Select Publications

Conference Papers

, 2018, 'Astrochemistry VII: Through the Cosmos from Galaxies to Planets', in Cunningham M; Millar T; Aikawa Y (eds.),

Fissel LM; Ade P; Angilè FE; Campbell Ashton P; Austermann JE; Billings T; Che G; Cho H-M; Cunningham MR; Davis K; Devlin MJ; Dicker S; Dober B; Fukui Y; Galitzki N; gao J; Gordon S; Groppi CE; Hillbrand S; Hilton G; Hubmayr H; Irwin K; Jones P; Klein J; li D; Li Z-Y; lourie N; Lowe I; Mani H; Martin PG; Mauskopf P; McKenney C; Nati F; Novak G; Pascale E; pisano G; Pereira Santos F; Scott D; Sinclair A; Diego Diego Soler J; tucker C; Underhill M; Vissers M; Williams P, 2017, 'BLAST-TNG: A Next Generation Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Polarimeter', in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, pp. 133.06 - 133.06

Akhter S; Cunningham MR; Harvey-Smith L; Nawaz MA; Jones PA; Purcell C; Walsh A, 2016, 'High Mass Star Formation: Properties of NH$_3$ clumps in Southern Galactic Plane', in Jablonka P; André P; van der Tak F (eds.), From Interstellar Clouds to Star-Forming Galaxies: Universal Processes?, pp. E2 - E2,

Green C-E; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Dawson JR; Jones PA; López-Sánchez ÁR; Verdes-Montenegro L; Henkel C; Baan WA; Martín S, 2016, 'Intensity ratios for XDR/PDR identification', in Jablonka P; André P; van der Tak F (eds.), From Interstellar Clouds to Star-Forming Galaxies: Universal Processes?, pp. E30 - E30,

Leurini S; Pillai T; Jones P; Csengeri T; König C; Stanke T; Wyrowski F; Menten KM; Caselli P; Cunningham M; Testi L, 2015, 'G351.77-0.51: ridge formation caught in the act', in EAS Publications Series, Zermatt, Switzerland, pp. 265 - 268, presented at 6th Zermatt ISM Symposium on Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: From Lab to Space, Zermatt, Switzerland, 07 September 2015 - 11 September 2015,

Merello M; Evans NJ; Bronfman L; Garay G; Lo N; Nyman L; Cortés JR; Cunningham MR, 2014, 'ALMA observations of the extremely high velocity, massive and compact molecular outflow G331.512-0.103', in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #223, pp. 244.21 - 244.21

Lo N; Bronfman L; Cunningham M; Jones P; Cortes P; Simon R, 2013, 'An atomic carbon view of massive star formation', in Protostars and Planets VI Posters

Jones P; Cunningham M, 2013, 'Molecular Cloud Formation and ISM Phases in G333', in Protostars and Planets VI Posters

Walsh AJ; Breen SL; Britton T; Brooks KJ; Burton MG; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Harvey-Smith L; Hindson L; Hoare MG; Indermuehle B; Jones PA; Lo N; Longmore SN; Lowe V; Phillips CJ; Purcell CR; Thompson MA; Urquhart JS; Voronkov MA; White GL; Whiting M, 2011, 'HOPS: The H$_2$O Southern Galactic Plane Survey', in Röllig M; Simon R; Ossenkopf V; Stutzki J (eds.), EAS Publications Series, pp. 135 - 138,

Simpson JP; Cotera AS; Bains I; Burton MG; Cunningham M; Lo N, 2011, 'Using Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy to Characterize the Massive Young Stellar Objects in the G333 Massive Star Forming Region', in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #217, pp. 113.04 - 113.04

