Select Publications

Journal articles

Racz JI; Perkes IE; Bialocerkowski A; Dyason KM; Grisham JR; McKenzie ML; Farrell LJ, 2025, 'Training Community Clinicians in Implementing CBT-ERP for Youth with OCD: A Pilot Study in Australian Community Mental Health Services', Child Psychiatry and Human Development,

Dey C; Wu J; Uesi J; Sara G; Dudley M; Knight K; Scott JG; Jay O; Bowden M; Perkes IE, 2025, 'Youth suicidality risk relative to ambient temperature and heatwaves across climate zones: A time series analysis of emergency department presentations in New South Wales, Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 59, pp. 18 - 28,

Cobbaert L; Hay P; Mitchell PB; Roza SJ; Perkes I, 2024, 'Sensory processing across eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of self-report inventories', International Journal of Eating Disorders, 57, pp. 1465 - 1488,

Versitano S; Butler G; Perkes I, 2024, 'Art and other group therapies with adolescents in inpatient mental health care', International Journal of Art Therapy: Inscape, 29, pp. 80 - 87,

Versitano S; Shvetcov A; Paton J; Perkes I, 2024, 'Art therapy is associated with a reduction in restrictive practices on an inpatient child and adolescent mental health unit', Journal of Mental Health, 33, pp. 481 - 489,

Soler N; Perkes IE; Dale RC; Bray P, 2024, 'Parent-young person lived experience of sensory dysregulation in children with tic disorders: a qualitative study', Disability and Rehabilitation,

Perkes I, 2023, 'Serious mental illness? Categorical measurement for health service systems', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1505 - 1507,

Dyason KM; Ozkul B; Knight K; Sara G; Brakoulias V; Farrell LJ; Grisham JR; Perkes IE, 2023, 'Hospital admission characteristics for children and adolescents with OCD in Sydney, Australia', General Hospital Psychiatry, 85, pp. 236 - 238,

Perkes IE; Morris RW; Griffiths KR; Quail S; Waters F; O'Brien M; Hazell PL; Balleine BW, 2023, 'The Motivational Determinants of Human Action, Their Neural Bases and Functional Impact in Adolescents With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder', Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 3, pp. 1062 - 1072,

Farrell LJ; Waters AM; Storch EA; Simcock G; Perkes IE; Grisham JR; Dyason KM; Ollendick TH, 2023, 'Closing the Gap for Children with OCD: A Staged-Care Model of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Exposure and Response Prevention', Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 26, pp. 642 - 664,

Kolc KL; Tan YXK; Lo AZY; Shvetcov A; Mitchell PB; Perkes IE, 2023, 'Measuring psychiatric symptoms online: A systematic review of the use of inventories on Amazon Mechanical Turk (mTurk)', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 163, pp. 118 - 126,

Soler N; Cordier R; Perkes IE; Dale RC; Bray P, 2023, 'Proxy-reported sensory measures for children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 65, pp. 185 - 199,

Cooper DDJ; Perkes IE; Lam-Po-Tang J; Farrell LJ; Brakoulias V; Grisham JR, 2023, 'Finding help for OCD in Australia: development and evaluation of a clinician directory', Australian Psychologist, 58, pp. 190 - 197,

Sara G; Wu J; Uesi J; Jong N; Perkes I; Knight K; O’Leary F; Trudgett C; Bowden M, 2023, 'Growth in emergency department self-harm or suicidal ideation presentations in young people: Comparing trends before and since the COVID-19 first wave in New South Wales, Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 58 - 68,

Watson P; O'Callaghan C; Perkes I; Bradfield L; Turner K, 2022, 'Making habits measurable beyond what they are not: A focus on associative dual-process models', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 142,

Dyason KM; Farrell LJ; Manning EE; Grisham JR; Perkes IE, 2022, 'Falling through the cracks in science and clinical service – A call to action for people with OCD', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 1213 - 1216,

Perkes IE; Eggleston M; Jacobs B; McEvoy P; Fung D; Robertson PG, 2022, 'The making of child and adolescent psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 899 - 904,

Dey C; Dudley M; Knight K; Perkes I, 2022, 'Rising temperatures and suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 729,

Hu N; Nassar N; Shrapnel J; Perkes I; Hodgins M; O'Leary F; Trudgett C; Eapen V; Woolfenden S; Knight K; Lingam R, 2022, 'The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric health service use within one year after the first pandemic outbreak in New South Wales Australia – a time series analysis', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 19,

Sicouri G; Perkes I; Hudson JL, 2022, 'Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents', Medicine Today: the peer reviewed journal of clinical practice, 23, pp. 14 - 21,

