Journal articles
Bij A; Fissel LM; Bonne L; Schneider N; Berthoud M; Lee D; Novak GA; Sadavoy SI; Pillai TGS; Cunningham M; Jones P; Simon R, 2024, 'Magnetic Field Alignment Relative to Multiple Tracers in the High-mass Star-forming Region RCW 36', Astrophysical Journal, 975,
Dawson JR; Jones PA; Purcell C; Walsh AJ; Breen SL; Brown C; Carretti E; Cunningham MR; Dickey JM; Ellingsen SP; Gibson SJ; Gómez JF; Green JA; Imai H; Krishnan V; Lo N; Lowe V; Marquarding M; McClure-Griffiths NM, 2022, 'SPLASH: the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl - data description and release', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512, pp. 3345 - 3364,
Liu HL; Liu T; Evans NJ; Wang K; Garay G; Qin SL; Li S; Stutz A; Goldsmith PF; Liu SY; Tej A; Zhang Q; Juvela M; Li D; Wang JZ; Bronfman L; Ren Z; Wu YF; Kim KT; Lee CW; Tatematsu K; Cunningham MR; Liu XC; Wu JW; Hirota T; Lee JE; Li PS; Kang SJ; Mardones D; Ristorcelli I; Zhang Y; Luo QY; Toth LV; Yi HW; Yun HS; Peng YP; Li J; Zhu FY; Shen ZQ; Baug T; Dewangan LK; Chakali E; Liu R; Xu FW; Wang Y; Zhang C; Li J; Zhou J; Tang M; Xue Q; Issac N; Soam A; Álvarez-Gutiérrez RH, 2022, 'Erratum: ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - III. Catalogues of candidate hot molecular cores and hyper/ultra compact H ii regions (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021) 505 (2801) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1352)', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511, pp. 501 - 505,
Liu HL; Liu T; Evans NJ; Wang K; Garay G; Qin SL; Li S; Stutz A; Goldsmith PF; Liu SY; Tej A; Zhang Q; Juvela M; Li D; Wang JZ; Bronfman L; Ren Z; Wu YF; Kim KT; Lee CW; Tatematsu K; Cunningham MR; Liu XC; Wu JW; Hirota T; Lee JE; Li PS; Kang SJ; Mardones D; Ristorcelli I; Zhang Y; Luo QY; Toth LV; Yi HW; Yun HS; Peng YP; Li J; Zhu FY; Shen ZQ; Baug T; Dewangan LK; Chakali E; Liu R; Xu FW; Wang Y; Zhang C; Li J; Zhou J; Tang M; Xue Q; Issac N; Soam A; Álvarez-Gutiérrez RH, 2021, 'ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - III. Catalogues of candidate hot molecular cores and hyper/ultra compact H ii regions', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, pp. 2801 - 2818,
Akhter S; Cunningham MR; Harvey-Smith L; Nawaz MA; Jones PA; Walsh A; De Gouveia Dal Pino EM; Falceta-Goncalves D, 2021, 'Do dense molecular cores with broad emission spectra at', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502, pp. 5896 - 5920,
Sahu D; Liu SY; Liu T; Evans NJ; Hirano N; Tatematsu K; Lee CF; Kim KT; Dutta S; Alina D; Bronfman L; Cunningham M; Eden DJ; Garay G; Goldsmith PF; He J; Hsu SY; Jhan KS; Johnstone D; Juvela M; Kim G; Kuan YJ; Kwon W; Lee CW; Lee JE; Li D; Li PS; Li S; Luo QY; Montillaud J; Moraghan A; Pelkonen VM; Qin SL; Ristorcelli I; Sanhueza P; Shang H; Shen ZQ; Soam A; Wu Y; Zhang Q; Zhou J, 2021, 'ALMA survey of orion planck galactic cold clumps (ALMASOP): Detection of extremely high-density compact structure of prestellar cores and multiple substructures within', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 907,
Syme AM; Mousley A; Cunningham M; McKemmish LK; Syme A-M, 2020, 'Diatomic Rovibronic Transitions as Potential Probes for Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio across Cosmological Time', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 73, pp. 743 - 756,
