Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Supporting early-career teachers with external mentoring: a scoping review', Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 21,
,2024, 'Epistemologies and Aesthetics of Curriculum, Pedagogical Praxis and Assessment in the Visual Arts: A Comparative Analysis of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and the New South Wales Stage 6 Visual Arts Syllabus', International Journal of Art and Design Education, 43, pp. 99 - 113,
,2023, 'Critical and Creative Thinking as a Form of Making in Art Education', Studies in Art Education, 64, pp. 23 - 39,
,2021, 'Ahead of its time? Reassessing what is core content in Visual Arts in the New South Wales Curriculum', Curriculum Perspectives, 41, pp. 175 - 185,
,2019, 'Reconciling critical and creative thinking capabilities and critical practice in Visual Arts education: A work in progress', Australian Art Education, 40, pp. 262 - 276,
,2018, 'A Realist Account of Critical Agency in Art Criticism in Art and Design Education', International Journal of Art and Design Education, 37, pp. 599 - 610,
,2017, 'Mind, language and artworks as real constraints on students’ critical reasoning about meaning in art', International Journal of Art & Design Education, TBC, pp. 1 - 11,
,2013, 'What ACARA 'forgot' : Opening up the space for a conceptual framework for Visual Arts in the Australian curriculum', Australian Art Education, 35, pp. 24 - 37
,2010, 'Age-related shifts in the theoretical constraints underlying children’s critical reasoning in art', Australian Art Education, 33, pp. 20 - 28
,2010, 'Condition critical: A misdiagnosis in the treatment of critical practice in the proposed curriculum for Visual Arts', Australian Art Education, 33, pp. 15 - 19
,2010, 'Does one size really fit all? How does Visual Arts fair as a knowledge domain in proposals for an Australian Curriculum for the Arts?', Australian Art Education, 33, pp. 35 - 45
,2009, 'Children as art critics: Mapping a continuum of aesthetic learning in visual arts education', International Journal of Learning, 16, pp. 251 - 262,
,2009, 'Pre-service visual arts education in an Australian context', International Journal of Learning, 16, pp. 683 - 694,