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Select Publications
2019, 'Energy efficiency in the Australian social housing sector: barriers along avenues of assistance', Perth, presented at 9th State of Australian Cities National Conference, Perth, 30 November 2019 - 05 December 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.25916/5eb34eb090d99
,2017, 'Tenure as barrier to low carbon living', Adelaide, presented at State of Australian Cities National Conference, Adelaide, 28 November 2017 - 30 November 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.4225/50/5b2ddcc27590e
,2016, 'Carbon reduction programs and lower income households in Australian cities', in Ding L; Fiorito F; Osmond P (eds.), Procedia Engineering, Elsevier: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives License, Sydney, pp. 1541 - 1550, presented at International High-Performance Built Environment Conference – A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series, Sydney, 17 November 2016 - 17 November 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.04.316
,2015, 'Retirement Village or the General Community? Downsizing Choices of Older Australians', in Burton P; Shearer H (ed.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2015: Refereed Proceedings, State of Australian Cities Research Network, Gold Coast, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2015, Gold Coast, 09 December 2015 - 11 December 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/25722
,2014, 'Downsizers and Other Movers: A Comparison of Housing Choices and Outcomes in Later Life', Edinburgh, presented at European Network of Housing Researchers Conference, Edinburgh, 02 July 2014 - 04 June 2014
,2014, 'Downsizers and Other Movers: The Housing Options, Choices and Dilemmas of Older Australians', in UD2014 (ed.), Universal Design 2014: Three Days of Creativity and Diversity, IOS PRESS, Lund, pp. 129 - 138, presented at International Conference on Universal Design, Lund, 16 June 2014 - 18 June 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-403-9-129
,2014, 'Downsizing, Relocating or Staying Put? Housing options, choices and outcomes for older Australians', Hyderabad, India, presented at International Federation of Ageing Conference, Hyderabad, India, 10 June 2014 - 13 June 2014
,2013, '“We're a family - it makes sense to live together”: Multigenerational households in Sydney and Brisbane', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, SOAC Research Network, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 27 November 2013 - 29 November 2013, http://www.soacconference.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Edgar-Liu.pdf
,2013, 'Democratic Infrastructure? Delivering affordable housing under Australia’s Social Housing Initiative', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, SOAC Research Network, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 27 November 2013 - 29 November 2013, http://www.soacconference.com.au/soac-conference-proceedings-and-powerpoint-presentations/
,2013, 'How and why does community opposition to affordable housing development escalate? “Unsupported development” in Parramatta, NSW', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, SOAC Research Network, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 27 November 2013 - 29 November 2013, http://www.soacconference.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Davison-Social.pdf
,2013, 'The wander years: Estate renewal, temporary relocation and place(less)ness in Bonnyrigg, NSW', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 27 November 2013 - 29 November 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/25670
,2013, 'Understanding Downsizing in Later Life and its Implications for Housing and Urban Policy', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, SOAC Research Network, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 27 November 2013 - 29 November 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/26201
,2013, 'Downsizing: Motivations, Processes and Outcomes for Older Australians', in Rowley S; Ong R; Markkanen S (eds.), 7th Australasian Housing Researchers’ Conference: Refereed Proceedings, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Fremantle, Western Australia, presented at 7th Australasian Housing Researchers’ Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013, http://business.curtin.edu.au/local/docs/ahrc13/Downsizing-Motivations-Processes-and-Outcomes-for-Older-Australians.pdf
,2013, 'Multigenerational Households in Australian Cities: Evidence from Sydney and Brisbane at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century', in Rowley S; Ong R; Markkanen S (eds.), 7th Australasian Housing Researchers’ Conference: Refereed Proceedings, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Fremantle, Western Australia, presented at 7th Australasian Housing Researchers’ Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013, http://business.curtin.edu.au/local/docs/ahrc13/Multigenerational-households-in-Australian-cities-evidence-from-Sydney-and-Brisbane-at-the-turn-of-the-twenty-first-century.pdf
,2011, 'High Density Renewal At A Micro Scale: Sydney’s Family Driven Urban Renewal Market', in Neoliberalism and Urbanization in the Asia Pacific Challenges and Opportunities for Housing: Papers, Hong Kong, pp. 269 - 283, presented at 2011 Asia Pacific Network for Housing Research Conference, Hong Kong, 08 December 2011 - 10 December 2011
,2011, 'Navigating a complex housing landscape: University students' housing options, pathways and outcomes', in State of Australian Cities National Conference, Australian Sustainabile Cities and Regions Network (ASCRN), Melbourne, presented at 5th State of Australian Cities Conference 2011, Melbourne, 29 November 2011 - 02 December 2011, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/26177
,2010, 'Understanding neighbourhood renewal through people-based outcomes: setting up a longitudinal panel study at Bonnyrigg, NSW', in 5th Australasian Housing Researchers' Conference, 17-19 November 2010: refereed papers, Auckland, University of Auckland, presented at 5th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Auckland, University of Auckland, 17 November 2010 - 19 November 2010, http://www.creative.auckland.ac.nz/webdav/site/nicai/shared/about/research/architecture-planning/housing-researchers-conference/2010%20Conference%20Proceedings/Liu%20&%20Pinnegar%20AHRC%202010.pdf