Select Publications

Book Chapters

Hetherington K; Hunter JD; Lockridge R; Warby M; Raygadam M; Wakefield CE; Wiener L, 2023, 'The Psychosocial Impact of Familial Endocrine Cancer Syndromes (FECS) on the Patient and Caregiver', in Familial Endocrine Cancer Syndromes: Navigating the Transition of Care for Pediatric and Adolescent Patients, pp. 1 - 35,

Hetherington K, 2019, 'The Camino de Santiago and Wellbeing: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Pilgrimage Experiences of Australian Women', in At the Interface: Probing the Boundaries, pp. 65 - 76,

Moulds M; Hetherington K; Werner-Seidler A, 2014, 'The impact of rumination on positive autobiographical memories in depression.', in K. Kaniasty, K.A. Moore, S. Howard, & P. Buchwald (ed.), Stress and Anxiety: Applications to Social and Environmental Threats, Psychological Well-Being, Occupational Challenges, and Developmental Psychology., pp. 65 - 71

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