Select Publications


Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems Analysis, Synthesis, and Control, Springer

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems: Analysis, Synthesis, and Control, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN,

Book Chapters

Nurdin HI, 2020, 'Quantum Stochastic Processes and the Modelling of Quantum Noise', in Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer London, pp. 1 - 8,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Feedback Control of Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems', in Communications and Control Engineering, Elsevier, pp. 153 - 202,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Introduction: Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems', in Communications and Control Engineering, pp. 1 - 33,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Linear Systems and Control Theory for Quantum Information', in Communications and Control Engineering, Springer, pp. 203 - 257,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Mathematical Modeling of Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems', in Communications and Control Engineering, Springer, pp. 35 - 71,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Quantum Filtering for Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems', in Communications and Control Engineering, Springer, pp. 123 - 151,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Realization Theory for Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems', in Communications and Control Engineering, Springer, pp. 73 - 122,

Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2017, 'Introduction', in Linear Dynamical Quantum Systems, Springer Nature, pp. 1 - 33,

Journal articles

Nurdin HI; Benmouna A; Zhu B; Chen J; Becherif M; Hissel D; Fletcher J, 2024, 'Maximum efficiency points of a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell system: Theory and experiments', Applied Energy, 359,

Bentley J; Nurdin H; Chen Y; Li X; Miao H, 2024, 'Erratum: Designing optimal linear detectors: a bottom-up approach [Phys. Rev. Applied 19 , 034009 (2023)]', Physical Review Applied, 21,

Nurdin HI, 2024, 'Corrigendum to “Saturability of the Quantum Cramér-Rao Bound in Multiparameter Quantum Estimation at the Single-Copy Level"', IEEE Control Systems Letters,

Nurdin HI, 2024, 'Saturability of the Quantum Cramér-Rao Bound in Multiparameter Quantum Estimation at the Single-Copy Level', IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, pp. 376 - 381,

Li W; Nurdin H; Swan P, 2023, 'Control-oriented fan coil unit modeling for room dynamics considering dehumidifying cooling conditions and indoor air quality', Energy Conversion and Management: X, 20,

Miao H; Bentley J; Nurdin H; Chen Y, 2023, 'Fundamental quantum limit for linear measurements with instability', Applied Physics Letters, 122,

Bentley J; Nurdin H; Chen Y; Li X; Miao H, 2023, 'Designing Optimal Linear Detectors: A Bottom-Up Approach', Physical Review Applied, 19,

Youssry A; Nurdin HI, 2023, 'Multi-axis control of a qubit in the presence of unknown non-Markovian quantum noise', Quantum Science and Technology, 8,

Chen J; Nurdin HI, 2022, 'Nonlinear Autoregression With Convergent Dynamics on Novel Computational Platforms', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 30, pp. 2228 - 2234,

Li J; Ali M; Fletcher JE; Nurdin HI, 2022, 'Modeling and Analysis of Multiple Inverters With Dual-Loop-Based Virtual Oscillator Control', IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10, pp. 3963 - 3974,

Dzurak AS; Epps J; Laucht A; Malaney R; Morello A; Nurdin HI; Pla JJ; Saraiva A; Yang CH, 2022, 'Development of an Undergraduate Quantum Engineering Degree', IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 3,

Nurdin HI; Guţǎ M, 2022, 'Parameter estimation and system identification for continuously-observed quantum systems', Annual Reviews in Control, 54, pp. 295 - 304,

Ali M; Nurdin H; Fletcher JE, 2021, 'Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Control for Single-Phase Islanded Inverters: Analysis and Experiments', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 68, pp. 4812 - 4826,

Bentley J; Nurdin H; Chen Y; Miao H, 2021, 'Direct approach to realizing quantum filters for high-precision measurements', Physical Review A, 103,

Ali M; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2020, 'Synthesizing Averaged Virtual Oscillator Dynamics to Control Inverters with an Output LCL Filter', IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 2020-October, pp. 3265 - 3270,

Chen J; Nurdin HI; Yamamoto N, 2020, 'Temporal information processing on noisy quantum computers', Physical Review Applied, 14,

Shi Z; Li J; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2020, 'Transient response comparison of virtual oscillator controlled and droop controlled three-phase inverters under load changes', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14, pp. 1138 - 1147,

