Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, 'A History of Transition Zones in Biogeographical Classification', in SpringerBriefs in Evolutionary Biology, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 1 - 27,
,2024, 'Impact Tectonics and Transition Zones: The Caribbean', in SpringerBriefs in Evolutionary Biology, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 29 - 46,
,2024, 'Synthesis', in SpringerBriefs in Evolutionary Biology, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 65 - 75,
,2024, 'The South American Transition Zone', in SpringerBriefs in Evolutionary Biology, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 47 - 64,
,2022, 'Les origines de la biogéographie : un point de vue personnel', in La biogéographie, ISTE Group, pp. 7 - 35,
,2019, '10. BEYOND BELIEF', in Beyond Cladistics, University of California Press, pp. 169 - 196,
,2019, '15. WALLACEA DECONSTRUCTED', in Beyond Cladistics, University of California Press, pp. 303 - 318,
,2019, '7. Patterson’S Curse, Molecular Homology, And The Data Matrix', in The Evolution of Phylogenetic Systematics, University of California Press, pp. 151 - 188,
,, 2019, 'Bibliography', in Comparative Biogeography, University of California Press, pp. 259 - 280,
, 2019, 'Introduction', in Comparative Biogeography, University of California Press, pp. 1 - 14,
, 2019, 'Preface', in Comparative Biogeography, University of California Press, pp. xi - xiv,
2017, 'Biodiversity and bioregionalisation perspectives on the historical biogeography of Australia', in Handbook of Australasian Biogeography, CRC Press, pp. 1 - 16
,2016, 'Dispersalism and neodispersalism', in The Future of Phylogenetic Systematics The Legacy of Willi Hennig, Cambridge University Press, pp. 286 - 329
,2015, 'A History of Biogeography for the Twenty-First Century Biogeographer', in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, pp. 1 - 20,
,2015, 'Appendix. Translation of the Introduction to "Commentatio Inauguralis Sistens Historiae Vegetablium Geographiae Specimen" by Friedrich Stromeyer (1800) (Translation by Mark Garland)', in ORIGINS OF BIOGEOGRAPHY: THE ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION IN EARLY PLANT AND ANIMAL GEOGRAPHY, SPRINGER, pp. 165 - 173
,2015, 'Classification Divided', in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, pp. 79 - 106,
,2015, 'Humboldt, Stromeyer and Candolle', in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, pp. 47 - 77,
,2015, 'Origins of Biogeography The role of biological classification in early plant and animal geography Prologue', in ORIGINS OF BIOGEOGRAPHY: THE ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION IN EARLY PLANT AND ANIMAL GEOGRAPHY, SPRINGER, pp. VII - IX
,2015, 'Origins, Race & Distribution', in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, pp. 21 - 45,
,2015, 'Plant and Animal Geography in Practise: Maps, Regions and Regionalisation', in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, pp. 107 - 141,
,2015, 'The Legacy of Nineteenth Century Plant and Animal Geography', in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences, pp. 143 - 156,
,2014, 'Homology and Analogy', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 85 - 108,
,2014, 'Monsters and Misclassifications', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 109 - 124,
,2014, 'Nature and Classification', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 28 - 59
,2014, 'Observation, Theory and Domains', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 125 - 142,
,2014, 'Radistics: A Neutral Terminology', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 143 - 161,
,2014, 'Scientific Classification', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 60 - 84,
,2014, 'The Nature of Science', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 9 - 27,
,2014, 'Worth the Knowing', in Wilkins JS; Ebach MC (ed.), The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, PALGRAVE, pp. 162 - 166,
,2014, 'Homology and Analogy', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 85 - 108,
,2014, 'Introduction', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 1 - 8,
,2014, 'Monsters and Misclassifications', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 109 - 124,
,2014, 'Observation, Theory and Domains', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 125 - 142,
,2014, 'Scientific Classification', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 60 - 84,
,2014, 'The Nature of Science', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 9 - 27,
,2014, 'Worth the Knowing', in The Nature of Classification, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 162 - 166,
,2013, 'Patterson’s Curse, Molecular Homology, and the Data Matrix', in Evolution of Phylogenetic Systematics, University of California Press, pp. 150 - 187,
,2013, 'The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences', in , pp. 1 - 197,
,2013, 'Patterson’s Curse, Molecular Homology, and the Data Matrix', in The Evolution of Phylogenetic Systematics, University of California Press, Berekeley, pp. 151 - 188,
,2011, 'Biogeographical Convergence and Time-Slicing', in Systematics Association Special Volumes, CRC Press, pp. 1 - 12,
,2011, 'Biogeographical convergence and time-slicing: Concepts and methods in comparative biogeography', in Palaeogeography and Palaeobiogeography: Biodiversity in Space and Time, pp. 1 - 11
,2011, 'Biogeographical convergence and time-slicing in cladistic biogeography: Concepts and methods', in Upchurch P; McGowan A; Slater C (ed.), Palaeogeography and Palaeobiogeography: Biodiversity in Space and Time, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida., pp. 1 - 12
,2010, 'Beyond belief: the steady resurrection of phenetics', in Williams DM; Knapp S (ed.), Beyond Cladistics: The Branching of a Paradigm., University of California Press, Berkeley,
,2010, 'Wallacea Deconstructed', in Williams DM; Knapp S (ed.), Beyond Cladistics: The Branching of a Paradigm., University of California Press, Berkeley,
,2009, 'BIOGEOGRAPHIC PROCESSES', in Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth, UNIV CALIFORNIA PRESS, pp. 103 - 117
,2009, 'BUILDING BLOCKS OF BIOGEOGRAPHY Biotic Areas and Area Homology', in Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth, UNIV CALIFORNIA PRESS, pp. 75 - 100
,2009, 'BUILDING BLOCKS OF BIOGEOGRAPHY Endemic Areas and Areas of Endemism', in Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth, UNIV CALIFORNIA PRESS, pp. 53 - 74
,2009, 'Geology and Comparative Biogeography', in Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth, UNIV CALIFORNIA PRESS, pp. 191 - 211
,2009, 'History and Development of Comparative Biogeography', in Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth, UNIV CALIFORNIA PRESS, pp. 17 - 51
,2009, 'IMPLEMENTING PRINCIPLES Biogeography of the Pacific', in Comparative Biogeography: Discovering and Classifying Biogeographical Patterns of a Dynamic Earth, UNIV CALIFORNIA PRESS, pp. 213 - 237