Van Loon JT; Arce H; Bailey A; Bains I; Begum A; Bekki K; Bekhti NB; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brooks K; Brunt C; Burton M; Caswell J; Cunningham M; Dickey J; Douglas K; Ellingsen S; English J; Estalella R; Ford A; Foster T; Gaensler B; Gallagher J; Gibson S; Girart J; Goldsmith P; Gómez JF; Gómez Y; Green A; Green J; Haffner M; Heiles C; Heitsch F; Hennebelle P; Hirota T; Hoare M; Imai H; Izumiura H; Joncas G; Jones P; Kalberla P; Kang JH; Kawamura A; Kerp J; Kerton C; Koo BC; Kothes R; Kurtz S; Lakićević M; Landecker T; Lazarian A; Lo N; Lockman F; Magnani L; McClure-Griffiths N; Menten K; Migenes V; Miville-Deschênes MA; Muller E; Nakagawa A; Nakanishi H; Nakashima JI; Nidever D; Nigra L; Peek J; Pérez-Torres M; Phillips C; Putman M; Remijan A; Richter P; Schilke P; Sofue Y; Stanimirović S; Tafoya D; Taylor R; Tian WW; Uscanga L; Voronkov M; Wakker B; Walsh A; Westmeier T; Winkel B; Zweibel E; Bagheri G; Barway S; Beletsky Y; Bernard JP; Bietenholz M; Booth R; Bot C; Brinks E; Cioni MR; De Blok E; Douglas K; Evans C; Gibson B; Gibson S, 2010, 'ASKAP and MeerKAT surveys of the magellanic clouds', in Proceedings of Science

Simpson JP; Cotera AS; Bains I; Burton MG; Cunningham M; Lo N, 2010, 'Massive Young Stellar Objects in the G333 Giant Molecular Cloud', in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #215, pp. 259 - 259

Lazendic J; Slane P; Dame T; Cunningham M; Walsh A, 2010, 'Re-examining Molecular Clouds Associated With Tev-emitting Snr G347.3-0.5', in AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division #11, pp. 687 - 687

Wong TH; Ott J; Ryder SD; Kohno K; Buta R; Dahlem M; Whiteoak JB; Chin Y; Cunningham MR, 2006, 'ATCA Imaging of Dense Gas in Star-Forming Environments', in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, pp. 921 - 921

McAlpine I; Newbury R; Hatsidimitris G; Cunningham M, 2005, 'Multimedia Enhanced Active Learning Studio: a development in physics teaching', in Kommers P; Richards G (ed.), World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA)2005, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1900 - 1907, presented at ED-MEDIA 2005 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Montreal, Canada, 27 June 2005 - 02 July 2005

Hill T; Burton MG; Minier V; Thompson MA; Walsh AJ; Cunningham MR, 2005, 'Examining the Evolutionary Sequence of Massive Star Formation', in Protostars and Planets V Posters, pp. 8097 - 8097

McAlpine I; Wilson-Goossens KF; Russell C; Cunningham M, 2004, 'An Online Diary as a Research and Evaluation Tool for First Year Physics', in 21st ASCILITE Conference, Perth, WA, presented at 21st ASCILITE Conference, Perth, WA, 05 December 2004 - 08 December 2004

Hidas MG; Webb JK; Ashley MCB; Hunt M; Anderson J; Irwin M, 2003, 'A Transit Search for Extrasolar Planets with the 0.5m Automated Patrol Telescope', in Ikeuchi S; Hearnshaw J; Hanawa T (eds.), The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume 1, pp. 65 - 68

Jones PA; Hunt-Cunningham MR; Whiteoak JB; White GL, 2003, 'Star Formation in the Southern Hemisphere: A Millimetre-Wave Survey of Dense Southern Cores', in Ikeuchi S; Hearnshaw J; Hanawa T (eds.), The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume 1, pp. 173 - 176

Hunt-Cunningham MR; Whiteoak JB; Priestley P, 2002, 'Massive Star Formation From Colliding Molecular Clouds?', in Ikeuchi S; Hearnshaw J; Hanawa T (eds.), 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume II, pp. 145 - 146

Hunt MR; Whiteoak JB; White GL; Jones PA, 1998, 'Molucular abundances in G 1. 6-0. 025', in Sofue Y (ed.), The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies, pp. 183 - 183

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