Select Publications


Chen K-E; Tillu VA; Gopaldass N; Chowdhury SR; Leneva N; Kovtun O; Ruan J; Guo Q; Ariotti N; Mayer A; Collins BM, 2024, Molecular basis for the assembly of the Vps5-Vps17 SNX-BAR proteins with Retromer,

Brown H; Islam MI; Ruan J; Baker M; Ithurbide S; Duggin I, 2024, CetZ1-dependent polar assembly of the motility machinery in haloarchaea,

Dickson CF; Hertel S; Ruan J; Ariotti N; Tuckwell A; Li N; Al-Izzi SC; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Morris RG; Towers GJ; Böcking T; Jacques DA, 2023, Karyopherin mimicry explains how the HIV capsid penetrates nuclear pores,

Redpath GMI; Rae J; Yao Y; Ruan J; Cagigas ML; Whan R; Hardeman EC; Gunning PW; Ananthanarayanan V; Parton RG; Ariotti NA, 2022, Precision super-resolution cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy for rapidin situstructural analyses of optogenetically-positioned organelles,

Berengut JF; Ruan J; Kawamoto A; Lee LK, 2019, Design and Synthesis of Pleated DNA Origami Nanotubes with Adjustable Diameters,

Kuschnerus IC; Wen H; Khine YY; Ruan J; Su C-J; Jeng U-S; Opletal G; Barnard A; Osawa E; Shenderova O; Mochalin V; Liu M; Nishikawa M; Chang SLY, Fabrication Process Independent and Robust Aggregation Formation of Detonation Nanodiamonds in Aqueous Media,

Redpath GMI; Rae J; Yao Y; Ruan J; Cagigas ML; Whan R; Hardeman EC; Gunning PW; Ananthanarayanan V; Parton RG; Ariotti N, Precision Super-Resolution Cryo-Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy for Rapid <i>in situ</i> Structural Analyses of Optogenetically-Positioned Organelles,

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