Select Publications

Journal articles

Peters H, 2020, 'Alain Rabatel et Laurence Rosier (coord.), Les défis de l’écriture inclusive', Cahiers de praxématique,

Peters H, 2020, 'Gender-inclusivity and gender-neutrality in foreign language teaching: The case of French', Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3, pp. 183 - 195,

Peters H, 2019, 'Boucher Paul, A Linguistic Handbook of French for Translators and Language Students. Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2018, xiv 297 pp. 978 90 272 0061 7 (relié) / 978 90 272 0062 4 (broché) / 978 90 272 6418 3 (eBook).', Journal of French Language Studies,

Peters H, 2017, 'Comportements d'autocorrection et d'hésitation manifestés par les apprenants de FLE au cours de conversations orales spontanées', Bulletin VALS-ASLA, No Spécial, Tome 2, pp. 133 - 145,

Péters H, 2014, 'The morpho-syntactic status of ne and its effect on the syntax of imperative sentences', Journal of French Language Studies, 24, pp. 49 - 81,

Peters H, 2009, 'Développement d'un corpus oral d'apprenants: apport à la didactique du français langue étrangère dans les Caraibes anglophones', University of Porto Rico Working Papers in Linguistics, 2, pp. 21 - 32

Peters H, 2009, 'Lexical features in oral interlanguage: the acquisition of multifunctional words by adult Jamaican learners of French', The International Journal of the Humanities, 7, pp. 97 - 108,

Laenzlinger C; Peters H, 2009, 'LexiGrammaIRE – Lexique, grammaire, interprétation: ressources linguistiques pour l'enseignement du français', Nouveaux Cahiers de Linguistique Française, 29, pp. 41 - 82,

Peters H; Stewart M, 2009, 'The syntax of determination in a corpus of oral productions of Jamaican learners of French: word order and agreement patterns in nominal phrases', The International Journal of the Humanities, 7, pp. 51 - 62,

Peters H, 2006, 'Development of a Longitudinal Oral Interlanguage Corpus of Jamaican Learners of French', Caribbean Journal of Education, 27, pp. 201 - 222

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