Select Publications


Drysdale K; Fisher K; Smyth C; Gendera S; Newman C, 2024, Our Voices, Our Lives, Our Way Project Evaluation Report,,

Kaladelfos A; Newman C; Drysdale K; Haire B; Burton-Clark Y; Brady B; Smith A; Joshi A, 2024, Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission: Current and emerging threats to trans and gender diverse human rights

Drysdale K; Lupton D, 2023, Assessments of public health and community organisation responses to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases by LGBTIQA+ people and those living with blood-borne viruses, UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

Ritter A; Drysdale K; Katz I; de Leeuw E; Bates S, 2022, How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery?, ANZSOG, Sydney,,

Mao L; Kirby E; Drysdale K; Rance J; Treloar C; Tu T; Fowlie C; Howard C, 2021, Resilient ageing and end of life planning among people living with or affected by chronic HBV, HCV or HIV in Australia, UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

Mao L; Guppy J; Moss P; Drysdale K; Habel P; Thomson C; Taber B; Bogie M; Anlezark J, 2020, Ageing among people with HIV or Chronic HBV/HCV in the ACT: a brief report, The AIDS Action Council, Canberra,,

Newman CE; Persson A; valentine K; Hamilton M; Bryant J; Wallace J; Drysdale K; Smith AKJ; Gray R; Lafferty L; Botfield J; Rance J; Cui J, 2020, my health, our family: documenting stories of family life in the context of HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C (summary report), UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

Hopwood M; Drysdale K; Treloar C, 2018, ‘Sunshine on a rainy day’: Crystal methamphetamine use among gay and bisexual men in Perth, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Ritter A; Drysdale K; Katz I; de Leeuw E; Bates S, How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery? A research report prepared by the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW for ANZSOG, Australia and New Zealand School of Government,

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