Select Publications


Bino G; Spencer J; Brandis K; Thomas R, 2022, Environmental Benefits Assessment - Waterbirds Project area - Yarrawonga to Wakool reach of the Murray River. Final report for the NSW Reconnecting River Country Program.,

Brandis K; Francis R; Bino G, 2022, Murray-Darling Basin Waterbird Habitat Assessement: Phase 2. Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority,

Brandis K; Francis R; Bino G, 2021, Murray-Darling Basin Waterbird Habitat Assessment: Phase 1,

Bino G; Brandis K; Kingsford R; Porter J, 2019, Waterbird expected outcomes modelling analysis – priority scenarios for 2019 BWS update,

Wassens S; Spencer J; Wolfenden B; Thiem J; Thomas R; Jenkins K; Brandis K; Lenon E; Hall A; Ocock J; Kobayashi T; Bino G; Heath J; Callaghan D, 2018, Commonwealth Environmental Water Office Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project Murrumbidgee River System evaluation report 2014-17,

Brandis KJ; Bino G, 2016, Habitat Use by Waterbirds in and Adjacent to the Murray-Darling Basin

Merrit W; Spencer J; Brandis KJ; Bino G; Harding P; Thomas R, 2016, Review of the science behind the waterbird breeding indicator for the Narran Lakes,

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