Select Publications

Book Chapters

Cerulli M; Pelegrín M; Cafieri S; D’Ambrosio C; Rey D, 2023, 'Aircraft Conflict Resolution', in Encyclopedia of Optimization, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 8,

Hammad A; Akbar Nezhad A; Rey D, 2018, 'Accounting for Embodied Carbon Emissions in Planning and Optimisation of Transport Operations During Construction', in Pomponi F; De Wolf C; Moncaster A (ed.), Embodied Carbon in Buildings : Measurement, Management, and Mitigation, Springer, pp. 301 - 321,

Hammad A; Akbar Nezhad A; Rey D, 2017, 'Estimation of Input Parameters Used in Site Layout Planning Through Integration of BIM and Project Schedules', in Peng W; Haijiang L; Xiangyu W (ed.), Integrated Building Information Modelling, Bentham Science Publishers (ebooks), Sharjah UAE, pp. 121 - 157,

Hammad A; Akbar Nezhad A; Rey D, 2016, 'Accounting for Noise Pollution in Planning of Smart Cities', in Smart Cities as a Solution for Reducing Urban Waste and Pollution, IGI Global, pp. 149 - 196,

Journal articles

Huang W; Jian S; Rey D, 2024, 'Non-additive network pricing with non-cooperative mobility service providers', European Journal of Operational Research, 318, pp. 802 - 824,

Xi H; Aussel D; Liu W; Waller ST; Rey D, 2024, 'Single-leader multi-follower games for the regulation of two-sided mobility-as-a-service markets', European Journal of Operational Research, 317, pp. 718 - 736,

Guillot M; Rey D; Furno A; El Faouzi NE, 2024, 'A stochastic hub location and fleet assignment problem for the design of reconfigurable park-and-ride systems', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 184,

Barbara M; Rey D; Rashidi T; Nair D, 2024, 'School choice modeling and network optimization in an urban environment', Annals of Regional Science, 72, pp. 927 - 958,

Luan M; Waller ST; Rey D, 2023, 'A non-additive path-based reward credit scheme for traffic congestion management', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 179,

Levin MW; Rey D, 2023, 'Branch-and-Price for Drone Delivery Service Planning in Urban Airspace', Transportation Science, 57, pp. 843 - 865,

Xi H; Liu W; Waller ST; Hensher DA; Kilby P; Rey D, 2023, 'Incentive-compatible mechanisms for online resource allocation in Mobility-as-a-Service systems', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 170, pp. 119 - 147,

Rey D; Hammad AW; Saberi M, 2023, 'Vaccine allocation policy optimization and budget sharing mechanism using reinforcement learning', Omega (United Kingdom), 115,

W.A. Hammad A; Rey D; Akbarnezhad A; Haddad A, 2023, 'Integrated mathematical optimisation approach for the tower crane hook routing problem to satisfy material demand requests on-site', Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55,

Dixit VV; Niu C; Rey D; Waller ST; Levin MW, 2023, 'Quantum computing to solve scenario-based stochastic time-dependent shortest path routing', Transportation Letters,

Lilasathapornkit T; Rey D; Liu W; Saberi M, 2022, 'Traffic assignment problem for footpath networks with bidirectional links', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 144,

Dias FHC; Rey D, 2022, 'Robust aircraft conflict resolution under trajectory prediction uncertainty', Operations Research Letters, 50, pp. 503 - 508,

Dong X; Chow JYJ; Waller ST; Rey D, 2022, 'A chance-constrained dial-a-ride problem with utility-maximising demand and multiple pricing structures', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158,

Henry E; Furno A; Faouzi NEE; Rey D, 2022, 'Locating park-and-ride facilities for resilient on-demand urban mobility', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158,

Chakraborty S; Rey D; Levin MW; Waller ST, 2021, 'Freeway network design with exclusive lanes for automated vehicles under endogenous mobility demand', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 133,

Barbara M; Rey D; Akbarnezhad A, 2021, 'Optimizing Location of New Public Schools in Town Planning Considering Supply and Demand', Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147,

Rey D; Levin MW; Dixit VV, 2021, 'Online incentive-compatible mechanisms for traffic intersection auctions', European Journal of Operational Research, 293, pp. 229 - 247,

Xi H; Aussel D; Liu W; Waller ST; Rey D, 2021, 'Single-leader multi-follower games for the regulation of two-sided Mobility-as-a-Service markets',

Ranaweera M; Seneviratne A; Rey D; Saberi M; Dixit VV, 2021, 'Detection of anomalous vehicles using physics of traffic', Vehicular Communications, 27, pp. 100304,

Song C; Monteil J; Ygnace JL; Rey D, 2021, 'Incentives for Ridesharing: A Case Study of Welfare and Traffic Congestion', Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021,

