Fields of Research (FoR)
Calculus of Variations, Systems Theory and Control Theory, Stochastic Analysis and Modelling, Mathematical Aspects of Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory, Control Systems, Robotics and AutomationSEO tags
Last updated: January 13, 2025
Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) Postdoctoral and PhD Scholarships! The Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) has postdoctoral fellowships and SQA PhD scholarships for research in the area of quantum systems. If you are interested in pursuing research in my areas in quantum systems and control (please see recent publications below, a link to all publications on the side bar, and also the "My Research Activities" section on...view more
Last updated: January 13, 2025
Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) Postdoctoral and PhD Scholarships! The Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) has postdoctoral fellowships and SQA PhD scholarships for research in the area of quantum systems. If you are interested in pursuing research in my areas in quantum systems and control (please see recent publications below, a link to all publications on the side bar, and also the "My Research Activities" section on this page) and are eligible, please get in touch with me via email to explore your interests and suitability. Information about other PhD research funding opportunities can be found below in this section.
More recent!
- Course: Materials (lecture notes and slides) from my course ELEC9782 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 2 -- Quantum Control from Term 3 2024 is now available online
- Journal paper: P. Ehlers, H. I. Nurdin and D. Soh, "Improving the performance of echo state networks through state feedback", Neural Networks, vol. 184, article 107101, 2025 (personalised Share Link for free download until February 26, 2025 here). Preprint here
- Preprint: C. Zhu, P. Ehlers, H. I. Nurdin and D. Soh, "Minimalistic and scalable quantum reservoir computing enhanced with feedback", arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.17817, submitted for publication, 2024
- Preprint: P. Ehlers, H. I. Nurdin and D. Soh, "Stochastic reservoir computers", arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.04799, submitted for publication, 2024
- Preprint: C. Zhu, P. Ehlers, H. I. Nurdin and D. Soh, "Practical and scalable quantum reservoir computing", arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.04799, submitted for publication, 2024
- Journal paper: H. I. Nurdin, "Saturability of the quantum Cramér-Rao bound in multiparameter quantum estimation at the single-copy level", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 8, pp. 376-381, 2024; A corrigendum was published in IEEE Control Syst. Lett. 8, pp. 2111-2113, 2024
- Editorialship: Associate Editor for IEEE Control Systems Letters (IEEE L-CSS) from January 2024
- Journal Paper: H. I. Nurdin, A. Benmouna, B. Zhu, J. Chen, M. Becherif, D. Hissel and J. Fletcher "Maximum efficiency points of a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell system: Theory and experiments", Applied Energy 359, 122629, 2024
- Journal paper: W. Li, H. I. Nurdin and P. Swan, "Control-oriented fan coil unit modeling for room dynamics considering dehumidifying cooling conditions and indoor air quality", Energy Conversion and Management: X, vol. 20, article 100476, 2023
- Preprint: T. Yasuda, Y. Suzuki, T. Kubota, K. Nakajima, Q. Gao, W. Zhang, S. Shimono, H. I. Nurdin, N. Yamamoto "Quantum reservoir computing with repeated measurements on superconducting devices", arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.0670, submitted for publication, 2023
- Conference paper: H. I. Nurdin, "Markovian Embeddings of Non-Markovian Quantum Systems: Coupled Stochastic and Quantum Master Equations for Non-Markovian Quantum Systems", Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 5939-5944, 2023. Preprint here
- Journal paper: H. Miao, J. Bentley, H. I. Nurdin and Y. Chen, "Fundamental quantum limit for linear measurements with instability", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 122, article 134001, 2023
- Journal paper: J. Bentley, H. I. Nurdin, Y. Chen, X. Li and H. Miao, "Designing optimal linear detectors: a bottom-up approach", Physical Review Applied, vol. 19, ID:034009, 2023. Preprint here
Selected others!
- Journal paper: J. Chen and H. I. Nurdin, "Nonlinear autoregression with convergent dynamics on novel computational platforms", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 30, pp. 2228 - 2234, 2022. Preprint here
- Journal article: H. I. Nurdin and M. Guta, Parameter estimation and system identification for continuously-observed quantum systems, Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 54, pp. 295-304, 2022. Preprint here
- Invited talk: H. I. Nurdin, "Systematically Realizing Unconventional Coherent Filters for High Precision Sensing", American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2022 (virtual mode)
- Journal paper: J. Li, M. Ali, J. Fletcher and H. I. Nurdin, "Modeling and analysis of multiple inverters with dual-loop based virtual oscillator control", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE), vol. 10, pp. 3963 - 3974, 2022.
- New course offering: ELEC9782 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 2 (Quantum Control), T3 2021 - present
- Journal article: J. Bentley, H. I. Nurdin, Y. Chen and H. Miao, "Direct approach to realizing quantum filters for high-precision measurements", Phys. Rev. A 103,013707, 2021.
