Select Publications

Book Chapters

Cooke SJ; Brooks JL; Raby GD; Thorstad EB; Brownscombe JW; Vandergoot CS; Lennox RJ; Bulte G; Bino G; Thiem JD, 2022, 'Electronic Tagging and Tracking of Animals in Inland Waters', in Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition, pp. 699 - 712,

Kingsford RT; Brandis K; Bino G; Keith DA, 2020, 'Freshwater Biome of the World', in Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes: Volumes 1-5, pp. V1-16-V1-30,

Kingsford R; Brandis K; Bino G; Keith D, 2020, 'Freshwater Biome of the World', in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Science,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Jenkins K, 2014, 'Climate adaptation and adaptive management planning for the Macquarie Marshes: A wetland of international importance', in Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation, pp. 95 - 106,

Journal articles

Colloff MJ; Lanyon K; Pittock J; Costanza-van den Belt M; Wheeler S; Grafton RQ; Williams J; Sheldon F; Kingsford RT; Bino G; Renzullo L; Moggridge BJ, 2024, 'Murky waters running clearer? Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the state of the Murray–Darling Basin after more than three decades of policy reform', Marine and Freshwater Research, 75,

Kreibich J; Bino G; Glamore W; Kingsford R, 2024, 'Satellite-Based Inundation Modelling for Large-Scale Wetland Restoration in Semi-Arid Australia', ,

Kreibich J; Bino G; Zheng H; Chiew F; Glamore W; Woods J; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'River regulation and climate change reduce river flows to major Australian floodplain wetland', Journal of Environmental Management, 370,

Hawke T; Meagher P; Bino G; Elphinstone A; May S; Lowe A; Vogelnest L; Kingsford RT, 2024, 'Rescue and return: Translocating a semi-wild platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) population during the 2019 drought', Ecological Management and Restoration, 25, pp. 199 - 207,

Khurana J; Bino G; Hawke T, 2024, 'Impacts of river regulation and fragmentation on platypuses in the northern Murray–Darling Basin', Marine and Freshwater Research, 75,

Brandis KJ; Francis RJ; Bino G, 2024, 'Vegetation and inundation characteristics of waterbird breeding sites in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia', Marine and Freshwater Research, 75, pp. null - null,

Michael DR; Bino G; Conallin A; Maguire J; Wassens S, 2023, 'Pump my wetland: potential benefits of using water pumps fitted with large-mesh screens to conserve anurans in regulated floodplain environments', Marine and Freshwater Research, 74, pp. 1445 - 1454,

Ford ZE; Jackson S; Bino G; Brandis KJ; Kingsford RT, 2023, 'Scale, evidence, and community participation matter: lessons in effective and legitimate adaptive governance from decision making for Menindee Lakes in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin', Ecology and Society, 28,

Quentin Grafton R; Chu L; Kingsford RT; Bino G; Williams J, 2022, 'Resilience to hydrological droughts in the northern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380,

Mijangos JL; Bino G; Hawke T; Kolomyjec SH; Kingsford RT; Sidhu H; Grant T; Day J; Dias KN; Gongora J; Sherwin WB, 2022, 'Fragmentation by major dams and implications for the future viability of platypus populations', Communications Biology, 5, pp. 1127,

Hawke T; Bino G; Shackleton ME; Ross AK; Kingsford RT, 2022, 'Using DNA metabarcoding as a novel approach for analysis of platypus diet', Scientific Reports, 12,

Inman VL; Bino G; Kingsford RT; Chase MJ; Leggett KEA, 2022, 'Temporal and spatial patterns of common hippopotamus populations in the Okavango Delta, Botswana', Freshwater Biology, 67, pp. 630 - 642,

Bino G; Brandis K; Kingsford RT; Porter J, 2021, 'Shifting Goalposts: Setting Restoration Targets for Waterbirds in the Murray-Darling Basin Under Climate Change', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9,

Hawke T; Bino G; Kingsford RT; Iervasi D; Iervasi K; Taylor MD, 2021, 'Long-term movements and activity patterns of platypus on regulated rivers', Scientific Reports, 11,

Stewart J; Bino G; Hawke T; Kingsford RT, 2021, 'Seasonal and geographic variation in packed cell volume and selected serum chemistry of platypuses', Scientific Reports, 11,