Liu T; Evans NJ; Kim KT; Goldsmith PF; Liu SY; Zhang Q; Tatematsu K; Wang K; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Cunningham MR; Garay G; Hirota T; Lee JE; Kang SJ; Li D; Li PS; Mardones D; Qin SL; Ristorcelli I; Tej A; Viktor Toth L; Wu JW; Wu YF; Yi HW; Yun HS; Liu HL; Peng YP; Li J; Li SH; Lee CW; Shen ZQ; Baug T; Wang JZ; Zhang Y; Issac N; Zhu FY; Luo QY; Soam A; Liu XC; Xu FW; Wang Y; Zhang C; Ren Z, 2020, 'ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions – I. Survey description and a first look at G9.62+0.19', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, pp. 2790 - 2820,
Liu T; Evans NJ; Kim KT; Goldsmith PF; Liu SY; Zhang Q; Tatematsu K; Wang K; Juvela M; Bronfman L; Cunningham MR; Garay G; Hirota T; Lee JE; Kang SJ; Li D; Li PS; Mardones D; Qin SL; Ristorcelli I; Tej A; Toth LV; Wu JW; Wu YF; Yi HW; Yun HS; Liu HL; Peng YP; Li J; Li SH; Lee CW; Shen ZQ; Baug T; Wang JZ; Zhang Y; Issac N; Zhu FY; Luo QY; Liu XC; Xu FW; Wang Y; Zhang C; Ren Z, 2020, 'ATOMS: ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions – II. Compact objects in ACA observations and star formation scaling relations', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, pp. 2821 - 2835,
Hu Y; Yuen KH; Lazarian A; Fissel LM; Jones PA; Cunningham MR, 2019, 'Tracing Multi-scale Magnetic Field Structure Using Multiple Chemical Tracers in Giant Molecular Clouds', The Astrophysical Journal, 884, pp. 137 - 137,
Fissel LM; Ade PAR; Angile FE; Ashton P; Benton SJ; Chen CY; Cunningham M; Devlin MJ; Dober B; Friesen R; Fukui Y; Galitzki N; Gandilo NN; Goodman A; Green CE; Jones P; Klein J; King P; Korotkov AL; Li ZY; Lowe V; Martin PG; Matthews TG; Moncelsi L; Nakamura F; Netterfield CB; Newmark A; Novak G; Pascale E; Poidevin F; Santos FP; Savini G; Scott D; Shariff JA; Soler JD; Thomas NE; Tucker CE; Tucker GS; Ward-Thompson D; Zucker C, 2019, 'Relative alignment between the magnetic field and molecular gas structure in the vela c giant molecular cloud using low- and high-density tracers', Astrophysical Journal, 878,
Dénes H; Jones PA; Tóth LV; Zahorecz S; Koo BC; Pinter S; Racz II; Balázs LG; Cunningham MR; Doi Y; Horvath I; Kovács T; Onishi T; Suleiman N; Bagoly Z, 2019, 'Exploring the pattern of the Galactic HI foreground of GRBs with the ATCA', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, pp. 3778 - 3796,
Leurini S; Schisano E; Pillai T; Giannetti A; Urquhart J; Csengeri T; Casu S; Cunningham M; Elia D; Jones PA; König C; Molinari S; Stanke T; Testi L; Wyrowski F; Menten KM, 2019, 'Characterising the high-mass star forming filament G351.776-0.527 with Herschel and APEX dust continuum and gas observations', åp, 621, pp. A130 - A130,