Dias FHC; Rey D, 2020, 'Robust aircraft conflict resolution under trajectory prediction uncertainty', ,

Najmi A; Rey D; Waller ST; Rashidi TH, 2020, 'Model formulation and calibration procedure for integrated multi-modal activity routing and network assignment models', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 121,

Dong X; Chow JYJ; Waller ST; Rey D, 2020, 'A chance-constrained dial-a-ride problem with utility-maximizing demand and multiple pricing structures', ,

Xi H; Liu W; Rey D; Waller ST; Kilby P, 2020, 'Incentive-compatible mechanisms for online resource allocation in mobility-as-a-service systems', ,

Hammad AWA; Rey D; Bu-Qammaz A; Grzybowska H; Akbarnezhad A, 2020, 'Mathematical optimization in enhancing the sustainability of aircraft trajectory: A review', International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14, pp. 413 - 436,

Saxena N; Rashidi T; Rey D, 2020, 'Determining the market uptake of demand responsive transport enabled public transport service', Sustainability (Switzerland), 12,

Chen R; Hu J; Levin MW; Rey D, 2020, 'Stability-based analysis of autonomous intersection management with pedestrians', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 114, pp. 463 - 483,

Dong X; Rey D; Travis Waller S, 2020, 'Dial-a-Ride Problem with Users’ Accept/Reject Decisions Based on Service Utilities', Transportation Research Record, 2674, pp. 55 - 67,

Rey D; Bar-Gera H, 2020, 'Long-term scheduling for road network disaster recovery', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 42,

Wu W; Liu Y; Liu W; Zhang F; Rey D; Dixit V, 2019, 'An integrated approach for optimizing left-turn forbiddance decisions at multiple intersections', Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7, pp. 1481 - 1504,

Levin MW; Rey D; Schwartz A, 2019, 'Max-pressure control of dynamic lane reversal and autonomous intersection management', Transportmetrica B, 7, pp. 1693 - 1718,

Zlojutro A; Rey D; Gardner L, 2019, 'A decision-support framework to optimize border control for global outbreak mitigation', Scientific Reports, 9, pp. 414185,

Rey D; Levin MW, 2019, 'Blue phase: Optimal network traffic control for legacy and autonomous vehicles', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 130, pp. 105 - 129,

Zhang X; Waller ST; Rey D; Duell M, 2019, 'Integrating uncertainty considerations into multi-objective transportation network design projects accounting for environment disruption', Transportation Letters, 11, pp. 351 - 361,

Jian S; Rey D; Dixit V, 2019, 'An Integrated Supply-Demand Approach to Solving Optimal Relocations in Station-Based Carsharing Systems', Networks and Spatial Economics, 19, pp. 611 - 632,

Zhang X; Rey D; Waller ST; Chen N, 2019, 'Range-Constrained Traffic Assignment with Multi-Modal Recharge for Electric Vehicles', Networks and Spatial Economics, 19, pp. 633 - 668,

Shahbazi B; Akbarnezhad A; Rey D; Ahmadian Fard Fini A; Loosemore M, 2019, 'Optimization of job allocation in construction organizations to maximize workers' career development opportunities', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145,

Rey D; Bar-Gera H; Dixit VV; Waller ST, 2019, 'A branch-and-price algorithm for the bilevel network maintenance scheduling problem', Transportation Science, 53, pp. 1455 - 1478,

Chakraborty S; Rey D; Moylan E; Waller ST, 2018, 'Link Transmission Model-Based Linear Programming Formulation for Network Design', Transportation Research Record, 2672, pp. 139 - 147,

Zhang X; Rey D; Waller ST, 2018, 'Multitype Recharge Facility Location for Electric Vehicles', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33, pp. 943 - 965,

Li X; Rey D; Dixit VV, 2018, 'An axiomatic characterization of fairness in transport networks: Application to road pricing and spatial equity', Transport Policy, 68, pp. 142 - 157,

Duell M; Grzybowska H; Rey D; Waller ST, 2018, 'Strategic Dynamic Traffic Assignment Incorporating Travel Demand Uncertainty', Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7, pp. 950 - 966,

Rey D; Almi’ani K; Jayakumar Nair D, 2018, 'Exact and heuristic algorithms for finding envy-free allocations in food rescue pickup and delivery logistics', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 112, pp. 19 - 46,

Najmi A; Rey D; Rashidi TH, 2017, 'Novel dynamic formulations for real-time ride-sharing systems', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 108, pp. 122 - 140,

Hammad AWA; Akbarnezhad A; Rey D, 2017, 'Sustainable urban facility location: Minimising noise pollution and network congestion', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 107, pp. 38 - 59,

Levin MW; Rey D, 2017, 'Conflict-point formulation of intersection control for autonomous vehicles', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 85, pp. 528 - 547,

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