Select Publications


McLaren M; McAdam J; Luetz JM, 2015, Climate Refugees: The Communities Displaced by Global Warming; 4:24 mins., the guardian, Maldives/Sydney, ,

Luetz JM, 2015, Climate Migration: Bangladesh on the Move, UNSW-TV, ,

Luetz JM, 2013, Plantar árboles urbanos en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. (Countering urban micro-climate change – Building social and environmental capital in Boliva.); 10:34 mins., ,

Luetz JM, 2013, Slowing the rising tide—Johannes Luetz’s research has taken him across the globe in a bid to find more sustainable solutions for climate change migrants, UNSW Newsroom, Sydney, ,

Williams R; Luetz JM; David F, 2013, Rising seas to push out 500 million, ABC Radio National, Sydney, ,

Luetz JM, 2012, 2012 Three Minute Thesis ASPIRE Award - Johannes Luetz; 4:07 mins, UNSW-TV, Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia, UNSW Sydney, ,

Luetz JM, 2011, Bolivia—Leaving the land: Researcher Johannes Luetz takes us on a personal journey of Bolivia where people are leaving the land in droves. UNSW-TV video documentary produced for 2011 Refugee Conference., UNSW-TV, Bolivia/Sydney, ,

Luetz JM, 2008, Pressemitteilung: Millionen Menschen künftig durch Jahrhundertfluten bedroht—World Vision-Bericht „Planet Prepare“ beschreibt dramatische Folgen des Klimawandels - Besserer Schutz für Asiens Küstenbewohner dringend nötig - SPERRFRIST 18.9.2008, World Vision Deutschland e.V., Friedrichsdorf, ,

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