Eden DJ; Liu T; Kim K-T; Juvela M; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu K; Di Francesco J; Wang K; Wu Y; Thompson MA; Fuller GA; Li D; Ristorcelli I; Kang S-J; Hirano N; Johnstone D; Lin Y; He JH; Koch PM; Sanhueza P; Qin S-L; Zhang Q; Goldsmith PF; Evans NJ; Yuan J; Zhang C-P; White GJ; Choi M; Won Lee C; Toth LV; Mairs S; Yi H-W; Tang M; Soam A; Peretto N; Samal MR; Fich M; Parsons H; Malinen J; Bendo GJ; Rivera-Ingraham A; Liu H-L; Wouterloot J; Li PS; Qian L; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Feng S; Wang B; Li D; Liu M; Luo G; Marston AP; Pattle KM; Pelkonen V-M; Rigby AJ; Zahorecz S; Zhang G; B H ogner R; Aikawa Y; Akhter S; Alina D; Bell G; Bernard J-P; Blain A; Bronfman L; Byun D-Y; Chapman S; Chen H-R; Chen M; Chen W-P; Chen X; Chen X; Chrysostomou A; Chu Y-H; Chung EJ; Cornu D; Cosentino G; Cunningham MR; Demyk K; Drabek-Maunder E; Doi Y; Eswaraiah C; Falgarone E; Fehér O; Fraser H; Friberg P; Garay G; Ge JX; Gear WK; Greaves J; Guan X; Harvey-Smith L; Hasegawa T; He Y; Henkel C; Hirota T; Holland W; Hughes A; Jarken E; Ji T-G; Jimenez-Serra I; Kang M; Kawabata KS; Kim G; Kim J; Kim J; Kim S; Koo B-C; Kwon W; Kuan Y-J; Lacaille KM; Lai S-P; Lee CF; Lee J-E; Lee Y-U; Li H; Lo N; Lopez JAP; Lu X; Lyo A-R; Mardones D; McGehee P; Meng F; Montier L; Montillaud J; Moore TJT; Morata O; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Ohashi S; Pak S; Park G; Paladini R; Pech G; Qiu K; Ren Z-Y; Richer J; Sakai T; Shang H; Shinnaga H; Stamatellos D; Tang Y-W; Traficante A; Vastel C; Viti S; Walsh A; Wang H; Wang J; Ward-Thompson D; Whitworth A; Wilson CD; Xu Y; Yang J; Yuan Y-L; Yuan L; Zavagno A; Zhang C; Zhang G; Zhang H-W; Zhou C; Zhou J; Zhu L; Zuo P, 2019, 'SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - Survey Description and Compact Source Catalogue', \mnras,
Cunningham MR; Green CE; Jones PA; Novak G; Fissel L, 2018, 'The role of automated methods for filament finding in understanding the complex relationship between filaments, magnetic fields and star formation', Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14, pp. 23 - 26,
Mills EAC; Corby J; Clements AR; Butterfield N; Jones PA; Cunningham MR; Ott J, 2018, 'A Centimeter-wave Study of Methanol and Ammonia Isotopologues in Sgr B2(N): Physical and Chemical Differentiation between Two Hot Cores', \apj, 869, pp. 121 - 121,
Tremblay CD; Jones PA; Cunningham M; Hurley-Walker N; Jordan CH; Tingay SJ, 2018, 'A Molecular Line Survey around Orion at Low Frequencies with the MWA', \apj, 860, pp. 145 - 145,
Wang K; Zahorecz S; Cunningham MR; Tóth LV; Liu T; Lu X; Wang Y; Cosentino G; Sung R-S; Sokolov V; Wang S; Wang Y; Zhang Z; Li D; Kim K-T; Tatematsu K; Testi L; Wu Y; Yang J; Collaboration SAMPLING, 2018, 'First Data Release of the ESO-ARO Public Survey SAMPLING\mdashSMT \ldquoAll-sky\rdquo Mapping of Planck Interstellar Nebulae in the Galaxy', Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, 2, pp. 2 - 2,
Riquelme D; Amo-Baladrón MA; Martín-Pintado J; Mauersberger R; Martín S; Burton M; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Menten KM; Bronfman L; Güsten R, 2018, 'Footpoints of the giant molecular loops in the Galactic center region', åp, 613, pp. A42 - A42,
Tremblay CD; Jordan CH; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Hurley-Walker N, 2018, 'Low-Frequency Carbon Recombination Lines in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex', \pasa, 35, pp. e018 - e018,
Harvey-Smith L; Hardwick JA; De Marco O; Parthasarathy M; Gonidakis I; Akhter S; Cunningham M; Green JA, 2018, 'The nature of the Stingray nebula from radio observations', \mnras, 479, pp. 1842 - 1849,