PERKES IE; FARRELL LJ; Guy L; Eapen V, 2021, 'Obsessive compulsive disorder in children and adolescents', Medicine Today, 22, pp. 28 - 32

Perkes IE; Killey JB; Ball JS; Blinkhorn S; Hazell PL; Ryan CJ, 2020, 'Video Consultation Consumer Home-based Assessment Tool (VC-CHAT)', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 1229 - 1231,

Perkes IE; Brakoulias V; Lam-Po-Tang J; Castle DJ; Fontenelle LF, 2020, 'Contamination compulsions and obsessive-compulsive disorder during COVID-19', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54, pp. 1137 - 1138,

Soler N; Hardwick C; Perkes IE; Mohammad SS; Dossetor D; Nunn K; Bray P; Dale RC, 2019, 'Sensory dysregulation in tic disorders is associated with executive dysfunction and comorbidities', Movement Disorders, 34, pp. 1901 - 1909,

Perkes IE; Birmaher B; Hazell PL, 2019, 'Indications for psychiatric hospitalization of children and adolescents', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53, pp. 729 - 731,

Soler N; Hardwick C; Perkes IE; Dossetor D; Bray P; Dale RC, 2019, 'An exploratory study into an adapted use of the Alert Program for tic disorder in children', Australasian Psychiatry, 27, pp. 144 - 151,

Brakoulias V; Perkes IE; Tsalamanios E, 2018, 'A call for prevention and early intervention in obsessive-compulsive disorder', Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 12, pp. 572 - 577,

Kasinathan J; Baker RJ; Perkes IE, 2017, 'A case for imaging in high-risk psychosis: Insular pathology in first episode psychosis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51, pp. 1057 - 1058,

Perkes IE; Curtis J; McGrath JJ, 2016, 'Don't ignore the skeleton in the psychiatric closet', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 1106 - 1107,

Baguley IJ; Perkes IE; Fernandez-Ortega JF; Rabinstein AA; Dolce G; Hendricks HT, 2014, 'Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after acquired brain injury: consensus on conceptual definition, nomenclature, and diagnostic criteria', Journal of neurotrauma, 31, pp. 1515 - 1520,

Baguley I; Perkes I; Fernandez-Ortega J-F; Rabinstein A; Dolce G; Hendricks H, 2014, 'Establishing consensus on paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after acquired brain injury', BRAIN INJURY, 28, pp. 653 - 654,


Perkes IE; Baguley IJ, 2012, 'Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after acquired brain injury; a coming of age.', International Neurotrauma Letter

Chatfield DA; Brahmbhatt DH; Sharp T; Perkes IE; Outrim JG; Menon DK, 2011, 'Juguloarterial endothelin-1 gradients after severe traumatic brain injury', Neurocritical Care, 14, pp. 55 - 60,

Perkes IE; Menon DK; Nott MT; Baguley IJ, 2011, 'Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after acquired brain injury: A review of diagnostic criteria', Brain Injury, 25, pp. 925 - 932,

Perkes I; Schofield PW; Butler TG; Hollis SJ, 2011, 'Traumatic brain injury rates and sequelae: A comparison of prisoners with a matched community sample in Australia', Brain Injury, 25, pp. 131 - 141,

Schofield PW; Perkes I; Butler TG; Hollis SJ, 2011, 'Traumatic brain injury rates and sequelae: A comparison of prisoners with a matched community sample in Australia. Letter to Editor Response', Brain Injury, 25, pp. 1028 - 1028,

Perkes I; Baguley IJ; Nott MT; Menon DK, 2010, 'A review of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after acquired brain injury', Annals of Neurology, 68, pp. 126 - 135,

Schmidt B; Klingelhöfer J; Perkes I; Czosnyka M, 2009, 'Cerebral autoregulatory response depends on the direction of change in perfusion pressure', Journal of Neurotrauma, 26, pp. 651 - 656,

Baguley IJ; Nott MT; Slewa-Younan S; Heriseanu RE; Perkes IE, 2009, 'Diagnosing Dysautonomia After Acute Traumatic Brain Injury: Evidence for Overresponsiveness to Afferent Stimuli', Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90, pp. 580 - 586,

Geeraerts T; Newcombe VFJ; Coles JP; Abate MG; Perkes IE; Hutchinson PJA; Outtrim JG; Chatfield DA; Menon DK, 2008, 'Use of T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the optic nerve sheath to detect raised intracranial pressure', Critical Care, 12, pp. r114,

Smielewski P; Lavinio A; Timofeev I; Radolovich D; Perkes I; Pickard JD; Czosnyka M, 2008, 'ICM+, a flexible platform for investigations of cerebrospinal dynamics in clinical practice', Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplementum, pp. 145 - 151,

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