Grace MK; Akçakaya HR; Bennett EL; Brooks TM; Heath A; Hedges S; Hilton-Taylor C; Hoffmann M; Hochkirch A; Jenkins R; Keith DA; Long B; Mallon DP; Meijaard E; Milner-Gulland EJ; Rodriguez JP; Stephenson PJ; Stuart SN; Young RP; Acebes P; Alfaro-Shigueto J; Alvarez-Clare S; Andriantsimanarilafy RR; Arbetman M; Azat C; Bacchetta G; Badola R; Barcelos LMD; Barreiros JP; Basak S; Berger DJ; Bhattacharyya S; Bino G; Borges PAV; Boughton RK; Brockmann HJ; Buckley HL; Burfield IJ; Burton J; Camacho-Badani T; Cano-Alonso LS; Carmichael RH; Carrero C; Carroll JP; Catsadorakis G; Chapple DG; Chapron G; Chowdhury GW; Claassens L; Cogoni D; Constantine R; Craig CA; Cunningham AA; Dahal N; Daltry JC; Das GC; Dasgupta N; Davey A; Davies K; Develey P; Elangovan V; Fairclough D; Febbraro MD; Fenu G; Fernandes FM; Fernandez EP; Finucci B; Földesi R; Foley CM; Ford M; Forstner MRJ; García N; Garcia-Sandoval R; Gardner PC; Garibay-Orijel R; Gatan-Balbas M; Gauto I; Ghazi MGU; Godfrey SS; Gollock M; González BA; Grant TD; Gray T; Gregory AJ; van Grunsven RHA; Gryzenhout M; Guernsey NC; Gupta G; Hagen C; Hagen CA; Hall MB; Hallerman E; Hare K; Hart T; Hartdegen R; Harvey-Brown Y; Hatfield R; Hawke T; Hermes C; Hitchmough R, 2021, 'Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact', Conservation Biology, 35, pp. 1833 - 1849,

Brandis KJ; Bino G; Kingsford RT; Brandis K, 2021, 'More Than Just a Trend: Integrating Population Viability Models to Improve Conservation Management of Colonial Waterbirds', Environmental Management, 68, pp. 468 - 476,

Francis R; Bino G; Inman V; Brandis K; Kingsford RT, 2021, 'The Okavango Delta's waterbirds – Trends and threatening processes', Global Ecology and Conservation, 30, pp. e01763,

Bino G; Hawke T; Kingsford RT, 2021, 'Synergistic effects of a severe drought and fire on platypuses', Science of the Total Environment, 777,

Kingsford RT; Bino G; Finlayson CM; Falster D; Fitzsimons JA; Gawlik DE; Murray NJ; Grillas P; Gardner RC; Regan TJ; Roux DJ; Thomas RF, 2021, 'Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance–Improving Conservation Outcomes', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9,

Kingsford RT; McLoughlin CA; Brandle R; Bino G; Cockayne B; Schmarr D; Gotch T; Norris V; McCann J, 2021, 'Adaptive management of malkumba-coongie lakes ramsar site in arid Australia—a free flowing river and wetland system', Sustainability (Switzerland), 13,

Hawke T; Bino G; Kingsford RT, 2021, 'Damming insights: Variable impacts and implications of river regulation on platypus populations', Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31, pp. 504 - 519,

Hawke T; Bino G; Kingsford RT; Iervasi D; Iervasi K; Taylor MD, 2021, 'Fine-scale movements and interactions of platypuses, and the impact of an environmental flushing flow', Freshwater Biology, 66, pp. 177 - 188,

Catelotti K; Bino G; Offord CA, 2020, 'Thermal germination niches of Persoonia species and projected spatiotemporal shifts under a changing climate', Diversity and Distributions, 26, pp. 589 - 609,

Hawke T; Bino G; Kingsford RT, 2020, 'Platypus: Paucities and peril. A response to: Limitations on the use of historical and database sources to identify changes in distribution and abundance of the platypus', Global Ecology and Conservation, 21,

Bino G; Brandis K; Kingsford RT; Porter J, 2020, 'Waterbird synchrony across Australia's highly variable dryland rivers – Risks and opportunities for conservation', Biological Conservation, 243, pp. 108497,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Wintle BA, 2020, 'A stitch in time – Synergistic impacts to platypus metapopulation extinction risk', Biological Conservation, 242,

Hawke T; Bino G; Kingsford RT, 2019, 'A silent demise: Historical insights into population changes of the iconic platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)', Global Ecology and Conservation, 20,