Tang M; Liu T; Qin S-L; Kim K-T; Wu Y; Tatematsu K; Yuan J; Wang K; Parsons H; Koch PM; Sanhueza P; Ward-Thompson D; Tóth LV; Soam A; Lee CW; Eden D; Di Francesco J; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Montillaud J; Zhang C-P; Cunningham MR, 2018, 'The Properties of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps in the L1495 Dark Cloud', \apj, 856, pp. 141 - 141,
Liu T; Kim K-T; Juvela M; Wang K; Tatematsu K; Di Francesco J; Liu S-Y; Wu Y; Thompson M; Fuller G; Eden D; Li D; Ristorcelli I; Kang S-J; Lin Y; Johnstone D; He JH; Koch PM; Sanhueza P; Qin S-L; Zhang Q; Hirano N; Goldsmith PF; Evans NJ; White GJ; Choi M; Lee CW; Toth LV; Mairs S; Yi H-W; Tang M; Soam A; Peretto N; Samal MR; Fich M; Parsons H; Yuan J; Zhang C-P; Malinen J; Bendo GJ; Rivera-Ingraham A; Liu H-L; Wouterloot J; Li PS; Qian L; Rawlings J; Rawlings MG; Feng S; Aikawa Y; Akhter S; Alina D; Bell G; Bernard J-P; Blain A; B H ogner R; Bronfman L; Byun D-Y; Chapman S; Chen H-R; Chen M; Chen W-P; Chen X; Chen X; Chrysostomou A; Cosentino G; Cunningham MR; Demyk K; Drabek-Maunder E; Doi Y; Eswaraiah C; Falgarone E; Fehér O; Fraser H; Friberg P; Garay G; Ge JX; Gear WK; Greaves J; Guan X; Harvey-Smith L; HASEGAWA T; Hatchell J; He Y; Henkel C; Hirota T; Holland W; Hughes A; Jarken E; Ji T-G; Jimenez-Serra I; Kang M; Kawabata KS; Kim G; Kim J; Kim J; Kim S; Koo B-C; Kwon W; Kuan Y-J; Lacaille KM; Lai S-P; Lee CF; Lee J-E; Lee Y-U; Li D; Li H-B; Lo N; Lopez JAP; Lu X; Lyo A-R; Mardones D; Marston A; McGehee P; Meng F; Montier L; Montillaud J; Moore T; Morata O; Moriarty-Schieven GH; Ohashi S; Pak S; Park G; Paladini R; Pattle KM; Pech G; Pelkonen V-M; Qiu K; Ren Z-Y; Richer J; Saito M; Sakai T; Shang H; Shinnaga H; Stamatellos D; Tang Y-W; Traficante A; Vastel C; Viti S; Walsh A; Wang B; Wang H; Wang J; Ward-Thompson D; Whitworth A; Xu Y; Yang J; Yang Y-L; Yuan L; Zavagno A; Zhang G; Zhang H-W; Zhou C; Zhou J; Zhu L; Zuo P; Zhang C, 2018, 'The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps: Survey Overview and Results of an Exemplar Source, PGCC G26.53+0.17', \apjs, 234, pp. 28 - 28,
Breen SL; Green C-E; Cunningham MR; Voronkov MA; Horiuchi S; Green JA, 2018, 'Water masers and ammonia (1, 1) and (2, 2) towards six regions in the Carina Nebula', \mnras, 473, pp. 2 - 13,
Longmore SN; Walsh AJ; Purcell CR; Burke DJ; Henshaw J; Walker D; Urquhart J; Barnes AT; Whiting M; Burton MG; Breen SL; Britton T; Brooks KJ; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Harvey-Smith L; Hindson L; Hoare MG; Indermuehle B; Jones PA; Lo N; Lowe V; Moore TJT; Thompson MA; Voronkov MA, 2017, 'H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS): Paper III - properties of dense molecular gas across the inner Milky Way', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470, pp. 1462 - 1490,
Tremblay CD; Hurley-Walker N; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Hancock PJ; Wayth R; Jordan CH, 2017, 'A first look for molecules between 103 and 133 MHz using the Murchison Widefield Array', \mnras, 471, pp. 4144 - 4154,
Tatematsu K; Liu T; Ohashi S; Sanhueza P; Nguyen Lu o ng Q; Hirota T; Liu S-Y; Hirano N; Choi M; Kang M; Thompson MA; Fuller G; Wu Y; Li D; Di Francesco J; Kim K-T; Wang K; Ristorcelli I; Juvela M; Shinnaga H; Cunningham M; Saito M; Lee J-E; Tóth LV; He J; Sakai T; Kim J; Collaboration JCMTLPSCOPE; Collaboration TRAOKSPTOP, 2017, 'Astrochemical Properties of Planck Cold Clumps', \apjs, 228, pp. 12 - 12,
