ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2019, 'Gobang Masked Dance: Icon of the Anambas Regency', in Kartomi MJ (ed.), Performing the Arts of Indonesia: Malay Identity and Politics in the Music, Dance and Theatre of the Riau Islands, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS Press), Copenhagen Denmark, pp. 223 - 238
,2019, 'Musical cosmopolitanism in Kepri: An examination of local aesthetic responses to social-cultural transformation', in Kartomi MJ (ed.), Performing the Arts of Indonesia: Malay Identity and Politics in the Music, Dance and Theatre of the Riau Islands, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, pp. 303 - 325
,2017, 'Musical Cosmopolitanism in Kepri: an examination of local aesthetic responses to social-cultural transformation', in Kartomie MJ; Benjamin G (ed.), Performing Malay: the Politics of Identity in the Performing Arts of Indonesia's Riau Archipelago
,2017, 'Gobang Masked Dance-Theatre as Icon of the Anambas Archipelago', in Kartomi MJ (ed.), Performing Malay in a Small Island World: Otodidak Artists and the Politics of Identity in Indonesia’s Riau Archipelago, Singapore
,2013, 'Madness and Recovery: Rite, Renewal, and the Ring Form in T’boli Epic Song', in Revel N (ed.), Song of Memory in Islands of Southeast Asia, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 105 - 128, http://www.c-s-p.org/flyers/Songs-of-Memory-in-Islands-of-Southeast-Asia1-4438-4445-4.htm
,2021, 'PO-1852 Predicting factors for differences between dose algorithms in SBRT lung patients', Radiotherapy and Oncology, 161, pp. S1578 - S1580, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(21)08303-1
,2020, '“This country of China is tough”: Nigerian immigrant music making in Guangzhou, China', African Music:2020 Journal of The International Library of African Music
,2020, 'PH-0287: Transfer learning and Deep Neural Network for lung and heart dose prediction in breast treatments', Radiotherapy and Oncology, 152, pp. S146 - S147, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(21)00311-x
,2020, 'PO-1280: Six-Years Experience Of Peer Review: Analysis of results and lessons learned', Radiotherapy and Oncology, 152, pp. S675 - S675, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(21)01298-6
,2020, 'PO-1608: Assessment of shoulder position variation and its impact on VMAT doses using an EPID-based software', Radiotherapy and Oncology, 152, pp. S875 - S876, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0167-8140(21)01626-1
,2020, 'Rappers, rajas, and borderless spaces: urban musical practices in Kepri province’s 'Growth Triangle’, Indonesia.', Indonesia and the Malay World, 48, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13639811.2020.1729536.
,2018, 'Response to 'Sounding the Spirit: The Life of the T’boli T’nonggong' by Earl Jimenez\. pp.51-55.', Sabangan, Vol II., pp. 51 - 55
,2017, '“This country of China is tough”: African music making in Guangzhou, China', African Diaspora
,2012, 'Tune and Textile: Interrelatedness in the Music and Weaving Arts of the T'boli, Philippines', Humanities Diliman, 9, pp. 1 - 31
,2011, 'Negotiation and hybridity in new Balinese music: Sanggar Bona Alit, a case study', Perfect Beat - the Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture, 12, pp. 45 - 68, http://dx.doi.org/10.1558/prbt.v12i1.45
,2010, 'Lutes, Gongs, Women and Men: (En)Gendering Instrumental Music in the Philippines', Ethnomusicology Forum, 17, pp. 225 - 247, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17411910802283900
,2007, 'Documentation is Documentation and Theory is Theory: A Reply to Daniel Avorgbedor's Commentary on 'Documenting Spoken and Sung Texts of the Dagaaba of West Africa'', Empirical Musicology Review, 2, pp. 152 - 154
,2007, 'Documenting Spoken and Sung Texts of the Dagaaba of West Africa', Empirical Musicology Review, 2, pp. 81 - 102
,2005, 'Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul: A Filipino Epistemology of Adeptness in Musical Performance', Asian Music, 36, pp. 81 - 96, http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/amu.2005.0022
,2013, 'Kepri Popular Music on Bintan and Batam Islands: a pre-Fieldwork Introduction', in The Changing Identity and the sustainability of the music-cultures and worldviews of the Riau Islands' Sea Nomads and Sedentary Malays, Hotel Laguna, Tanjung Pinang Kepulauan Riau Province (Kepri), Indonesia, presented at The Changing Identity and the sustainability of the music-cultures and worldviews of the Riau Islands' Sea Nomads and Sedentary Malays, Hotel Laguna, Tanjung Pinang Kepulauan Riau Province (Kepri), Indonesia, 08 January 2013 - 09 January 2013, http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/music/the-changing-identity-and-sustainability-of-the-music-culture-and-worldviews-of-the-riau-islands-sea-nomads-and-sedentary-malays/
,2015, 'Musical Cosmopolitanism in Kepri: an examination of local aesthetic responses to social-cultural transformation', in The Second International Symposium on the Malay Musical Arts of Indonesia’s Riau Islands, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Clayton Campus, Monash University, Melbourne, presented at The Second International Symposium on the Malay Musical Arts of Indonesia’s Riau Islands, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Clayton Campus, Monash University, Melbourne, 14 January 2015 - 16 January 2015, http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/music-cultures/download/Program.pdf
,2019, Bondi Pavilion, Sydney, Publication: Suwitra Jaya, Festival of the Winds, Bondi Pavilion, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.waverley.nsw.gov.au/recreation/places_of_interest/bondi_pavilion/annual_attractions/festival_of_the_winds%20https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=438847423388446
,2018, Publication: Ritual 2.0 (debut performance at Controlled Voltage), Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://sydneyfringe.com/browse-the-guide-2018
,2017, Io Myers Studio, UNSW, Sydney, Publication: Suwitra Jaya and Langen Suka: A concert of Balinese and Javanese Gamelan, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/gamelan-concert/
,2017, Sydney, NSW, Publication: Suwitra Jaya UNSW Gamelan Orchestra and Langen Suka Javanese Gamelan, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance)
,2017, The Lennox Stage, Prince Alfred Square, Parramatta, Sydney., Publication: Suwitra Jaya, UNSW Balinese gamelan, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.parramasala.com/events/suwitra-jaya-unsw-gamelan-orchestra
,2016, Residence of the Australian Consul-general, Helena Studdert, Sanur, Bali, Publication: Suwitra Jaya, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), http://n.a./
,2015, Io Myers Studio, UNSW, Publication: UNSW Balinese Gamelan: Premier Performance, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://sam.arts.unsw.edu.au/events/gamelan-ensemble-performance/
,2012, Publication: Songs and Dances of the Dagaaba of West Africa, UNESCO/Smithsonian Folkways: The World Heritage Series, 2012, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance)
,2010, Hong Kong Concert Hall; City Hall, Publication: The Stray Katz Big Band (Latin percussion M, Mora), 2010, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance)
,2006, The University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong, Publication: The Hong Kong University Balinese Gamelan Gong Kebyar, 2006, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance)
,2017, Interactive Gamelan, University of New South Wales, Sydney, https://interactivegamelan.arts.unsw.edu.au/
,2014, African musical practices in Guangzhou, China: a preliminary study, Institut für Afrikawissenschaften der Universität Wien, University of Vienna, https://www.facebook.com/afrikawissenschaftenwien/posts/728716510510630