Select Publications
Journal articles
2025, 'Art Therapy in Australian Prisons: A Research Agenda', International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 69, pp. 119 - 144,
,2025, 'Obstacles to implementing indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in Africa', Journal of Environmental Management, 373,
,2024, 'University forests and carbon sequestration: an untapped potential', Discover Sustainability, 5,
,2024, 'Why did God let this Happen? Assessing the Spiritual Impacts of Sexual Addiction on Intimate Female Partners: A Qualitative Investigation', Sexuality and Culture, 28, pp. 2113 - 2142,
,2024, 'Heutagogy as a framework for Christian discipleship: the triadic role of biblical wisdom literature, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit', JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION,
,2024, 'Effective domestic climate policies to protect small island states', Nature Climate Change, 14, pp. 660 - 661,
,2024, 'A Future Agenda for Research on In-Service Theological Training in Thailand and Beyond', International Review of Mission, 113, pp. 92 - 114,
,2024, 'Climate-friendly healthcare: reducing the impacts of the healthcare sector on the world’s climate', Sustainability Science, 19, pp. 1103 - 1109,
,2024, 'Can Indigenous ecotheology save the world? Affinities between traditional worldviews and environmental sustainability', Climate and Development, 16, pp. 730 - 738,
,2024, 'Investigating the Impacts of Compulsive Sexual Behaviours on Women Using Descriptive Phenomenology: A Research Agenda', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, pp. 1 - 11,
,2024, 'The impacts of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the work of academic staff at higher education institutions: an international assessment', Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp. 1 - 27,
,2024, 'The Lived Experiences and Well-Being of Female Partners Following Discovery or Disclosure of Their Male Partner’s Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: An Australian Phenomenological Study', Sexuality Research and Social Policy,
,2024, 'Using artificial intelligence to implement the UN sustainable development goals at higher education institutions', International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 31, pp. 726 - 745,
,2023, 'Towards a greater engagement of universities in addressing climate change challenges', Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 19030,
,2023, 'Spirituality and sustainable development: an entangled and neglected relationship', Sustainability Science, 18, pp. 2035 - 2042,
,2023, 'Assessing Research Trends in Spiritual Growth: The Case for Self-Determined Learning', Religions, 14,
,2023, 'Invigorating Interfaith Consciousness for the Common Good: Reimagining the Role of African Religion and Pentecostalism in Contemporary South Africa', Religions, 14,
,2023, 'Spirituality and Sustainable Development: A Systematic Word Frequency Analysis and an Agenda for Research in Pacific Island Countries', Sustainability (Switzerland), 15,
,2023, 'Correction to: Interfaith Engagement: The State of the Art (Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide, (2023), (1-25), 10.1007/978-981-99-3862-9_1)', Interfaith Engagement Beyond the Divide: Approaches, Experiences, and Practices, pp. C1,
,2023, 'Student Voices on the COVID-19 Crisis: An Australian Christian Higher Education Study', Christian Higher Education, 22, pp. 46 - 71,
,2023, 'The Long-Lived Impacts of Sexual Addiction: Examples of Unwanted Gifts That Keep Giving', Sexual Health and Compulsivity, 30, pp. 123 - 127,
,2022, 'Linking sustainability and spirituality: A preliminary assessment in pursuit of a sustainable and ethically correct world', Journal of Cleaner Production, 380,
,2022, 'Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routines of Higher Education Institutions: A Global Perspective', Sustainability (Switzerland), 14,
,2022, 'Deploying artificial intelligence for climate change adaptation', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180,
,2022, 'Adopting the Local Knowledge of Coastal Communities for Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study From Bangladesh', Frontiers in Climate, 4,
,2022, 'Impacts of Sexual Addiction on Intimate Female Partners—The State of the Art', Sexual Health and Compulsivity, 29, pp. 1 - 37,
,2022, 'Pornography addiction and its impacts on intimate female partner wellbeing—a systematic narrative synthesis', Journal of Addictive Diseases, 40, pp. 472 - 480,
,2021, 'Handling climate change education at universities: an overview', Environmental Sciences Europe, 33, pp. 109,
,2021, 'Impacts of climate change to African indigenous communities and examples of adaptation responses', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 6224,
,2021, 'Adaptation to climate change in coastal towns of between 10,000 and 50,000 inhabitants', Ocean and Coastal Management, 212,
,2021, 'The impacts of the early outset of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research: Implications for policy-making', Environmental Science and Policy, 124, pp. 267 - 278,
,2021, 'The impact of short-term cross-cultural experience on the intercultural competence of participating students: A case study of australian high school students', Social Sciences, 10, pp. 313,
,2021, 'Climate change adaptation on small island states: An assessment of limits and constraints', Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, pp. 602,
,2020, 'Coronavirus: COVID-19 Transmission in Pacific Small Island Developing States', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 1 - 8,
,2020, 'Correction to: Transnationalism—Recognizing the Strengths of Dual Belonging for Both Migrant and Society', Journal of International Migration and Integration,
,2020, 'Transnationalism—Recognizing the Strengths of Dual Belonging for Both Migrant and Society', Journal of International Migration and Integration,
,2020, 'Climate change adaptation as a development challenge to small Island states: A case study from the Solomon Islands', Environmental Science & Policy, 107, pp. 179 - 187,
,2019, 'Impact of climate change on spirituality', Pacific Dynamics: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3, pp. 33 - 45,
,2019, 'Over-researching migration ‘hotspots’? Ethical issues from the Carteret Islands', Forced Migration Review, 61, pp. 20 - 22,
,2018, 'Mitigating developmental crises for migrants from South Africa: The role and significance of ‘sense of belonging’', Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia (PACJA), 6,
,2012, 'Sorprendido por la sorpresa: Investigación realizada en las comunidades guaraníes del Chaco boliviano desplazadas por la sequía', Revista de la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), 9, pp. 46 - 53,
,2010, 'Se Busca Liderazgo: Cambio Climático post-Copenhague 2009', Revista de la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), 7, pp. 46 - 53,
,2009, 'Instantaneous Flame Anchor Measurements Behind a Rearward-Facing Step', AIAA JOURNAL, 47, pp. 1350 - 1357,