Longmore SN; Walsh AJ; Purcell CR; Burke DJ; Henshaw J; Walker D; Urquhart J; Barnes AT; Whiting M; Burton MG; Breen SL; Britton T; Brooks KJ; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Harvey-Smith L; Hindson L; Hoare MG; Indermuehle B; Jones PA; Lo N; Lowe V; Moore TJT; Thompson MA; Voronkov MA, 2017, 'H$_2$O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS): Paper III - properties of dense molecular gas across the inner Milky Way', \mnras, 470, pp. 1462 - 1490,
Green C-E; Dawson JR; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Novak G; Fissel LM, 2017, 'Measuring Filament Orientation: A New Quantitative, Local Approach', \apjs, 232, pp. 6 - 6,
Green C-E; Cunningham MR; Dawson JR; Jones PA; Novak G; Fissel LM, 2017, 'Removing Visual Bias in Filament Identification: A New Goodness-of-fit Measure', \apjl, 840, pp. L17 - L17,
Paron S; Ortega ME; Fari na C; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Rubio M, 2016, 'A view of Large Magellanic Cloud H II regions N159, N132, and N166 through the 345-GHz window', \mnras, 455, pp. 518 - 525,
Green C-E; Cunningham MR; Green JA; Dawson JR; Jones PA; López-Sánchez ÁR; Verdes-Montenegro L; Henkel C; Baan WA; Martín S, 2016, 'Dense circumnuclear molecular gas in starburst galaxies', \mnras, 457, pp. 2470 - 2479,
Jones PA; Cunningham MR; Tóth LV; Liu T; Lopez JAP, 2016, 'Millimetre molecular lines in Planck cold clumps', IAU Focus Meeting, 29, pp. 60 - 60,
Henshaw JD; Longmore SN; Kruijssen JMD; Davies B; Bally J; Barnes A; Battersby C; Burton M; Cunningham MR; Dale JE; Ginsburg A; Immer K; Jones PA; Kendrew S; Mills EAC; Molinari S; Moore TJT; Ott J; Pillai T; Rathborne J; Schilke P; Schmiedeke A; Testi L; Walker D; Walsh A; Zhang Q, 2016, 'Molecular gas kinematics within the central 250 pc of the Milky Way', \mnras, 457, pp. 2675 - 2702,
Liu T; Zhang Q; Kim K-T; Wu Y; Lee CW; Lee J-E; Tatematsu K; Choi M; Juvela M; Thompson M; Goldsmith PF; Liu S-Y; Naomi H; Koch P; Henkel C; Sanhueza P; He J; Rivera-Ingraham A; Wang K; Cunningham MR; Tang Y-W; Lai S-P; Yuan J; Li D; Fuller G; Kang M; Nguyen Luong Q; Liu HB; Ristorcelli I; Yang J; Xu Y; Hirota T; Mardones D; Qin S-L; Chen H-R; Kwon W; Meng F; Zhang H; Kim M-R; Yi H-W, 2016, 'Planck Cold Clumps in the λ Orionis Complex. I. Discovery of an Extremely Young Class 0 Protostellar Object and a Proto-brown Dwarf Candidate in the Bright-rimmed Clump PGCC G192.32-11.88', \apjs, 222, pp. 7 - 7,
Wiles B; Lo N; Redman MP; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Burton MG; Bronfman L, 2016, 'Scaled up low-mass star formation in massive star-forming cores in the G333 giant molecular cloud', \mnras, 458, pp. 3429 - 3442,
Liu T; Kim K-T; Yoo H; Liu S-Y; Tatematsu K; Qin S-L; Zhang Q; Wu Y; Wang K; Goldsmith PF; Juvela M; Lee J-E; Tóth LV; Mardones D; Garay G; Bronfman L; Cunningham MR; Li D; Lo N; Ristorcelli I; Schnee S, 2016, 'Star Formation Laws in Both Galactic Massive Clumps and External Galaxies: Extensive Study with Dust Coninuum, HCN (4-3), and CS (7-6)', \apj, 829, pp. 59 - 59,