- Conference paper: H. I. Nurdin, N. H. Amini and J. Chen, "Data-driven system identification of linear quantum systems coupled to time-varying coherent inputs" in the Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3829–3835, 2020.Preprint version here
- Journal article: J. Chen, H. I. Nurdin and N. Yamamoto, "Temporal information processing on noisy quantum computers", Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 024065, 2020. Selected for this journal's Editors' Suggestion. Preprint version here
- Journal article: M. Ali, H. I. Nurdin and J. E. Fletcher, "Dispatchable virtual oscillator control for single-phase islanded inverters: Analysis and experiments", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(6), pp. 4812 - 4826, 2021
- Review article: H. I. Nurdin, "Quantum stochastic processes and the modelling of quantum noise", In: Baillieul J., Samad T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. Springer, London, 2020. Preprint version available here
- Journal paper: Z. Shi, J. Li, H. I. Nurdin and J. E. Fletcher, "Transient response comparison of virtual oscillator controlled and droop controlled three-phase inverters under load changes", IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 14(6), pp. p. 1138 – 1147, 2020
- Conference paper: H. I. Nurdin, "Stability analysis of the sinusoidal orbits of a nonlinear proportional and resonant current regulator for islanded microgrids", in Proceedings of the 2019 Australia New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), pp. 43-47, 2019
- Journal paper: F. Fagnola, J. E. Gough, H. I. Nurdin and L. Viola, "Mathematical models of Markovian dephasing", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52, 385301, 2019
- Journal paper: Z. Shi, J. Li, H. I. Nurdin and J. E. Fletcher, "Comparison of virtual oscillator and droop controlled islanded three-phase microgrids", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34(4), 1769-1780 2019.
- Journal paper: J. Chen and H. I. Nurdin, "Learning nonlinear input-output maps with dissipative quantum systems", Quantum Infor. Process., 18, 198 (2019)
Brief bio:
I was born in Indonesia but spent my childhood and early teen years split between Indonesia and Australia. I hold a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, a master's degree in engineering mathematics from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, and a PhD degree in engineering and information science from the Australian National University (ANU). After receiving my PhD degree in 2007, I was a Research Fellow in the Department of Engineering, ANU, in 2007-2008, and then an ARC APD Fellow from 2009-2011. I joined the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at UNSW in 2012 as a Senior Lecturer.
My academic background is in Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics with a focus on systems and control. However, my research has intersections with other fields. In particular, my research in quantum systems and quantum control intersects with quantum physics while my research on control of microgrids intersects with power engineering. If you are interested in doing master's by research or PhD research with me in my areas of interest (see the section on "My Research Activities" below for more details), please read the information provided in the information on graduate studies section below.
Former group members:
- Dr Wenxing Li (postdoc)
- Dr Yihuan Liao (research officer)
- Dr Jiayin Chen (PhD 2022)
- Dr Jiacheng Li (PhD 2021, jointly with Prof. J. E. Fletcher)
- Dr Muhammad Ali (PhD 2021, jointly with Prof. J. E. Fletcher)
- Dr Zhan Shi (PhD 2016 and postdoc)
- Dr Onvaree Techakesari (postdoc)
Information on graduate studies (master's by research or PhD degree)
If you have a strong academic record (equivalent to a UNSW First Class honour) and are interested in doing research with me, information about graduate research at UNSW can be found at the following website:
General information about research degree scholarships for prospective students can be found here: https://research.unsw.edu.au/graduate-research-scholarships
Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA) PhD scholarships (for domestic and international students)
UNSW Scientia research scholarships (for domestic and international students): https://www.2025.unsw.edu.au/apply/
Research scholarship opportunities for domestic students: https://research.unsw.edu.au/domestic-research-scholarships
Research scholarship opportunities for international students: https://research.unsw.edu.au/international-research-scholarships
For prospective students from China, Pakistan and Chile, there are also joint research scholarships from UNSW and their home countries: https://research.unsw.edu.au/unsw-home-country-joint-scholarships
Note that there are only a limited number of scholarships available (some extremely competitive), so a strong academic performance and track record is necessary to be competitive in your application.
My Qualifications
- PhD, Engineering and Information Science, The Australian National University, 2007
- MSc, Engineering Mathematics, University of Twente (The Netherlands)
- Sarjana Teknik (ST, equivalent to a bachelor of engineering), Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
My Research Activities
My research lies at the intersection of control engineering and systems and control theory with the following disciplines:
- Quantum physics (in particular, quantum optics)
- Energy systems (microgrids and distributed energy generation)
Topics that are of current interest and I have worked on in the past include:
- Classical and quantum stochastic systems
- Quantum feedback control
- Quantum system identification and parameter estimation
- Linear quantum systems theory and their applications
- Model reduction theory
- Applications of control theory to renewable energy systems
- Decentralised and distributed control of renewable energy systems
I am a Senior Member of the IEEE and was Chair of the organising committee for the 10th PRACQSYS (Principles and Applications of Control in Quantum Systems) international workshop that was held at UNSW in July 2015.
I co-authored (with Naoki Yamamoto of Keio University) the Springer research monograph Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Analysis, Synthesis and Control in Springer's Communications and Control Engineering series.
My ResearchGate page is: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hendra_Nurdin
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
- Quantum systems and control
- Nonlinear control of microgrids
- Neuromorphic computing for nonlinear systems modelling and control
My Teaching
ELEC9782 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 2 (Quantum Control) T3 2021-present
ELEC4631 Continuous-Time Control System Design (2012-present)
ELEC3114 Control Systems (2013-2018)
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