Ali M; Li J; Callegaro L; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2020, 'Regulation of active and reactive power of a virtual oscillator controlled inverter', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14, pp. 62 - 69,

Shi Z; Li J; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2019, 'Comparison of Virtual Oscillator and Droop Controlled Islanded Three-Phase Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34, pp. 1769 - 1780,

Chen J; Nurdin HI, 2019, 'Correction to: Learning nonlinear input–output maps with dissipative quantum systems (Quantum Information Processing, (2019), 18, 7, (198), 10.1007/s11128-019-2311-9)', Quantum Information Processing, 18,

Fagnola F; Gough JE; Nurdin HI; Viola L, 2019, 'Mathematical models of Markovian dephasing', Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52,

Chen J; Nurdin HI, 2019, 'Learning nonlinear input–output maps with dissipative quantum systems', Quantum Information Processing, 18,

Shi Z; Li J; Callegaro L; Nurdin HI; Fletcher JE, 2019, 'Modelling virtual oscillator-controlled microgrids', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, pp. 2123 - 2133,

Wang S; Nurdin HI; Zhang G; James MR, 2018, 'Representation and network synthesis for a class of mixed quantum–classical linear stochastic systems', Automatica, 96, pp. 84 - 97,

Levitt M; Guţă M; Nurdin HI, 2018, 'Power spectrum identification for quantum linear systems', Automatica, 90, pp. 255 - 262,

Vo T; Ravishankar J; Nurdin HI; Fletcher J, 2018, 'A novel controller for harmonics reduction of grid-tied converters in unbalanced networks', Electric Power Systems Research, 155, pp. 296 - 306,

Techakesari O; Nurdin HI, 2017, 'Tangential Interpolatory Projection for Model Reduction of Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62, pp. 5 - 17,

Shi Z; Nurdin HI, 2016, 'Model reduction of cavity nonlinear optics for photonic logic: A quasi-principal components approach', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49,

Nurdin HI; Grivopoulos S; Petersen IR, 2016, 'The transfer function of generic linear quantum stochastic systems has a pure cascade realization', Automatica, 69, pp. 324 - 333,

Bouten L; Gohm R; Gough J; Nurdin H, 2015, 'A trotter-kato theorem for quantum markov limits', EPJ Quantum Technology, 2, pp. 9,

Nurdin HI; Gough JE, 2015, 'Modular quantum memories using passive linear optics and coherent feedback', Quantum Information and Computation, 15, pp. 1017 - 1040

Jacobs K; Nurdin HI; Strauch FW; James M, 2015, 'Comparing resolved-sideband cooling and measurement-based feedback cooling on an equal footing: Analytical results in the regime of ground-state cooling', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 91, pp. 043812,

Vo T; Ravishankar J; Nurdin HI; Fletcher J, 2015, 'A comparison of PI vs LPV controllers for a doubly-fed induction generator in a microgrid', Wind Engineering, 39, pp. 479 - 493,

Shi Z; Nurdin HI, 2015, 'Coherent feedback enabled distributed generation of entanglement between propagating Gaussian fields', Quantum Information Processing, 14, pp. 337 - 359,

Shi Z; Nurdin HI, 2015, 'Entanglement in a linear coherent feedback chain of nondegenerate optical parametric amplifiers', Quantum Information and Computation, 15, pp. 1141 - 1164

Techakesari O; Nurdin HI, 2015, 'On the quasi-balanceable class of linear quantum stochastic systems', Systems and Control Letters, 78, pp. 25 - 31,

Shi Z; Nurdin HI, 2015, 'Entanglement in a linear coherent feedback chain of nondegenerate optical parametric amplifiers', Quantum Information and Computation, 15, pp. 1141 - 1164,

Nurdin HI, 2014, 'Quantum filtering for multiple input multiple output systems driven by arbitrary zero-mean jointly Gaussian input fields', Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 21, pp. 386 - 398,

Gough JE; James MR; Nurdin HI, 2014, 'Quantum trajectories for a class of continuous matrix product input states', New Journal of Physics, 16, pp. 075008,

Nurdin HI, 2014, 'Structures and transformations for model reduction of linear quantum stochastic systems', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59, pp. 2413 - 2425,

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