Callaghan CT; Bino G; Major RE; Martin JM; Lyons MB; Kingsford RT, 2019, 'Heterogeneous urban green areas are bird diversity hotspots: insights using continental-scale citizen science data', Landscape Ecology, 34, pp. 1231 - 1246,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Archer M; Connolly JH; Day J; Dias K; Goldney D; Gongora J; Grant T; Griffiths J; Hawke T; Klamt M; Lunney D; Mijangos L; Munks S; Sherwin W; Serena M; Temple-Smith P; Thomas J; Williams G; Whittington C, 2019, 'The platypus: Evolutionary history, biology, and an uncertain future', Journal of Mammalogy, 100, pp. 308 - 327,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Grant T; Taylor MD; Vogelnest L, 2018, 'Use of implanted acoustic tags to assess platypus movement behaviour across spatial and temporal scales', Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 5117,

Brandis KJ; Bino G; Spencer JA; Ramp D; Kingsford RT, 2018, 'Decline in colonial waterbird breeding highlights loss of Ramsar wetland function', Biological Conservation, 225, pp. 22 - 30,

Ocock JF; Bino G; Wassens S; Spencer J; Thomas RF; Kingsford RT, 2018, 'Identifying Critical Habitat for Australian Freshwater Turtles in a Large Regulated Floodplain: Implications for Environmental Water Management', Environmental Management, 61, pp. 375 - 389,

Bino G; Wassens S; Kingsford RT; Thomas RF; Spencer J, 2018, 'Floodplain ecosystem dynamics under extreme dry and wet phases in semi-arid Australia', Freshwater Biology, 63, pp. 224 - 241,

Kingsford RT; Bino G; Porter JL, 2017, 'Continental impacts of water development on waterbirds, contrasting two Australian river basins: Global implications for sustainable water use', Global Change Biology, 23, pp. 4958 - 4969,

Wassens S; Ning N; Hardwick L; Bino G; Maguire J, 2017, 'Long-term changes in freshwater aquatic plant communities following extreme drought', Hydrobiologia, 799, pp. 233 - 247,

Finlayson CM; Capon SJ; Rissik D; Pittock J; Fisk G; Davidson NC; Bodmin KA; Papas P; Robertson HA; Schallenberg M; Saintilan N; Edyvane K; Bino G, 2017, 'Policy considerations for managing wetlands under a changing climate', Marine and Freshwater Research, 68, pp. 1803 - 1815,

Roque FO; Ochoa-Quintero J; Ribeiro DB; Sugai LSM; Costa-Pereira R; Lourival R; Bino G, 2016, 'Upland habitat loss as a threat to Pantanal wetlands', Conservation Biology, 30, pp. 1131 - 1134,

Kapota D; Dolev A; Bino G; Yosha D; Guter A; King R; Saltz D, 2016, 'Determinants of emigration and their impact on survival during dispersal in fox and jackal populations', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 24021,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Brandis K, 2016, 'Australia's wetlands - Learning from the past to manage for the future', Pacific Conservation Biology, 22, pp. 116 - 129,

Bino G; Grant TR; Kingsford RT, 2015, 'Life history and dynamics of a platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) population: Four decades of mark-recapture surveys', Scientific Reports, 5, pp. 16073,

Bino G; Kingsford RT; Porter J, 2015, 'Prioritizing wetlands for waterbirds in a boom and bust system: Waterbird refugia and breeding in the Murray-Darling Basin', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0132682,

Bino G; Sisson SA; Kingsford RT; Thomas RF; Bowen S, 2015, 'Developing state and transition models of floodplain vegetation dynamics as a tool for conservation decision-making: A case study of the Macquarie Marshes Ramsar wetland', Journal of Applied Ecology, 52, pp. 654 - 664,

Catelotti K; Kingsford RT; Bino G; Bacon P, 2015, 'Inundation requirements for persistence and recovery of river red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) in semi-arid Australia', Biological Conservation, 184, pp. 346 - 356,

Kingsford RT; Mac Nally R; King A; Walker KF; Bino G; Thompson R; Wassens S; Humphries P, 2015, 'A commentary on 'Long-term ecological trends of flow-dependent ecosystems in a major regulated river basin', by Matthew J. Colloff, Peter Caley, Neil Saintilan, Carmel A. Pollino and Neville D. Crossman', Marine and Freshwater Research, 66, pp. 970 - 980,

Bino G; Ramp D; Kingsford RT, 2014, 'Identifying minimal sets of survey techniques for multi-species monitoring across landscapes: an approach utilising species distribution models', International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28, pp. 1674 - 1708,

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