Paron S; Celis Pe na M; Ortega ME; Cunningham M; Jones PA; Rubio M, 2016, 'Studying the molecular gas towards the R Coronae Australis dark cloud', Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 58, pp. 203 - 205
Lopez JAP; Cunningham MR; Jones PA; Marshall JP; Bronfman L; Lo N; Walsh AJ, 2016, 'The chemistry and kinematics of two molecular clouds near Sagittarius A*', \mnras, 463, pp. 1363 - 1389,
Olmi L; Cunningham M; Elia D; Jones P, 2016, 'The segregation of starless and protostellar clumps in the Hi-GAL \ell = 224\deg region', åp, 594, pp. A58 - A58,
Schneider N; Bontemps S; Motte F; Ossenkopf V; Klessen RS; Simon R; Fechtenbaum S; Herpin F; Tremblin P; Csengeri T; Myers PC; Hill T; Cunningham M; Federrath C, 2016, 'Understanding star formation in molecular clouds. III. Probability distribution functions of molecular lines in Cygnus X', åp, 587, pp. A74 - A74,
Qiao H-H; Walsh AJ; Gómez JF; Imai H; Green JA; Dawson JR; Shen Z-Q; Ellingsen SP; Breen SL; Jones PA; Gibson SJ; Cunningham MR, 2016, 'Unusual Shock-excited OH Maser Emission in a Young Planetary Nebula', \apj, 817, pp. 37 - 37,
Corby JF; Jones PA; Cunningham MR; Menten KM; Belloche A; Schwab FR; Walsh AJ; Balnozan E; Bronfman L; Lo N; Remijan AJ, 2015, 'An ATCA survey of Sagittarius B2 at 7 mm: chemical complexity meets broad-band interferometry', \mnras, 452, pp. 3969 - 3993,
Liu T; Wu Y; Mardones D; Kim K-T; Menten KM; Tatematsu K; Cunningham M; Juvela M; Zhang Q; Goldsmith PF; Liu S-Y; Zhang H-W; Meng F; Li D; Lo N; Guan X; Yuan J; Belloche A; Henkel C; Wyrowski F; Garay G; Ristorcelli I; Lee J-E; Wang K; Bronfman L; Toth LV; Schnee S; Qin S; Akhter S, 2015, 'Follow-Up Observations Toward Planck Cold Clumps with Ground-Based Radio Telescopes', Publication of Korean Astronomical Society, 30, pp. 79 - 82,
Ginsburg A; Walsh A; Henkel C; Jones PA; Cunningham M; Kauffmann J; Pillai T; Mills EAC; Ott J; Kruijssen JMD; Menten KM; Battersby C; Rathborne J; Contreras Y; Longmore S; Walker D; Dawson J; Lopez JAP, 2015, 'High-mass star-forming cloud G0.38+0.04 in the Galactic center dust ridge contains H$_2$CO and SiO masers', åp, 584, pp. L7 - L7,
Akhter S; Cunningham MR; Harvey-Smith L; Jones PA, 2015, 'How do Massive Stars Form? Infall \amp Outflow in Dense Cores in the Milky way', Publication of Korean Astronomical Society, 30, pp. 99 - 101,
Lo N; Wiles B; Redman MP; Cunningham MR; Bains I; Jones PA; Burton MG; Bronfman L, 2015, 'Infall, outflow, and turbulence in massive star-forming cores in the G333 giant molecular cloud', \mnras, 453, pp. 3245 - 3256,
Jordan CH; Walsh AJ; Lowe V; Voronkov MA; Ellingsen SP; Breen SL; Purcell CR; Barnes PJ; Burton MG; Cunningham MR; Hill T; Jackson JM; Longmore SN; Peretto N; Urquhart JS, 2015, 'MALT-45: a 7 mm survey of the southern Galaxy - I. Techniques and spectral line data', \mnras, 448, pp. 2344 - 2361,
Anderson LD; Deharveng L; Zavagno A; Tremblin P; Lowe V; Cunningham MR; Jones P; Mullins AM; Redman MP, 2015, 'Mopra CO Observations of the Bubble H II Region RCW 120', \apj, 800, pp. 101 - 101,
Barnes PJ; Muller E; Indermuehle B; O Dougherty SN; Lowe V; Cunningham M; Hernandez AK; Fuller GA, 2015, 'The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey. I. Survey Overview, Initial Data Releases, and First Results', \apj, 812, pp. 6 - 6,
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