM; Baatsen M; Von Der Heydt A; Huber M; Kennedy-Asser AT; Kunzmann L; Ladant JB; Lear CH; Moraweck K; Pearson PN; Piga E; Pound MJ; Salzmann U; Scher HD; Sijp WP; Śliwińska KK; Wilson PA; Zhang Z, 2021, 'The Eocene-Oligocene transition: A review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model-data comparisons', Climate of the Past, 17, pp. 269 - 315,

Lunt DJ; Bragg F; Chan WL; Hutchinson DK; Ladant JB; Morozova P; Niezgodzki I; Steinig S; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Abe-Ouchi A; Anagnostou E; De Boer AM; Coxall HK; Donnadieu Y; Foster G; Inglis GN; Knorr G; Langebroek PM; Lear CH; Lohmann G; Poulsen CJ; Sepulchre P; Tierney JE; Valdes PJ; Volodin EM; Dunkley Jones T; Hollis CJ; Huber M; Otto-Bliesner BL, 2021, 'DeepMIP: Model intercomparison of early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) large-scale climate features and comparison with proxy data', Climate of the Past, 17, pp. 203 - 227,

Inglis GN; Bragg F; Burls NJ; Cramwinckel MJ; Evans D; Foster GL; Huber M; Lunt DJ; Siler N; Steinig S; Tierney JE; Wilkinson R; Anagnostou E; M. De Boer A; Dunkley Jones T; Edgar KM; Hollis CJ; Hutchinson DK; Pancost RD, 2020, 'Global mean surface temperature and climate sensitivity of the early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO), Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), and latest Paleocene', Climate of the Past, 16, pp. 1953 - 1968,

Hutchinson DK; Coxall HK; OʹRegan M; Nilsson J; Caballero R; de Boer AM, 2019, 'Arctic closure as a trigger for Atlantic overturning at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition', Nature Communications, 10,

Rainsley E; Turney CSM; Golledge NR; Wilmshurst JM; McGlone MS; Hogg AG; Li B; Thomas ZA; Roberts R; Jones RT; Palmer J; Flett V; de Wet G; Hutchinson DK; Lipson MJ; Fenwick P; Hines BR; Binetti U; Fogwill CJ, 2019, 'Pleistocene glacial history of the New Zealand subantarctic islands', Climate of the Past, 15, pp. 423 - 448,

de Boer AM; Gavilan Pascual-Ahuir E; Stevens DP; Chafik L; Hutchinson DK; Zhang Q; Sime LC; Willmott AJ, 2018, 'Interconnectivity Between Volume Transports Through Arctic Straits', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, pp. 8714 - 8729,

Hutchinson DK; De Boer AM; Coxall HK; Caballero R; Nilsson J; Baatsen M, 2018, 'Climate sensitivity and meridional overturning circulation in the late Eocene using GFDL CM2.1', Climate of the Past, 14, pp. 789 - 810,

England MH; Hutchinson DK; Santoso A; Sijp WP, 2017, 'Ice-atmosphere feedbacks dominate the response of the climate system to drake passage closure', Journal of Climate, 30, pp. 5775 - 5790,

Turney CSM; Jones RT; Phipps SJ; Thomas Z; Hogg A; Kershaw AP; Fogwill CJ; Palmer J; Bronk Ramsey C; Adolphi F; Muscheler R; Hughen KA; Staff RA; Grosvenor M; Golledge NR; Rasmussen SO; Hutchinson DK; Haberle S; Lorrey A; Boswijk G; Cooper A, 2017, 'Rapid global ocean-atmosphere response to Southern Ocean freshening during the last glacial', Nature Communications, 8, pp. 1 - 9,

Hutchinson DK, 2016, 'Interhemispheric asymmetry of global warming: The role of ocean dynamics', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 149, pp. 95 - 95

Dawson SK; Fisher AG; Lucas R; Hutchinson DK; Berney P; Keith D; Catford JA; Kingsford RT, 2016, 'Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy Heights Lag in Restoring Floodplain Vegetation', Remote Sensing, 8, pp. 542 - 542,

Hutchinson DK; England MH; Hogg AM; Snow K, 2015, 'Interhemispheric asymmetry of warming in an eddy-permitting coupled sector model', Journal of Climate, 28, pp. 7385 - 7406,

Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Hutchinson DK; Taschetto AS; England MH, 2015, 'Obliquity control on Southern Hemisphere climate during the last glacial', Scientific Reports, 5, pp. 11673,

Turney CSM; Thomas ZA; Hutchinson DK; Bradshaw CJA; Brook BW; England MH; Fogwill CJ; Jones RT; Palmer J; Hughen KA; Cooper A, 2015, 'Obliquity-driven expansion of North Atlantic sea ice during the last glacial', Geophysical Research Letters, 42, pp. 10-382-10-390 - 10-382-10-390,

Hutchinson D; England MH; Santoso A; Hogg A, 2013, 'Interhemispheric asymmetry in transient global warming: The role of the Drake Passage', Geophysical Research Letters, 40, pp. 1587 - 1593,

Hutchinson DK; Hogg AMC; Blundell JR, 2010, 'Southern ocean response to relative velocity wind stress forcing', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40, pp. 326 - 339,

Hogg AMC; Dewar WK; Berloff P; Kravtsov S; Hutchinson DK, 2009, 'The effects of mesoscale ocean-atmosphere coupling on the large-scale ocean circulation', Journal of Climate, 22, pp. 4066 - 4082,


Aguiar W; Morrison AK; Huneke WGC; Hutchinson D; Spence P; Hogg AM; Colombo P; Stewart KD, 2025, Antarctic dense water formation sensitivity to ocean surface cell thickness,

Aguiar W; Morrison AK; Huneke WGC; Hutchinson D; Spence P; Hogg AM; Colombo P; Stewart KD, 2024, Antarctic dense water formation sensitivity to ocean surface cell thickness,

Dommenget D; Hutchinson D, 2024, El Niño Southern Oscillation and Tropical Basin Interaction in Idealized Worlds,

Kelemen FD; Steinig S; Boer AMD; Zhu J; Chan W-L; Niezgodzki I; Hutchinson D; Knorr G; Abe-Ouchi A; Ahrens B, 2023, Meridional Heat Transport in the DeepMIP Eocene ensemble: non-CO2 and CO2 effects,

Tibbett E; Burls NJ; Hutchinson D; Feakins SJ, 2022, Proxy-Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southern High Latitudes,

Kelemen FD; Steinig S; Boer AMD; Zhu J; Chan W-L; Niezgodzki I; Hutchinson D; Knorr G; Abe-Ouchi A; Ahrens B, 2022, Meridional Heat Transport in the DeepMIP Eocene ensemble: non-CO2 and CO2 effects,

Cramwinckel M; Burls NJ; Fahad AA; Knapp S; West CK; Reichgelt T; Greenwood DR; Chan W-L; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson D; De Boer AM; Ladant J-B; Morozova P; Niezgodzki I; Knorr G; Steinig S; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Feng R; Lunt DJ; Abe-Ouchi A; Inglis GN, 2022, Global- and regional-scale hydrological response to early Eocene warmth,

Goudsmit B; Lansu A; Baatsen M; von der Heydt AS; de Winter NJ; Zhang Y; Abe-Ouchi A; De Boer AM; Chan W-L; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson D; Knorr G; Ladant J-B; Morozova PA; Niezgodzki I; Steinig S; Tripati A; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Ziegler M, 2022, The relationship between the global mean deep-sea and surface temperature during the Early Eocene,

Goudsmit B; Lansu A; Baatsen M; von der Heydt AS; de Winter NJ; Zhang Y; Abe-Ouchi A; De Boer AM; Chan W-L; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson D; Knorr G; Ladant J-B; Morozova PA; Niezgodzki I; Steinig S; Tripati A; Zhang Z; Zhu J; Ziegler M, 2022, The relationship between the global mean deep-sea and surface temperature during the Early Eocene,

Tibbett E; Burls NJ; Hutchinson D; Feakins SJ, 2022, Proxy-Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southern High Latitudes,

Williams C; Lunt DJ; Salzmann U; Reichgelt T; Inglis GN; Greenwood DR; Chan W-L; Abe-Ouchi A; Donnadieu Y; Hutchinson D; De Boer AM; Ladant J-B; Morozova PA; Niezgodzki I; Knorr G; Steinig S; Zhong-Shi Z; Zhu J; Huber M; Otto-Bliesner BL, 2022, The African monsoon during the early Eocene from the DeepMIP simulations,

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