Select Publications


Ross J; Darke S; Kelly E; Hetherington K, 2010, Suicide risk assesment and intervention strategies: Current practices in Australian residential drug and alcohol rehabiliation services, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

Hetherington K; McKetin R, 2008, The contribution of cannabis use to psychotic symptoms among methamphetamine treatment entrants, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

Harvey EE; Hetherington K; Sannibale C; Mattick RP, 2006, Methodological review: Outcome studies of diversion and aftercare programs for adult drug-involved offenders, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney, NSW, 259

Spooner C; Hetherington K, 2005, Social determinants of drug use (NDARC Technical Report No. 228), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Sydney,

Ross J; Teesson M; Darke S; Lynskey M; Hetherington K; Mills K; Williamson A; Fairbairn S, 2003, Characteristics of heroin users entering three treatment modalities in New South Wales: Baseline findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS), NDARC UNSW, Sydney,

Ross J; Lynskey M; Teesson M; Darke S; Havard A; Mills K; Williamson A; Hetherington K; Fairbairn S, 2003, Three month outcomes for the treatment of heroin dependence: Findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS) New South Wales, NDARC UNSW, Sydney,

Teesson M; Ross JE; Darke S; Lynskey M; Mills K; Williamson A; Hetherington K; Fairbairn S; Havard A; Wilhelm E; Shanahan M, 2003, Twelve month outcomes of the treatment of heroin dependence: Findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS) New South Wales, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia,

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